not many do the will of God vis a vis politics


New member
Here is a psg from Ps 101

apparently this is God speaking (?) so I will capitalize "my"

My eyes are upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with Me.

He who walks in the way of integrity shall be in My service.

So, as concerns politics, who are those who "walk in the way of integrity"?

well, we already know about Clinton... She just does whatever she wants, national security be----

So... moving along

I believe all the 17 R candidates at least TRY to walk in integrity

But Bush... Does he really believe that some babies are more important than others? more deserving of continued existence? Or does he only say such to get elected?

Is that integrity?

not judging, just saying...

This is important b/c



New member
to walk in integrity means simply walking in TRUTH... going where truth and justice lead, even if (and here is where so many fail)

pain and hardship are your "reward" (in this life)

Ted Cruz

for president



New member
Trump, the current headliner of the Republican party has stated in no uncertain terms that he does not bother with God and vice versa.

Of the other 16 rightwing candidates how many of them wilfully posed in pictures with the now fully-exposed sexual deviant and all-around sleaze bag, Josh Duggar? Many of them. In fact Huckabee, a self-proclaimed Conservative Christian doubled down in his recent defense of him when the scumbag was found to have molested his own two younger sisters.

This Is What The Republican Party Has Come To Today.


New member
I think Sanders is the only one running with integrity. The rest of them are for sale or sold to billionaires to get the money to run.


New member
Trump, the current headliner of the Republican party has stated in no uncertain terms that he does not bother with God and vice versa.

Of the other 16 rightwing candidates how many of them wilfully posed in pictures with the now fully-exposed sexual deviant and all-around sleaze bag, Josh Duggar? Many of them. In fact Huckabee, a self-proclaimed Conservative Christian doubled down in his recent defense of him when the scumbag was found to have molested his own two younger sisters.

This Is What The Republican Party Has Come To Today.

I don't see this much different than posing with that whack job Al Sharpton (known tax evader and womanizer) or Jesse Jackson.

What has the democratic party come to?


New member
I don't see this much different than posing with that whack job Al Sharpton (known tax evader and womanizer) or Jesse Jackson.

What has the democratic party come to?

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
Check and mate.

“Beware the man who says he knows God’s will. He is like a horse that believes it controls its rider.”
-Bernard Cornwell

Personally, I'm ready for an agnostic or atheist president, just to have a CHANCE of finally starting the process of removing religious rhetoric from politics.


New member
I don't see this much different than posing with that whack job Al Sharpton (known tax evader and womanizer) or Jesse Jackson.

What has the democratic party come to?
I don't think either of them are running for president or would get much support if they did. They don't represent the democratic party. It would be like pointing towards a kkk member who is a republican and pretending they represent republicans as a whole.


New member
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
Check and mate.

“Beware the man who says he knows God’s will. He is like a horse that believes it controls its rider.”
-Bernard Cornwell

Personally, I'm ready for an agnostic or atheist president, just to have a CHANCE of finally starting the process of removing religious rhetoric from politics.
The actual TRUE Christian we've had in decades, Jimmy Carter, the Republicans demonized, defamed, insulted and otherwise ran him out of Office to replace him with their current god. A fake Christian named Ronald Reagan who ushered in the extreme religious rightwing into modern politics. Wasn't even a conservative to boot. Not to mention one of the biggest liars we've had as President ever.

Republicans are a joke.


New member
Of the other 16 rightwing candidates how many of them wilfully posed in pictures with the now fully-exposed sexual deviant and all-around sleaze bag, Josh Duggar? Many of them. In fact Huckabee, a self-proclaimed Conservative Christian doubled down in his recent defense of him when the scumbag was found to have molested his own two younger sisters.

Come To Today.

haven't seen this

and won't believe it until i see it or hear about it from a reliable source

libs all lie so i don't listen to them...



New member
Trump, the current headliner of the Republican party has stated in no uncertain terms that he does not bother with God and vice versa.

Of the other 16 rightwing candidates how many of them wilfully posed in pictures with the now fully-exposed sexual deviant and all-around sleaze bag, Josh Duggar? Many of them. In fact Huckabee, a self-proclaimed Conservative Christian doubled down in his recent defense of him when the scumbag was found to have molested his own two younger sisters.

This Is What The Republican Party Has Come To Today.

wow, aren't you the judgmental one... no room for repentence with people like you, obviously... At that time (Huckabee seen with him.. etc), everyone thought that Duggar had truly repented...

but I guess repentance is not in your philosophy...



New member
wow, aren't you the judgmental one... no room for repentence with people like you, obviously... At that time (Huckabee seen with him.. etc), everyone thought that Duggar had truly repented...

but I guess repentance is not in your philosophy...

Always some excuse huh?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
so it looks like what you're saying is that the republican candidates all helped josh duggar molest his sisters

is that right?