Noah's Flood on Mars

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Blessed beyond measure
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Johnny said:
Edit: Also, I'd appreciate it if those who leave negative reputation would state their username and leave a comment, so I at least know why I'm receiving it and from who.

This is a subscriber privilege.


New member
Johnny said:
Thank you.

Be careful with "flippantly repeating" and "exaggerating" your facts, some of your listeners are counting on you.

You shouldn't have to exaggerate and flippantly give facts to make your point. Clearly we're in a better position to evaluate the extent of flooding on earth than we are flooding on mars. That's why there is virtually no debate among geologists over the idea of a global flood on earth, while the debate over the extent of flooding on mars rages on.

Do not fool yourself. There is no bias against scriptures. There is only evidence.

Edit: Also, I'd appreciate it if those who leave negative reputation would state their username and leave a comment, so I at least know why I'm receiving it and from who.

While I agree completely with you that we need to guard against exaggerating and such, give Bob a break!!! Yeesh. He took the time to post a correction, rather lengthy, and even said he'd say something on his show. For you to then continue rebuking him is ungracious, unkind, unnecessary. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. So much for Luke 17:3, huh!


Blessed beyond measure
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Johnny said:
Thank you. It still wouldn't hurt to comment. Some have taken the time to do so.

And I think it should be discouraged. Knight gives some pretty good perks to those who subscribe and continues to add to the benefits. It's not really fair for non-subscribers to try and cheat their way into getting things that were meant for those who give to this site financially.
Last edited:


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And I think it should be discouraged. Knight gives some pretty good perks to those who subscribe and continues to add to the benefits. It's not really fair for non-subscribers to try and cheat their way into getting things that were meant for those who give to this site financially.
Oh, I thought you meant that username visibilty is a subscriber feature, not comments. In that case, disregard my request. It's not fair to the site or those who subscribe.


Blessed beyond measure
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Johnny said:
Oh, I thought you meant that username visibilty is a subscriber feature, not comments. In that case, disregard my request. It's not fair to the site or those who subscribe.



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Lighthouse said:
Your ten year old is smarter than your fifteen year old. You should look into advanced classes.

And once again, Brandon, you prove that you're an idiot. Based on a single comment, you have evaluated the intelligence of my two boys. As it turns out, they're both pretty sharp, but one is ten years old and one is fifteen. Most unbiased people would recognize that the older one probably has better analytical skills.

oh yeah - your avatar's still gay


New member
For you to then continue rebuking him is ungracious, unkind, unnecessary.
I apologize Bob, I was wrong to continue to harp on you after you stated you would correct yourself.


The Dark Knight
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Caille said:
And once again, Brandon, you prove that you're an idiot. Based on a single comment, you have evaluated the intelligence of my two boys. As it turns out, they're both pretty sharp, but one is ten years old and one is fifteen. Most unbiased people would recognize that the older one probably has better analytical skills.
See, this is why you're in the red. YOU CAN'T TAKE A JOKE!

Learn to laugh! Okay?

And just because your fifteen year old is older does not mean that his analytical skills are better. I've known some pretty smart four year olds, so your ten year old could very well be smarter than your fifteen year old. Don't look down on him because he's young.;)

oh yeah - your avatar's still gay
Insults are supposed to aggravate the insultee. You're not doing a very good job.:nono:


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Lighthouse said:
See, this is why you're in the red. YOU CAN'T TAKE A JOKE!

Learn to laugh! Okay?

I laugh every time I read one of your posts, :loser:

And just because your fifteen year old is older does not mean that his analytical skills are better. I've known some pretty smart four year olds, so your ten year old could very well be smarter than your fifteen year old. Don't look down on him because he's young.;)

I don't, I look down on him because he's short

Insults are supposed to aggravate the insultee. You're not doing a very good job.:nono:

Wasn't meant as an insult, just curious why you'd pick a gay avatar ?


New member
Same show – different subject (Neandertals)

Same show – different subject (Neandertals)

Near the end of the show Bob mentions Neandertals. Starting at 25:07 he says
Now they find Neandertals with 5 different kinds of musical instruments they made …
I would be most interested to see if Bob can substantiate that claim from original sources. Hearing him make that claim,. I suspect he is the latest in a long line of creationists who fell for a prank in Discover magazine when it made a similar statement as part of a 1997 April Fools joke (not the first one, either). Like most anything that seems to bolster the creationist case, such claims, even though originally made in jest, are adopted into the creationist lore as gospel truth and take on a life of their own. Bob can take comfort in knowing he is not alone in passing on this fable. Even the ICR has issued a couple of apologies for originally suckering into the claim of multiple musical Neandertal instruments. Bob (and his apparent source – AIG), just haven’t been clued into the joke yet (after 8 years).


The Dark Knight
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Caille said:
I laugh every time I read one of your posts, :loser:
Oh, ouch. Stop. It hurts.:rolleyes:

I don't, I look down on him because he's short
I'm beginning to think he's smarter than you. And I haven't even met him.

Wasn't meant as an insult, just curious why you'd pick a gay avatar ?
If you fantasize about Superman being gay, that's your own issue.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Oops... there are too many instruments in that piece! Get rid of four...

Oops... there are too many instruments in that piece! Get rid of four...

As I wrote in the Substantiate Your Claim thread:
My statement was in error that "Now they find Neandertals with five different kinds of musical instruments they made…"

Discover Magazine has stopped their practice of publishing a bogus article each April first, without identifying it as a hoax. Unless Science and Scientific American also intentionally publish hoax documents regarding Neandertal instruments, then I should have said, "scientists have found a flute-like instrument carved from a bear thighbone, apparently made by Neandertals."

Sorry for the confusion. ICR has posted the following:

Neanderthals and Music
On September 9, 2000, the Institute for Creation Research released an episode on Science, Scripture, & Salvation titled, “Neanderthals”.

During the broadcast, two of our guests cited evidence that Neanderthals had the ability to produce musical instruments. During this short segment of the program one of our guests is quoted as saying:

“…many of these items [musical instruments] were discovered in the Neander Valley of Germany where the very first Neanderthal fossil was discovered in 1856. A tuba made from a mastodon tusk, what looks like a bagpipe made from an animal bladder, a triangle and a xylophone made from hollowed out bone.”

Since the program first aired, it has come to our attention this information was taken from an article in Discover magazine. As it turns out, the article was an “April Fools” practical joke. For several years the magazine published one bogus article each April, and did not identify it as a hoax. They have since discontinued this practice. The information regarding the discovery of a tuba-like instrument, bagpipe, triangle, and xylophone were all part of this prank by the magazine.

It is unfortunate that this information found its way onto our broadcast. I deeply apologize that our program conveyed incorrect information. This short segment has been removed to avoid further perpetuation of these inaccurate statements.

I should point out that on that same broadcast, one of our other guests referred to another artifact that resembles a flute carved from the thighbone of a bear. It appears that Neanderthals produced this flute. This evidence remains as strong evidence of Neanderthal use of musical instruments. This information has appeared in such scientific journals as Science (April 11, 1997, pg. 205) and Scientific American (September 1997, pg. 28), as well as others. So while the information from Discover magazine was incorrect, the notion that Neanderthals produced musical instruments is not invalidated by the Discover hoax.

Finally, I would like to point out that the ICR Radio Department has produced thousands of broadcasts over the years. It has always been our commitment to accurately report the scientific and Biblical evidence for creation. Although we are committed to truth, we are only human. I am thankful that in my eight years with ICR this has been my first retraction. The ICR Radio Department will continue, as much as is humanly possible, to honor our commitment to accurate reporting.

Pat Roy,
Director of Broadcast Media
Institute for Creation Research

By the way, Pat Roy pronounces that correctly, not as per the NHL. ;)
Thanks, -Bob Enyart


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Advice from Yoda

Advice from Yoda

I think it is commendable that Pastor Enyart has corrected the misinformation he initially put forth on this Neandertal musical instrument issue. He has now taken one significant step away from the dark side.

But there still remain some incidental issues.

Bob has demonstrated a commitment to try to correct fellow fundamentalists who he feels are in error – witness his recent on-going attempt to influence James Dobson. I doubt that this Neandertal issue is as important to Bob as the Republican judges and abortion issue that he is pursuing with James Dobson, but in fact, this erroneous Neandertal claim is being actively spread by some Christians. If Bob carries the same devotion to truth in science that he does in his pursual of social reform, he will proactively make contact with the source he garnered the Neandertal musical instrument fable from and ask them to discontinue spreading it. And wisdom would say that Bob should be a bit more cautious in giving credence to claims made by that source, since on this issue they were repeating something that was recognized several years ago as false in the creationist community.
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