"No one is pro-abortion"


Well-known member
What is it about mold that we don't consider it to have rights but humans do?

Its species.

Of which we do not belong. Nor does a human fetus.

You seem to think a human, in its earliest stage of development, is deserving of the same rights as a species of mold.


Quip didn't say "merely". That was your addition. He said that a fetus is incipient life, which is true. So, you're tying yourself up over something that you said.

Wow. Read what I wrote. I said that I said it is not merely insipient. Yikes.

I know I am the one that said it.

In other words - it is not merely a fetus; it is a human fetus. My use of the word "merely" is synonymous with the word "only."

A fetus is incipient life. But it is not only incipient life. It is incipient human life.

An early stage. See the definition of incipient.

Right. A fetus is in an early stage of life. But it is not merely in an early stage of development. It is in an early stage of human development - a fact that pro-abortionists love to ignore.

See the definition of "merely."
(Again, I trust you to investigate this great mystery on your own)

So, what you are saying is that a woman who is pregnant is essentially a ward of the state, subject to regulation of her body for the benefit of the fetus.

How is this any different than your view of a woman in her 25th week of pregnancy?

That's not a rhetorical question.


New member
Week 24...the point of no return. The fetus has developed whereas the presumption of "baby" is more demonstrative and less a pleading abstraction.


something needs to LOOK like something valuable b4 it can be deemed valuable by humans






New member
If you wanna play word games: I'm pro-abortion by way of the liberty to choose it.


you would deprive an innocent, sin-less child liberty

you couldn't care less about liberty, save your own liberty to have pleasure w/o its natural consequences



New member

you would deprive an innocent, sin-less child liberty

you couldn't care less about liberty, save your own liberty to have pleasure w/o its natural consequences


sin-less child
I thought that (in your delusional world) "all have siined" and (more poingantly) "all are born in sin". You G-d fearing folks are funny. :)


New member
Whipping up a frenzy for political gain - that's what this entire story is about.

Let's see - the discarded fetus tissue / organs would be well, discarded, right? So selling it for stem cell research (a very, very, very, very worthy cause) is a beneficial proposition, right? So what's the issue here? (I get that it may make some folks quesy about the whole "selling" part....I get it. Checks and balances need to be in place, but other than that.....)


New member
sin-less child
I thought that (in your delusional world) "all have siined" and (more poingantly) "all are born in sin". You G-d fearing folks are funny. :)

there is original sin, which we all suffer the ill effects of, and there is personal sin

you God hating folks are funny



New member
Whipping up a frenzy for political gain - that's what this entire story is about.

Let's see - the discarded fetus tissue / organs would be well, discarded, right? So selling it for stem cell research (a very, very, very, very worthy cause) is a beneficial proposition, right? t.....)

so... lost on you (you would have us believe) is the idea that something is terribly amiss here.. terribly Nazi-esque...

ok... we will put you down as not being entirely anti-Nazism



New member
"If abortion is outlawed, only outlaws will get abortions."

Not a very good argument for abortion... Maybe you could sell bumper stickers!

And yet it's supposed to be a good argument for gun ownership?
"If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will get guns," after all.

Women have the right to sanitized, professional medical treatment, and they have the right to seek that treatment at any time for any reason.

Open and shut case.

What too many anti-choice fanatics love to do is inject emotion into what is in fact an objective reality.
Calling a zygote, fetus, or embryo a "baby," for example, or posting pictures of babies on their protest signs while trying to rain shame down on a woman on her way to have eight cells removed from her uterus.


Well-known member
And yet it's supposed to be a good argument for gun ownership?
"If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will get guns," after all.

Oh good! You understood my allusion! :idea:

I was pointing out that it's the same argument, and equally stupid.

When did I say it was a good argument for gun ownership? It's a bad argument for gun ownership and a bad argument for abortion, isn't it?

What too many anti-choice fanatics love to do is inject emotion into what is in fact an objective reality.
Calling a zygote, fetus, or embryo a "baby," for example, or posting pictures of babies on their protest signs while trying to rain shame down on a woman on her way to have eight cells removed from her uterus.

Maybe you'll answer what all other pro-abortionists refuse to:

What legal restrictions, if any, do you think there should be on abortion, and why?

The Horn

"Right to life " ? What about the right of a fetus once born to decent food, shelter, medical care and education ? If women can't provide these basic necessities for their children once born, abortions are inevitable .
And what about the right of fetuses which grow up to be gay not to be discriminated against , harassed, bullied, fired from a job, denied the opportunity to serve in the military, teach in public schools etc ?
If you don't want women to have abortions, but think that babies who grow up to be gay should be second-class citizens, you are a hypocrite of the worst kind !


New member
Oh good! You understood my allusion! :idea:

I was pointing out that it's the same argument, and equally stupid.

When did I say it was a good argument for gun ownership? It's a bad argument for gun ownership and a bad argument for abortion, isn't it?

And yet you did nothing to actually deconstruct the argument as applied to abortion.

You just declared it "not a very good argument," and went on your way.

Maybe you'll answer what all other pro-abortionists refuse to:

What legal restrictions, if any, do you think there should be on abortion, and why?

Quip answered it well.

My personal choice for cutoff date is when the developing embryo can survive outside the uterus.
Because at that point it's no longer an abortion, it's a c-section.

Of course, I would be in favor of financially penalizing a woman who waited that long to decide she didn't want to give birth, and would also be in favor of handing whatever money taken from her and more over to whoever adopted the child afterwards.

But I would be instituting the above policy with the understanding that the vast majority of women who allow the embryo to develop to that point choose to keep it.

Which is well within their rights, as is terminating at any point up until then.


New member
My personal choice for cutoff date is when the developing embryo can survive outside the uterus.

My personal choice for cutoff date is when the developing embryo grows up and calls himself Buzzword

that is IT for me! the last straw...

it's toast for those folks... no right to continue living



Well-known member
"Right to life " ? What about the right of a fetus once born to decent food, shelter, medical care and education ? If women can't provide these basic necessities for their children once born, abortions are inevitable .

Every crime will inevitably happen.

The likelihood of an action being performed has absolutely no bearing on whether or not the government should condone it or criminalize it.


Well-known member
Question for you: Can you enumerate all the differences between a zygote and a cuddly, mewling baby for us?

I probably can't. There are many. No less in number than the differences between a newborn and an adult.

Here are two differences, though - the number of cells they have, and their stage of development. Do either of these differences warrant a death sentence?

And here are two similarities - they are both of the human species; they are both alive.

Maybe you can tell me which difference between the two, makes the intentional killing of one of them (but not the other) murder.


I probably can't. There are many. No less in number than the differences between a newborn and an adult.

Here are two differences, though - the number of cells they have, and their stage of development. Do either of these differences warrant a death sentence?

And here are two similarities - they are both of the human species; they are both alive.

Maybe you can tell me which difference between the two, makes the intentional killing of one of them (but not the other) murder.

The primary differentiation you missed....the mother.


Hall of Fame
"Right to life " ? What about the right of a fetus once born to decent food, shelter, medical care and education ? If women can't provide these basic necessities for their children once born, abortions are inevitable .
And what about the right of fetuses which grow up to be gay not to be discriminated against , harassed, bullied, fired from a job, denied the opportunity to serve in the military, teach in public schools etc ?

So killing them prior to birth equates to giving them MORE rights? You are not making any sense, Horn.

Every person who is born grows up to the possibility of being harassed, assaulted, raped, etc.

Just as they grow up with the possibility of being loved and cared for. The only thing your pro-abortion advocacy promotes is taking away any options these children have.