No Longer A Christian

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New member
Originally posted by lighthouse

It's a good thing you used those quotes, or I would have had to remind you that you were never a Christian.

Oh and I'm sure the knowledge that you would even think of saying that to Zak would make him :cry: .


New member
Originally posted by lighthouse

I didn't make that. I was calling wickwoman queer.

Is that supposed to be an insult? Try again.

Anyway, that would be news to my husband of 18 years. Then again, it's probably more of a fantasy of my husband's.


The Dark Knight
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Seeing as how I've said it many times before, and he hasn't cried once [but he did try to argue with me about whether or not he had a relationship with God:dizzy:].


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by wickwoman

Is that supposed to be an insult? Try again.

Anyway, that would be news to my husband of 18 years. Then again, it's probably more of a fantasy of my husband's.



Resident Atheist
Originally posted by wickwoman
...Anyway, that would be news to my husband of 18 years. Then again, it's probably more of a fantasy of my husband's.
I've heard similiar things during many a counselling session... why is it that I seldom hear women wishing for the alternative... i.e. a couple of guys?

If this is opening a can of worms, pleas ignore it. It's merely idle speculation... :D

BTW, On Fire's avatar has a definite "Picasso" look. Maybe he's onto something here... ::greedy:


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by On Fire

I've felt it. Lighthouse has felt it. Knight, Dave Miller, One Eyed Jack and even Zakath Granite have felt it.
... cleaning up some older posts...

Felt what?

I don't "feel" guys, it's not my thing... :chuckle:


New member
Originally posted by Zakath

I've heard similiar things during many a counselling session... why is it that I seldom hear women wishing for the alternative... i.e. a couple of guys?

cuz men are by nature just upright dogs. This is the only
credible argument there is against evolution, that ape thing
is way off. Apes are far more civilized than 'sapiens


New member
Originally posted by Zakath

I've heard similiar things during many a counselling session... why is it that I seldom hear women wishing for the alternative... i.e. a couple of guys?

If this is opening a can of worms, pleas ignore it. It's merely idle speculation... :D

Actually I think two gay men (preferably bears but usually you have one bear and one fem in the real world, but this is a fantasy, right?) together is very hot. Does that make me a dog too? If so, I'd like to be a poodle, please.

Originally posted by Zakath
BTW, On Fire's avatar has a definite "Picasso" look. Maybe he's onto something here... ::greedy:

Pluuuuuuuueeeeeeessss don't encourage him.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by wickwoman

Actually I think two gay men (preferably bears but usually you have one bear and one fem in the real world, but this is a fantasy, right?) together is very hot. Does that make me a dog too? If so, I'd like to be a poodle, please.

Pluuuuuuuueeeeeeessss don't encourage him.

Aw, nasty, wick, nasty!:nono:

I mean, come on. Aesthetics alone...

Well, wait a minute. I guess that depends too.

I just like Woody Allen's remarks: "Sex between a man and a woman can be beautiful...provided you get between the right man and woman."


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by lighthouse

Mtthew 12:36
:think: If that's true then good ole :BillyBob:'s gonna have a lot of explaining to do... what with almost 20,000 posts... :chuckle:


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Dave Miller

cuz men are by nature just upright dogs. This is the only
credible argument there is against evolution, that ape thing
is way off. Apes are far more civilized than 'sapiens
I'm much more of a Laborador Retreiver myself... cuddly, loveable, and I shed alot. At least that's what Cyradis says, though she might be a bit biased... :chuckle:


Resident Atheist
Another reason not to be a Christian...

Another reason not to be a Christian...

Hey Gerald!!!!!

I think you may have found someone to take you up on your occasional offer of firearms at fifteen paces...

This one from the Detroit Free Press over the weekend...

TAYLOR: Death is result of debate about God

October 28, 2004


A Taylor police dispatcher took the call at precisely 12:44 p.m. on Oct. 18.

A 49-year-old man said he'd just blasted a man with a revolver and a shotgun because the man said he didn't believe in God.

The dispatcher said the alleged shooter told him he'd just shot "the devil himself" and was still armed and standing over the body of the 62-year-old victim "in case he moved."

"I want to make sure he's gone," the alleged shooter told the dispatcher.

The dispatcher asked the suspect how many times he shot the victim.

"Hopefully enough," was the suspect's chilling reply, according to the dispatcher.

When police arrived in the 15600 block of McGuire, they could see the victim seated on a living room couch with major trauma to his head, officers said.

They said they were certain he was dead. He was.

Lying on a hallway floor was a black 12-gauge shotgun. Two spent shotgun shells lay on the floor nearby.

Later, police found a revolver with five spent cartridge casings.

On the way to the police station, the suspect told police "he did not want to deal with anyone that did not believe in God," according to the report.

The report also indicated that the suspect and the victim knew each other, although their relationship was unclear.

The suspect said he was an Eagle Scout, the report said.

The suspect said the victim had told him there was nothing he could say that would convince the 62-year-old to believe in God.

Following this discussion, the suspect said, he went into another room and removed his shirt. Then he shaved his face.

He tried once more to convince the victim to believe in God, but this time, he had the shotgun.

"How long would it take you to believe in God?" the suspect said he asked the victim.

"Not until I hear Gabriel blow his horn," the victim allegedly replied, while tipping his hat.

That's when the suspect shot him.

"I did it because he is evil; he was not a believer," the suspect told police.

The suspect said the victim "has been locked up most of his life."

Michigan Department of Corrections records indicate the victim was on probation for a drug conviction.

At the police station, the suspect commented that he believed there is a God.

Then, looking at the floor, he seemed to have second thoughts: "Maybe there's not," he said.

Contact JOEL THURTELL at 248-351-3296 or

And people are incredulous when I want to maintain my anonymity! :doh:
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