New Lancet study on vaccine efficiency

Gary K

New member
Lancet just published a study on how much protection how much a vaccinated person is protected against catching or transmitting covid.

Turns out an unvaccinated person using no supplements to boost their immune system is only slightly worse off than a vaccinated person.

From my year+ long study of the use of vitamins, minerals, and supplements an unvaccinated person is far better off than those who have been vaccinated. I'd say they have more than 90% less chance of an infection than vaccinated people do, and as a result they have 90+% lesser chance of transmitting the disease. The vaccines cost/benefit analysis is far, far worse than using supplements. There are no side effects when using the supplement/vitamin/mineral dosages recommended by organizations like the FLCCC. There are bevy of severe adverse events tied to the vaccines.


User Name

Greatest poster ever
"Vaccines remain highly effective at preventing severe disease and deaths from COVID-19..." -- You left that part out, McGillicuddy.

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Gary K

New member
"Vaccines remain highly effective at preventing severe disease and deaths from COVID-19..." -- You left that part out, McGillicuddy.


If I don't get the virus I cannot get a severe case, now can I? Using the God-given supplements/vitamins/minerals that are effective at raising the efficacy of our God-given immune system I'm not going to get a severe case and will have no side effects from what I take. That only happens to the morons who take the vaccines,

So, take the vaccine and risk death from the bevy of bigtime adverse events and claim you're a genius for taking it as well as both transmitting and catching the virus. Unfortunately for you when the adverse events happen to you it will be far too late to change what you're doing.

I've been warning you for months what is going to happen to those who have accepted these jabs, but you will not listen. You have done it to yourself because you have refused to think on your own. You only accept the word of those who are out to destroy. You know, like the evil Fauci that has proven just how evil he is time and time again. Do you really think a guy so cruel that he will torture puppies to death will care any more about you than he did those pups? The man is a sociopath. He cares about nothing but himself. We are nothing more than dirt to him. Think for a change.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I've been warning you for months what is going to happen to those who have accepted these jabs, but you will not listen. You have done it to yourself because you have refused to think on your own. You only accept the word of those who are out to destroy.
Now you just listen here, McGillicuddy: Trump said the vaccines are "fabulous" and that "Everyone will be getting them." Are you making Trump out to be a liar? (Hint: The correct answer is "Yes.")


Well-known member
Now you just listen here, McGillicuddy: Trump said the vaccines are "fabulous" and that "Everyone will be getting them." Are you making Trump out to be a liar? (Hint: The correct answer is "Yes.")
Obviously you have no answer with that kind of response.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Obviously you have no answer with that kind of response.
So you're admitting that Trump is a shill for the New World Order's antichrist mark of the beast Satan the devil 666 vaccines? Good.

Because if the vaccines are as bad as you all say they are, Trump would have to be a shill for the New World Order's antichrist mark of the beast Satan the devil 666 vaccines.


Well-known member
So you're admitting that Trump is a shill for the New World Order's antichrist mark of the beast Satan the devil 666 vaccines? Good.

Because if the vaccines are as bad as you all say they are, Trump would have to be a shill for the New World Order's antichrist mark of the beast Satan the devil 666 vaccines.
I’m not opposed to the idea, but the evidence is slim. Wait til he gets back in office, and the evidence will be greater. I’m not a Trump lover/worshipper, and the vaccine push could be what kills any chance he has at a comeback.

Gary K

New member
Now you just listen here, McGillicuddy: Trump said the vaccines are "fabulous" and that "Everyone will be getting them." Are you making Trump out to be a liar? (Hint: The correct answer is "Yes.")
Oh, so your response is to accuse Trump of being evil as if Trump being evil could excuse and absolve all the evil committed by Fauci and friends. Show me how guiltless Fauci is in the removal of puppy's vocal chords so no one could here their howls of suffering while sand fleas ate their way into the pups' brains and killed them. Show me the "great Fauci's" great display of morality and love for humanity by forcing little kids to take extremely toxic drugs. And when they rebelled at being treated that way had surgery done on them to make it impossible for them to resist the shots. Fauci and friends did that to kids for years.

Your defense of evil is disgusting. The fact that you do it openly says you are complicit in that evil and could care less how wantonly cruel and evil the people are who carry out this sickness. You'll support and encourage them at every step along the way.

Now don't say you don't because you've just been doing exactly that.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I’m not opposed to the idea, but the evidence is slim. Wait til he gets back in office, and the evidence will be greater.
There's no room for that equivocation here. Make no mistake about it, Trump fully supports the coronavirus vaccines:

Donald Trump appeared at a far-right gathering and after insisting that he wanted credit for the development of the vaccines, the former president told a CPAC audience, "So everybody, go get your shot." About a week later, Trump called the shots "beautiful" and suggested that "everyone" would be receiving them. - Maddow Blog | Trump's rhetoric on vaccines takes a dramatic turn for the worse



I have to say, you can get viruses from having lots of cuts. And cuts can lead to sickness. The good news is you don't need the vitamins and minerals to take care thyself. So yes, Rand Paul may have had Covid-19 without SARS.


Well-known member
There's no room for that equivocation here. Make no mistake about it, Trump fully supports the coronavirus vaccines:

Donald Trump appeared at a far-right gathering and after insisting that he wanted credit for the development of the vaccines, the former president told a CPAC audience, "So everybody, go get your shot." About a week later, Trump called the shots "beautiful" and suggested that "everyone" would be receiving them. - Maddow Blog | Trump's rhetoric on vaccines takes a dramatic turn for the worse

Apparently there's plenty of room for snarcasm. Or are you actually saying one of your premises is that:
the New World Order's antichrist mark of the beast Satan the devil 666 vaccines
, and I can use you for a source of that description?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I was pretty explicit in my question to you. Maybe you regularly misunderstand people??
The pretense of misunderstanding is on your end as usual, as you have already correctly identified my description as "snarkasm."
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