New Clues on Galaxy Evolution! Clues? Clues??

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New Clues on Galaxy Evolution! Clues? Clues??

Tuesday April 11th, 2006. This is show # 72.

There's a quote from Scientific American from 1992 from a professor Jeffrey Burbage, a very well respected cosmologist. And he said, "The Big Bang is probably as widely believed as any theory of the universe. It rests, however, on many untested (and in some cases untestable) assumptions. Big Bang cosmology reflects faith as much as objective truth."

Amen. So the Bible talks about unbelievers groping in the dark.
* After Katrina, BEL suggested inviting 10,000 Mexicans to come here to clean and rebuild, and if they did a good job, they would get citizenship! Now, a demographer estimates at least 10,000 immigrant workers in the region. Too bad our government doesn't know right from wrong enough to have secured the border and to have invited these guys in legally!
* Colorado's Governor Bill Owens recommended privatizing RTD, the Regional Transportation District! Yea!
* Robbie from Little Rock AK talked to Asa Hutchinson about not compromising on abortion, and that he shouldn't value the life of a rapist more than that of an innocent baby. Good going Robbie!
* Lolita from Littleton CO points out that the media switched the colors for the Re-publicans and Dumocrats. Previously, they colored the more socialist party red and the connection to the communist reds made sense. Now, they color the Re-publicans red, and that may have been an intentional effort to help re-position the Dumocrats.
* New clues as to how galaxies evolve? Clues? I thought they had pretty much figured out how the universe came to be in its current state! You mean that don't even know how galaxies evolved, and their still looking for clues? According to Nature magazine, and Physics Essays, the Big Bang theory did NOT enable scientists to accurately predict the distribution of elements or the microwave background radiation temperature of the universe! And no, they don't know how stars form, or how the moon got here, or even whether stars or galaxies form first!
Today's Resource: Hear this two-hour moderated Age of the Earth Debate on whether we live on a young or old earth on this MP3 CD! (Plays in a DVD, MP3 player, or pop it into a PC to also see the science slides and read the debate notes on the CD.) Order by calling 800-8Enyart or send $23.45 to Bob Enyart Live, PO Box 583, Arvada CO 80001.


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I see you haven't grown a sense of humor, Jeff.

Also I'm curious what kind of power Enyart thinks he has in "inviting" illegals here--this strikes me as so much silliness.


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Granite said:
Also I'm curious what kind of power Enyart thinks he has in "inviting" illegals here--this strikes me as so much silliness.
The quote you are referring to is, "Too bad OUR GOVERNMENT doesn't know right from wrong enough to have secured the border and to have invited these guys in LEGALLY!" How do you derive from that, that Bob thinks he has the power to invite in illegals?


Maximeee's Husband
Jefferson said:
The quote you are referring to is, "Too bad OUR GOVERNMENT doesn't know right from wrong enough to have secured the border and to have invited these guys in LEGALLY!" How do you derive from that, that Bob thinks he has the power to invite in illegals?



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Jefferson said:
The quote you are referring to is, "Too bad OUR GOVERNMENT doesn't know right from wrong enough to have secured the border and to have invited these guys in LEGALLY!" How do you derive from that, that Bob thinks he has the power to invite in illegals?

"After Katrina BEL suggested inviting 10,000 Mexicans to come here to clean and rebuild, and if they did a good job, they would get citizenship!"

First of all, foolish and unnecessary idea, secondly, immigrants are the last people we should "invite." As I read it Enyart was saying "come on down" (which he shouldn't) but he also thinks Uncle Sam should (which is ludicrous).


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Granite said:
...immigrants are the last people we should "invite."
Who else are we supposed to invite to come into our country, U.S. citizens? :darwinsm:

As I read it Enyart was saying "come on down" (which he shouldn't) but he also thinks Uncle Sam should (which is ludicrous).
So you think the saying on the Statue of Liberty is ludicrous? "Give us your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


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Jefferson said:
Who else are we supposed to invite to come into our country, U.S. citizens? :darwinsm:

So you think the saying on the Statue of Liberty is ludicrous? "Give us your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

I favor ending immigration indefinitely. Too many people are abusing the system for it to be supported for the time being.


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Granite said:
I favor ending immigration indefinitely. Too many people are abusing the system for it to be supported for the time being.
It's the system itself that needs to be rejected, not immigrants. Get rid of the welfare state and then let as many people who want to come in.


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Jefferson said:
It's the system itself that needs to be rejected, not immigrants. Get rid of the welfare state and then let as many people who want to come in.

Both are broke (or broken). I agree that a welfare state's alluring to illegals who don't want to really work but for the time being 11 million illegals is more than we can handle. Clamping immigration for a stretch would at least allow us to get our bearings.


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michaelwmoss said:
If our universe is billions of years old, shouldn't our sun be GONE by now?
Exactly. And welcome to T.O.L. :wave:


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fool said:
And you're basing that on what?

Simple physics. Basically the sun is a big ball of nuclear fission. Eventually the energy will be used up unless you have a secondary source of Hydrogen feeding the sun (Since the energy is constantly turning into Helium)

6.8 Billion Years. Sounds like to me that energy would have been all used up by now


New member
6.8 Billion Years. Sounds like to me that energy would have been all used up by now
That's because you're making the unfounded assumption that the sun was born at the beginning of the universe.


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michaelwmoss said:
Simple physics. Basically the sun is a big ball of nuclear fission. Eventually the energy will be used up unless you have a secondary source of Hydrogen feeding the sun (Since the energy is constantly turning into Helium)

6.8 Billion Years. Sounds like to me that energy would have been all used up by now

Based on what calculations? The current mass of the sun? The current rate at which it's depleting it's mass? Are you assuming that the current rate of reaction is a constant extrapolating back in time?

Based on it's current rate and assuming that rate to be constant, how much time do you think the sun has until it's energy is "used up"?


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Johnny said:
That's because you're making the unfounded assumption that the sun was born at the beginning of the universe.

Let me ask you this: Do you have any evidence that the sun was not formed at the beginning of the universe?

Most likely, neither one of us will find apt evidence to prove either point (After all that's been a LONG time ago) but it seems to me that it would have even be burned out after 1 million years, UNLESS the sun has a source of Helium which we are not currently aware of or Science hasn't discovered (Which would be the case either way)
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