My First and Only Thread about LGBTT...


My first experience with Gays and Lesbians was when I was working at Stake n' Shake as a 16 year old curb-boy. Some of the CBs wouldn't wait on them but I did. They were funny and always having a good time and joking with me. I didn't feel threatened and I treated them with respect. They're also good tippers. The Lesbians I waited on were generally cool except one who was a bit forceful because her girlfriend was sorta flirting with me. I didn't flirt back so everything was cool down. I had one unwanted phone call where I had to explain I had a girlfriend and wasn't interested, but I have no idea who that was that called. He was definitely older.

If a church congregation wants to allow homosexual marriage and the government supports it, there's nothing much I can do but find a new church. Whether Gays and Lesbians are born that way I cannot say. But the Gospel is for them too so maybe, just maybe they will change. It really depends on whether they want to obey God, or the lusts in their hearts. Sin is sin and their sin is no worse than any other. God can turn a life around if you truly want it and want to please Him. I know God is just. The Bible seems fairly clear if you believe it. I believe it but will show all respect even if I disagree with their life choices.

I doubt this would be your last thread on this subject. I bursted out some raw truths about homosexually and how it compares to our own sins. I became an unwanted TOL visitor for a few days for exposing what God said about our sins. Pastors and others who indulge deep in adultery, fornications, unfaithfulness loaded with lies and jealously made thier sins as small as a grain of sand while they make two ladies in front of my pew who kiss and hug each other, sins the size of a huge rock we can't lift.
Many award winning movies has been shown about the slavery we had not long ago. Watching these, based on true story, movies had sadden my heart very deeply. I'm still in hurt all those stories were true. We forget that it was common for weathy Romans to have slaves just like America had and the slave owners were able to treat them any way they pleased including having sex with male or female and legally murdering them any way they liked. The Apostles were describing what Roman slave masters doing to there slaves reguarding to homosexuality. It was so bad that the apostles had strong opinions about it and made statements. While we're all proud of the braveness of Martian Luther King and those that died for our freedom, the slavery days are over and those types of homosexuality no longer exists.
Now before you guys complain about my raw truthful posts, think about your own sins and then go from there. Then you can be the first without sin to throw a stone you can pick up. Go ahead an aim it at me again.


When a human life is taken. I don't know exactly when to consider a fetus human

in the a&p lab i was in last semester, we dissected pig fetuses in different stages of development

we were never in any doubt that the organism we were examining were anything other than pig


Well-known member
My first experience with Gays and Lesbians was when I was working at Stake n' Shake as a 16 year old curb-boy. Some of the CBs wouldn't wait on them but I did. They were funny and always having a good time and joking with me. I didn't feel threatened and I treated them with respect. They're also good tippers. The Lesbians I waited on were generally cool except one who was a bit forceful because her girlfriend was sorta flirting with me. I didn't flirt back so everything was cool down. I had one unwanted phone call where I had to explain I had a girlfriend and wasn't interested, but I have no idea who that was that called. He was definitely older.

If a church congregation wants to allow homosexual marriage and the government supports it, there's nothing much I can do but find a new church. Whether Gays and Lesbians are born that way I cannot say. But the Gospel is for them too so maybe, just maybe they will change. It really depends on whether they want to obey God, or the lusts in their hearts. Sin is sin and their sin is no worse than any other. God can turn a life around if you truly want it and want to please Him. I know God is just. The Bible seems fairly clear if you believe it. I believe it but will show all respect even if I disagree with their life choices.

In the general sense or rather spiritual sense of we all being born dead in trespasses and sin, all sinners are born with sin nature.

But that is not an excuse to steal, cheat, murder, worship idols or homosexuality or violate any of God's commandments

The Beard of Zeus

in the a&p lab i was in last semester, we dissected pig fetuses in different stages of development

we were never in any doubt that the organism we were examining were anything other than pig

Okay I'll put it this way: when it becomes self-aware and/or can feel physical pain
How did you know they were, stickers on the car?
They were kissing and fooling around in their car. One of them said they wanted to date me but I respectfully declined and told the person I had a steady girlfriend. I got to wait on them (4) several times (?) because the other C/B didn't want to. I met all kinds of people at that restaurant.
"Them" being individuals who proudly and unrepentantly engage in a behavior that God abhors.

Would you treat others who proudly engage in sexual sins with the same "respect" (provided they were good tippers), or are these "gays and lesbians" that you're talking about the only ones deserving of it?
At this point in my life, God was not a priority. I was slowly falling away from the Roman Catholic faith.


They were kissing and fooling around in their car. One of them said they wanted to date me but I respectfully declined and told the person I had a steady girlfriend. I got to wait on them (4) several times (?) because the other C/B didn't want to. I met all kinds of people at that restaurant.

And like you said, they were nice while some here are straight mean.
would you extend the same respect to a child molester who had no intention of changing his ways?
I was a teenager in High School losing the faith of my upbringing. It's meaningless to speculate. I found being propositioned on the phone by some unknown older man deeply disturbing.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"Them" being individuals who proudly and unrepentantly engage in a behavior that God abhors.

Would you treat others who proudly engage in sexual sins with the same "respect" (provided they were good tippers), or are these "gays and lesbians" that you're talking about the only ones deserving of it?

At this point in my life, God was not a priority. I was slowly falling away from the Roman Catholic faith.

Based on the last paragraph of your OP I have to question if God really is a priority in your life:

If a church congregation wants to allow homosexual marriage and the government supports it, there's nothing much I can do but find a new church. Whether Gays and Lesbians are born that way I cannot say. But the Gospel is for them too so maybe, just maybe they will change. It really depends on whether they want to obey God, or the lusts in their hearts. Sin is sin and their sin is no worse than any other. God can turn a life around if you truly want it and want to please Him. I know God is just. The Bible seems fairly clear if you believe it. I believe I should show all respect even if I disagree with their life choices.

I'll ask you again: Would you treat others who proudly engage in sexual sins (adulterers, pornographers, pedophiles and pederasts, those who partake in bestiality or incest) with the same "respect" or are these "gays and lesbians" that you're talking about the only ones deserving of it?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"Them" being individuals who proudly and unrepentantly engage in a behavior that God abhors.

Would you treat others who proudly engage in sexual sins with the same "respect" (provided they were good tippers), or are these "gays and lesbians" that you're talking about the only ones deserving of it?

Based on the last paragraph of your OP I have to question if God really is a priority in your life:

I'll ask you again: Would you treat others who proudly engage in sexual sins (adulterers, pornographers, pedophiles and pederasts, those who partake in bestiality or incest) with the same "respect" or are these "gays and lesbians" that you're talking about the only ones deserving of it?

Hey teddy Cruz! We didn't know you were here. How do you like your Obamacare you just joined?
I doubt this would be your last thread on this subject. I bursted out some raw truths about homosexually and how it compares to our own sins. I became an unwanted TOL visitor for a few days for exposing what God said about our sins. Pastors and others who indulge deep in adultery, fornications, unfaithfulness loaded with lies and jealously made thier sins as small as a grain of sand while they make two ladies in front of my pew who kiss and hug each other, sins the size of a huge rock we can't lift.

Many award winning movies has been shown about the slavery we had not long ago. Watching these, based on true story, movies had sadden my heart very deeply. I'm still in hurt all those stories were true. We forget that it was common for weathy Romans to have slaves just like America had and the slave owners were able to treat them any way they pleased including having sex with male or female and legally murdering them any way they liked. The Apostles were describing what Roman slave masters doing to there slaves reguarding to homosexuality. It was so bad that the apostles had strong opinions about it and made statements. While we're all proud of the braveness of Martian Luther King and those that died for our freedom, the slavery days are over and those types of homosexuality no longer exists.

Now before you guys complain about my raw truthful posts, think about your own sins and then go from there. Then you can be the first without sin to throw a stone you can pick up. Go ahead an aim it at me again.
Really, I don't believe I've authored a thread before and seriously believe I won't author one again. I wanted to relate some personal experiences to start, what I hoped, would be a fruitful dialogue. Although most would consider me a Right Wing Conservative, I tend to fall into the Moderate Category when taking those personality tests.

Roman Catholic education, at my time, did not teach anything about homosexuality, at least not at my high school. So what I've learned is from personal experience. I'm not a Reverend or a Preacher. I will share what I believe with others, I don't keep my Christian beliefs secret.

My wife drug me into a conversation once with young teens, 3 girls 1 boy, who were looking for a liberal translation of the Bible that made homosexual conduct okay. I did my best to point him to accurate but readable translations, but he was looking for God's acceptance of his future lifestyle choice. I remember him and pray for him, but beyond that, I really don't know what I could have said that wouldn't have driven him farther away from God.


Hall of Fame
Okay I'll put it this way: when it becomes self-aware and/or can feel physical pain

Unborn babies are not *it*. Also, human beings create other human beings, nothing else.

Do you apply to the "feel pain criteria" to anything else? Is it okay to kill other human beings as long as we do it painlessly?
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"Them" being individuals who proudly and unrepentantly engage in a behavior that God abhors.

Would you treat others who proudly engage in sexual sins with the same "respect" (provided they were good tippers), or are these "gays and lesbians" that you're talking about the only ones deserving of it?

Based on the last paragraph of your OP I have to question if God really is a priority in your life:

I'll ask you again: Would you treat others who proudly engage in sexual sins (adulterers, pornographers, pedophiles and pederasts, those who partake in bestiality or incest) with the same "respect" or are these "gays and lesbians" that you're talking about the only ones deserving of it?
You know, I've tried to be friends with you but you insist on insulting me or questioning my faithfulness to the Gospel. Before I put you on Ignore again this time for good, I have one thing to say to you: GO TO HELL.


Hall of Fame
:chuckle: Oh the predictability of the poster previously known as koban ...

As usual, your intentional dishonesty and attention seeking is noted. Back on ignore you go. :)


:chuckle: Oh the predictability of the poster previously known as koban ...

As usual, your intentional dishonesty and attention seeking is noted. Back on ignore you go. :)

that's fine - it's just as easy to show you to be a hell-bound pervert lover whether you're responding to me or not

this way people will recognize that you're also a coward like granite :thumb: