Muslim here. Ask me a question..

Greg Jennings

New member
Already did.

Try not to overlook it this time...

An Arabic-English Lexicon, E.W. Lane, volume five, pp. 2138 - 2142

العَالَمُ ذ , (S, Msb, K, &c.,) said by some to be also pronounced ↓ العَالِمُ , (MF, TA,) and pronounced by El-Hajjáj with hemz [i. e. العَأْلَمُ], is primarily a name for That by means of which one knows [a thing]; like as الخَاتَمُ is a name for “ that by means of which one seals ” [a thing]: accord. to some of the expositors of the Kur-án, its predominant application is to that by means of which the Creator is known: then to the intelligent beings of mankind and of the jinn or genii: or to mankind and the jinn and the angels: and mankind [alone]: Es-Seyyid Esh-Shereef [El- Jurjánee] adopts the opinion that it is applied to every kind [of these, so that one says عَالَمُ الإِِنْسِ (which may be rendered the world of mankind) and عَالَمُ الجِنِّ (the world of the jinn or genii) and عَالَمُ المَلَائِكَةِ (the world of the angels), all of which phrases are of frequent occurrence], and to the kinds [thereof] collectively: (TA: ) or it signifies الخَلْقُ [i. e. the creation, as meaning the beings, or things, that are created], (S, Msb, K,) altogether [i. e. all the created beings or things, or all creatures]: (K: ) or, as some say, peculiarly, the intelligent creatures: (Msb: ) or what the cavity (lit. belly) of the celestial sphere comprises, (K, TA,) of substances and accidents: (TA: ) [it may often be rendered the world, as meaning the universe; and as meaning the earth with all its inhabitants and other appertenances; and in more restricted senses, as instanced above: and one says عَالَمُ الحَيَوَانِ meaning the animal kingdom, and عَالَمُ النَّبَات the vegetable kingdom, and عَالَمُ المَعَادِنِ the mineral kingdom:] Jaafar Es-Sádik says that the عَالَم is twofold: namely, العَالَمُ الكَبِيرُ, which is the celestial sphere with what is within it; and العَالَمُ الصَّغِيرُ, which is man, as being [a microcosm, i. e.] an epitome of all that is in the كَبِير: and Zj says that العَالَمُ has no literal sing., because it is [significant of] a plurality [of classes] of diverse things; and if made a sing. of one of them, it is [significant of] a plurality of congruous things: (TA: ) the pl. is العَالَمُونَ (S, M, Msb, K, &c.) and العَوَالِمُ: (S, TA: ) and the sing. is [said to be] the only instance of a word of the measure فَاعَلٌ having a pl. formed with و and ن, (ISd, K, TA,) except يَاسَمٌ: (K, TA: ) [but see this latter word:] العَالَمُونَ signifies the [several] sorts of created beings or things: (S: ) [or all the sorts thereof: or the beings of the universe, or of the whole world:] it has this form because it includes mankind: or because it denotes particularly the sorts of created beings consisting of the angels and the jinn and mankind, exclusively of others: I'Ab is related to have explained رَبُّ العَالَمِينَ as meaning the Lord of the jinn, or genii, and of mankind: Katádeh says, the Lord of all the created beings: but accord. to Az, the correctness of the explanation of I'Ab is shown by the saying in the beginning of ch. xxv. of the Kur-án that the Prophet was to be a نَذِير [or warner] لِلْعَالَمِينَ; and he was not a نذير to the beasts, nor to the angels, though all of them are the creatures of God; but only to the jinn, or genii, and mankind. (TA.) ― -b2- عَالَمٌ is also syn. with قَرْنٌ [as meaning A generation of mankind; or the people of one time]. (O, voce طَبَقٌ, q. v.)


That's not a link, genius. I can't verify your translation, and for all we know you're inserting parentheses with your own personal additions (which is what I suspect). I need to be able to verify your translation by comparing it to a credible source containing a translation that matches your own.

Sorry, but based on your past lies I'm not taking your word for anything. It seems fairly evident that you are taking personal liberties with another person's translation, and doctoring it to fit your desired narrative.

Prove me wrong, and post a link to E.W.'s translation. Then we can see if you are truly lying or not


New member
That's not a link, genius.

Its a direct quote from Lane's lexicon.

We know how you hate to click on links...:kookoo:

I can't verify your translation, and for all we know you're inserting parentheses with your own personal additions (which is what I suspect). I need to be able to verify your translation by comparing it to a credible source containing a translation that matches your own.

You couldn't verify your way out of a wet, paper bag...

Sorry, but based on your past lies I'm not taking your word for anything. It seems fairly evident that you are taking personal liberties with another person's translation, and doctoring it to fit your desired narrative.

Prove me wrong, and post a link to E.W.'s translation. Then we can see if you are truly lying or not

Lane was a world renowned Arabist, and His Lexicon has been the reference standard for the past 150+ years.

Good luck refuting it....:cigar:


Although I'm not a Muslim and have nothing in common with them the question has often been asked

Dialm how can the Muslims the English aristocracy the Pope and grannyPates of this world be forced out of society?

Here is my answer

A. Hire a henchman

A. Hire a dictator

A. Hire a strongman

A. Hire someone who doesn't care about human rights

In other words hire a Muslim or an English king or a Pope or an apostate.

The answer is A. Once again the A's have it.


The Calvinists should put their money where their mouths are.

Give up some freedom to rid society of these people.


The Mayflower Pilgrims were forced out of Western Europe by these people.

Why shouldn't plans be made to force those same people out of America?

A. (Your answer here)


Here is what grannyPate needs to do

Quit telling the rest of us that we are going to hell


Get out of the Country

Because the grannyPates of this world are ignorant slugs.


The Muslims forced the Christians out of the Middle East. The Pope forced the Protestants out of Italy. The English aristocracy forced the Pilgrims out of England because the Pilgrims said the aristocracy was going to hell. Now the grannyPates of this world are saying that the Pilgrims are going to hell. So he needs to follow thru. He is out of the church. Now get out of the Country.

Greg Jennings

New member
Its a direct quote from Lane's lexicon.
It's quite obviously not. Which is why you won't provide me with a link to Lane's real translation

We know how you hate to click on links...:
You couldn't verify your way out of a wet, paper bag...
It's pretty hard to avoid clicking on links that you never post, even when I specifically request them. How stupid do you think people are? Do you really think they'll read your post and just assume you're correct? Especially when the truth is so easily accessible? What a joke you are. You spend your life's work literally making things up in an attempt to besmirch an entire religion. Congratulations, that's literally the most pointless profession I've ever heard of anyone going into. I hope you are happy about your life's work being a pile of garbage that not a single person (even on an online forum, where gullible people are common) gives a second thought to.

Lane was a world renowned Arabist, and His Lexicon has been the reference standard for the past 150+ years.
And that's why your perversion of it by changing the words is disgusting. You're a disgrace to the profession you claim to be a part of. It's a good thing that you're absolutely lying about that too

Good luck refuting it....:cigar:
Thank you. I happen to have not needed your luck, though. These sites, and hundreds like them, will do:

I wonder why every single time, the translation is mentioned as, "Allah, lord of the worlds," or "Allah, lord of all things," and not, "Allah, lord of the jinn," as you claim? :think:.......:rotfl: :mock:Apple7
Everybody sees you for the liar you are. I hope you had fun spreading these garbage translations of yours, because I'll be here to call you on your dishonesty for a good while

Now for yet another time:
Can you find me one - just one - professor, theologian, religious scholar, or expert in Arabic languages that agrees with your translations about Allah being "lord of the Jinn" and so on?


New member


It's quite obviously not. Which is why you won't provide me with a link to Lane's real translation
It's pretty hard to avoid clicking on links that you never post, even when I specifically request them.

We've tried providing links with you - but you willfully ignore them.

You even ignore direct quotes placed before you.

If you are going to be in denial mode, then you might as well bury your head as deep as possible...

Rage on.....!

Greg Jennings

New member
We've tried providing links with you - but you willfully ignore them.

You even ignore direct quotes placed before you.

If you are going to be in denial mode, then you might as well bury your head as deep as possible...

Rage on.....!
It's pretty hard to ignore links that you never post. Would you like to give me some links now?

How stupid do you think people are? Do you really think they'll read your post and just assume you're correct? Especially when the truth is so easily accessible? What a joke you are. You spend your life's work literally making things up in an attempt to besmirch an entire religion. Congratulations, that's literally the most pointless profession I've ever heard of anyone going into. I hope you are happy about your life's work being a pile of garbage that not a single person (even on an online forum, where gullible people are common) gives a second thought to.

These sites, and hundreds like them, refute your lies:

I wonder why every single time, the translation is mentioned as, "Allah, lord of the worlds," or "Allah, lord of all things," and not, "Allah, lord of the jinn," as you claim? :think:.......:rotfl: :mock:Apple7
Everybody sees you for the liar you are. I hope you had fun spreading these garbage translations of yours, because I'll be here to call you on your dishonesty for a good while

Now for yet another time:
Can you find me one - just one - professor, theologian, religious scholar, or expert in Arabic languages that agrees with your translations about Allah being "lord of the Jinn" and so on?


New member
It's pretty hard to ignore links that you never post, even when I specifically request them. Would you like to give me some links now?

How stupid do you think people are? Do you really think they'll read your post and just assume you're correct? Especially when the truth is so easily accessible? What a joke you are. You spend your life's work literally making things up in an attempt to besmirch an entire religion. Congratulations, that's literally the most pointless profession I've ever heard of anyone going into. I hope you are happy about your life's work being a pile of garbage that not a single person (even on an online forum, where gullible people are common) gives a second thought to.

These sites, and hundreds like them, refute your lies:

I wonder why every single time, the translation is mentioned as, "Allah, lord of the worlds," or "Allah, lord of all things," and not, "Allah, lord of the jinn," as you claim? :think:.......:rotfl: :mock:Apple7
Everybody sees you for the liar you are. I hope you had fun spreading these garbage translations of yours, because I'll be here to call you on your dishonesty for a good while

Now for yet another time:
Can you find me one - just one - professor, theologian, religious scholar, or expert in Arabic languages that agrees with your translations about Allah being "lord of the Jinn" and so on?

Pick the very 'best' argument against my position from any one of your first-page googled results, and defend it.

Good luck...


Greg Jennings

New member
Pick the very 'best' argument against my position from any one of your first-page googled results, and defend it.

Good luck...


What's for me to defend? You're the one who is lying about translations and dodging straightforward questions about the authenticity of them, not me.

I've asked you already over and over, why are your translations of "Allah, lord of the jinn" not found in any credible translations?, including the links I gave you. It is always translated as, "Lord of all things," or "Lord of the worlds."

So, if your translation is correct, why is it directly contradicted by every expert, including the one you claimed to be on your side, E.W. Lane?


New member
What's for me to defend? You're the one who is lying about translations and dodging straightforward questions about the authenticity of your translations, not me.

I've asked you already over and over, why are your translations of "Allah, lord of the jinn" not found in any credible translations?, including the links I gave you. It is always translated as, "Lord of all things," or "Lord of the worlds."

So, if your translation is correct, why is it directly contradicted by every expert, including the one you claimed to be on your side, E.W. Lane?

Your thickness is amazing.

The classic Arabic Lexicons provide the very definitions of the terms used in renderings.

As such, I proved that the definition used in my rendering to be 100% verifiable in the best Arabic Lexicon available, anywhere in the world.

This is independent of anyone using it in their rendering....besides, which of your other renderings even provide their exegetical reasoning? Have you even bothered to look?



Greg Jennings

New member
Your thickness is amazing.
I believe this is the third time you've tried to project your ineptitude on me. Guess didn't work this time either

The classic Arabic Lexicons provide the very definitions of the terms used in renderings.
Then provide a link so that people here can see for themselves. Or keep dodging. It's up to you, but you're going to lose the little faith anybody here has in you if you keep that up

As such, I proved that the definition used in my rendering to be 100% verifiable in the best Arabic Lexicon available, anywhere in the world.

This is independent of anyone using it in their rendering....besides, which of your other renderings even provide their exegetical reasoning? Have you even bothered to look?



Why can't you answer a question that I've asked you over ten times now? (not an exaggeration, amazingly enough. You've dodged that many times you coward)

Why aren't your translations supported by anybody who studies this kind of thing? Why isn't just one single expert on your side? Why did you lie about E.W. White supporting your translation?


New member
Why can't you answer a question that I've asked you over ten times now? (not an exaggeration, amazingly enough. You've dodged that many times you coward)

Why aren't your translations supported by anybody who studies this kind of thing? Why isn't just one single expert on your side? Why did you lie about E.W. White supporting your translation?

Who is E. W. White...?!

You're getting very, very sloppy!
