Mt10-39 tells “selfish die”, while the opposite seems true.


Mt10-39 tells “selfish die”, while the opposite seems true.
Though people praise self-sacrifice, they practice the opposite. They may self-sacrifice for their children and near ones while being selfish with others. Self-sacrifice for enemy as stated by Christ is far from them. Though they seem to prosper in the short term, but on the long term, which is often beyond our myopic vision, it brings disaster. Our refugee experience shows that.
In our east Bengal homeland of pre-partition India we, the priestly Hindu Brahmin class were powerful. We stuck close to the bloody rulers and supplied the bloody gods and rituals they sought to support their plunder of the disorganized people mainly Buddhists. (Christian priests also did that by supplying bloody Jehovah and torturing Revelation god to theologically support the mass murderer roman rulers). In this way we became powerful and prosperous. We hated the Buddhists as untouchable atheists, but were worse than atheists in fact. We put intolerable burdens of tax and religious obligations on them, just as Jewish or other priests.
Then Islamic invasion started. The oppressed people began to be converted to that religion. Within a century they became majority and attacked us back. Many Hindus were killed and the rest fled leaving everything. Those who clung to their hearth either converted to bloody Islam or live like a dog.
Actually heaven-fallen love-rejecter humanity, fallen from an old pride-infected heaven (bigger than earth as sun is), can only be ruled by terror, not by love. We didn’t repent-rectify our pride-infection (the original sin) as good souls, the unity of Christ, did. They began to create new heaven elsewhere.
But unrepentant we clung to suicidal Devil, the pride. Heaven-fallen he rules us by terror and murder, before being disintegrated by pride-hate practice. Whoever goes against love disintegrates as love integrates everything together. Then newer powerful heaven-fallen devils destroy the weaker previous ones and reign in their place. This cycle is repeated.
Devil, the pride, has so blinded us that we can’t see even near future, let alone eternity. So our selfishness guides us to suicidal death as we are all from the same source, heavenly Father, the unity of heavenly parents. When we harm one human consciously, we harm self in fact. It is sure to overtake us with compound interests in the long run, disintegrating our soul parts. That is soul death, the loss of personality as we see in mad people even here. It is sure to overtake all selfish people, almost all humanity, except a few. Their soul parts will remain to suffer bleak, dark loneliness, without personality. This is eternal hell.
But, those self-sacrificing for others like Christ will be regenerated by heavenly Father. Holy Spirit, the soul particles emanating from Him like sun, will lead them to more powerful reorganized personality progressively. They will create heaven even here and latter in eternity. That I am experiencing in me.