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Inmates say prison made them watch Hillary Clinton’s speech, blacked out Donald Trump’s

Federal convicts told a judge they were forced to watch Hillary Clinton’s convention speech at the federal prison where they’re being held — but said the prison imposed a blackout on Donald Trump’s speech, tuning the facility’s televisions to other channels.

To read the rest of the article click HERE

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
you'd think the aclu would jump on this - being forced to watch hillary is cruel and unusual punishment


Inmates say prison made them watch Hillary Clinton’s speech, blacked out Donald Trump’s

To read the rest of the article click HERE

"In filings in a federal court in Texas, the four female convicts — one of whom, in a bizarre twist, is serving time for smuggling illegal immigrants — said they need to be set free to fight their case. They said prison officials and other inmates are targeting them for their political beliefs, and particularly their support for Mr. Trump, the GOP presidential nominee."

Convicts for Trump!

My initial thoughts on why prison officials wouldn't allow convicts to view any speech made by Donald Trump is because of his threatening and violent nature. Con's could get all worked up and the next thing you know is that they'll be taking their rage out on corrections officers.

Besides, in a prison environment there is no such thing as freedom of speech (and justifiably so).

Surely you're not saying that prison officials don't have a right to censor what the con's in their facility see and hear are you Jefferson?


Quote: Originally posted by a CultureWarrior

My initial thoughts on why prison officials wouldn't allow convicts to view any speech made by Donald Trump is because of his threatening and violent nature. Con's could get all worked up and the next thing you know is that they'll be taking their rage out on corrections officers.


You know, like when he beat up his first wife because he didn't like her plastic surgery job (I won't talk about his rape allegation of a 13 year old girl, because that might upset you).

Donnie is a wannabe tyrant, and tyrants are threatening and violent by nature.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Quote: Originally posted by a CultureWarrior

My initial thoughts on why prison officials wouldn't allow convicts to view any speech made by Donald Trump is because of his threatening and violent nature. Con's could get all worked up and the next thing you know is that they'll be taking their rage out on corrections officers.

You know, like when he beat up his first wife because he didn't like her plastic surgery job (I won't talk about his rape allegation of a 13 year old girl, because that might upset you).

Donnie is a wannabe tyrant, and tyrants are threatening and violent by nature.

You must really admire Hillary, huh? After all, she's never told a lie, never been dishonest with any of her dealings with others, and just might end up being the best "Commander and Chief" this country has ever been led by. Truly, she's the cream of the crop. The best America has to offer. Our country and the world about us will appreciate her expertise in all matters.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
At least we KNOW Hillary is in the best physical shape of any previous Presidential contender. We can't say the same thing about Trump. I've heard she and Bill jog five miles a day and Hillary can bench press 300 pounds. Both are avid mountain climbers. On the other hand, Trump eats his weight in junk food every day. His Cholesterol is off the chart and his arteries are so clogged his Doctor's said, you couldn't fit a dozen one-celled animals through any of them. On an average, his Blood Pressure runs about 200/199 plus. And, that's when he's at rest. Trump sleeps in an Iron Lung at night and must be resuscitated each morning in order to wake up. Trump also has to be fed intravenously. I read these FACTS in the "George Soros Register." So, they must be true!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
At least we KNOW Hillary is in the best physical shape of any previous Presidential contender. We can't say the same thing about Trump. I've heard she and Bill jog five miles a day and Hillary can bench press 300 pounds. Both are avid mountain climbers. On the other hand, Trump eats his weight in junk food every day. His Cholesterol is off the chart and his arteries are so clogged his Doctor's said, you couldn't fit a dozen one-celled animals through any of them. On an average, his Blood Pressure runs about 200/199 plus. And, that's when he's at rest. Trump sleeps in an Iron Lung at night and must be resuscitated each morning in order to wake up. Trump also has to be fed intravenously. I read these FACTS in the "George Soros Register." So, they must be true!



You must really admire Hillary, huh?

I just can't bring myself to vote for an accused child rapist who amongst other things is pro abortion and pro homosexuality (sorry, I didn't mean to bring up the "h" word, as I know how angry you get when I talk about it).

I'm voting for Daryl Castle of the Constitution Party Grossie. You being the RINO that you are, obviously don't care who is running on the Republican Party ticket, just as long as they identify as a republican.

After all, she's never told a lie, never been dishonest with any of her dealings with others, and just might end up being the best "Commander and Chief" this country has ever been led by. Truly, she's the cream of the crop. The best America has to offer. Our country and the world about us will appreciate her expertise in all matters.

Hillary Clinton, like Donald Trump is a moral degenerate (but then moral degenerates of a feather do flock together don't they Grossie?).


Does it bother you Grossie that drag queens and sexual deviants are friends of your candidate? (I did not use the "h" word in that post, so hopefully Grossie will remain somewhat calm).


Fleming is serving a 30-year sentence for Medicare fraud, while Raheleh Ziaei is serving eight months for drug possession, and Tammy Willis is serving six months for what she calls a property crime.

The fourth convict, Robin Clarice Parezanin, is serving a 30-month sentence after she pleaded guilty to smuggling an illegal immigrant.
There's something that doesn't ring true about this story - while Medicare fraud and smuggling illegal immigrants may warrant "federal" incarceration, 8 months for "drug possession" and 6 months for "property crime" should be served in a Texas State Jail!

"If a person is convicted of an offense referred to as a State Jail Offense (a sentence of 180 days to 2 years for a non-violent 4th degree felony), he or she is sentenced to serve time in the state jail. This is more like a minimum security prison, rather than the county jail. It is run by, or under contract with, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, just like Texas Prisons."

In addition, how can someone serving a 30 years sentence be housed in the same facility, federal or state, with another inmate serving 6 months?
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