ECT Modern Times and the evacuation from history by D'ism


Well-known member
On the contrary.

But yours is not that.

Yours is your reading into another's words - you've yet to show I view Romans 9's mention of Gentiles as an analogy - that is your reading into what I said :chuckle:

By the way, your pm box is full; you might want to download them, if you wish to "save" them.

You didn't "say" it was an analogy. You treated it that way instead of the ordinary meaning, which is found in the end of ch 9. You are trying to rewrite the end of ch 9's Gentiles vs Jews so that 2P2P survives. The way to do that is to say that Gentiles does not mean Gentiles but rather another house of Israel.


New member
You didn't "say" it was an analogy. You treated it that way instead of the ordinary meaning, which is found in the end of ch 9. You are trying to rewrite the end of ch 9's Gentiles vs Jews so that 2P2P survives. The way to do that is to say that Gentiles does not mean Gentiles but rather another house of Israel.

In Romans...Gentiles is...Gentiles.

It is your sense of Paul's use of Osee as an analogy that is off...


New member
Take it easy on Danoh. He is the only one with a clue what your posts are saying.

Lol, by the way, I have a three flat for sale that is perfect for your three house understanding.


Barney (heir) on the first floor; Andy (You) on the second, and Otis (Musti) on the third.

GM, ur, Goober, is out chasing Earnest T. Bass (Danoh) for throwing a rock thru yer winder.

"Citizens arrest! Citizens arrest!"


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Lol, by the way, I have a three flat for sale that is perfect for your three house understanding.


Barney (heir) on the first floor; Andy (You) on the second, and Otis (Musti) on the third.

GM, ur, Goober, is out chasing Earnest T. Bass (Danoh) for throwing a rock thru yer winder.

"Citizens arrest! Citizens arrest!"


One household of God...


New member
Yep, I was referring to this:

No, bro, I meant as with Israel. Even when they ended up divided into two houses, they were still one house in His eyes as to His plans.

Likwise with the Israel of God/Body of Christ - two residents within one building.

Or three residents, within your trichotomy :chuckle:

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
No, bro, I meant as with Israel. Even when they ended up divided into two houses, they were still one house in His eyes as to His plans.

Likwise with the Israel of God/Body of Christ - two residents within one building.

Or three residents, within your trichotomy :chuckle:

Do you see an inheritance (in scripture) on earth, in the city, and the heavens?


New member
So, does that mean that when a man or a woman is saved, they lose there sex? I am not sure that is what is being said here.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Dispensationalism is so unnaturally attached to the Bible that NT background is virtually lost......Wha...wha.....wha....... .

Well, "teacher," how about unpacking for us dispensational(an excellent biblical word) wackos, when this "that NT" began. Please, teach us.....Please?