Mean TOL members


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
yup if you love your child you would warn them about steping out into might even have to be harsh about it.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Delmar - (serious, and sincere face)
Ya but shouldn't you "balance" your harshness with godly love?
(still attempting to put on a serious, and sincere face)
Don't you know that love is most "important"?
(straining to put on a serious, and sincere face)
You are harsh to them, and then you are loving with them too, right?
(cracking up, darn, I would make a terrible actor.)


New member
Originally posted by deardelmar

yup if you love your child you would warn them about steping out into might even have to be harsh about it.

I was in my African Dance class, and the teacher, a southern Baptist no less, said that he was in a store where someone was disciplining their child by yelling at the child and calling the child names. The parent swore at the child, hit the child, and seemed unable to control it, but thought being harsh was the way to control a child. He said that that is simply bad parenting.

I couldn't agree more.

I have yet to find a place where Christ was harsh with sinners.
He was only harsh with the religious leaders.

It's odd.
I was thinking about this all weekend, about how I am told by some about the freedom and life we have through Jesus.
But now you can't do this, and you have to follow these rules, and you have to do this...

It's more bondage than liberating.

And misery loves company. That's why they are always attacking happy people.


New member
btw - the analogy is really arrogant.
It puts you, the christian, in the parent, and me, the non-c, as the naive child who doesn't know better.

Except that we are both adults.

I am not a child, don't think like a child, and certainly don't look to someone else for my guidance. And that angers you, because I'm not under your control. You can say it's God's control, but it really comes down to your beliefs, your ideas, your commands, you idea of God.

Sorry. I know how to cross the street all by myself.


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

I have yet to find a place where Christ was harsh with sinners.
He was only harsh with the religious leaders.

Since when were the religious leaders not sinners?


+OL remote satellite affiliate
BB - That's a perfect 10!

For aversion, obfuscation, and making false charges. You might be an adult age wise, but you hardly know how to treat a simple matter with personal integrity, truthfulness and maturity. I'm sure deardelmar and myself will be happy to hear an answer to what we have actually said, instead of so much subversion.

Until then, your falsification and slander, not the least of which goes against God and His word (bogus obfuscation that you know we would love to chomp on), need not be taken seriously from anyone, not because you do not hold a small kernel of truth, but because you assert that it all should appropriately apply directly to our discussion in response to what we have been saying.

Sometimes when the truth is placed in front of someone who will not accept it, they change the subject, blame you and run, sad reality, anything but honest and mature.


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

I am not a child, don't think like a child, and certainly don't look to someone else for my guidance.
So, being this mature, don't you realize that you should not follow the perverted example which some other (just as immature) person obviously influenced you with, and caused you to mimic their queer behavior pattern? You look to them, you are just in denial. Your 'peer' group is smaller than you would care to believe, but you have bought into the lie.


New member
Originally posted by Sozo

Since when were the religious leaders not sinners?

They were. But they did not see themselves as such. They said to the disciples "why does your teacher eat with sinners?"

I'm sure they saw themselves as parents, and the "sinners" as the children playing in the yard. And Jesus made them angry because he told them, "yep. You're right. They're snakes and vipers, and claim to love God and wouldn't know him if he sat next to them. " But instead, they listened to Jesus, and this took the power away from the Pharisees, and made them hate Jesus.
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New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

They were. But they did not see themselves as such. They said to the disciples "why does your teacher eat with sinners?"

That does not negate the fact that Jesus was harsh with sinners.

How do you "see" yourself?


New member
Originally posted by Sozo

That does not negate the fact that Jesus was harsh with sinners.

How do you "see" yourself?

Can you find a place where Jesus was harsh with one person that wasn't a teacher in the temple?

He was angry at the religious, but never at those that were rejected from the temple as "sinners."

Not one.

Jesus was not harsh with Zacheus.
Jesus was not harsh with the lepers.
Jesus was not even that harsh with the rich man, who was materialistic.
He was not harsh with the prostitutes.
He was harsh with the vipers - the religious leaders who exhalted themselves, who had power, who were of high honor in their villages. Those are the people that Jesus was harsh with.

But some people need to validate their cruelty to misquoting the bible. I'm not sure why, but it's obvious. Then they need to get other people to agree with them, and do a POTD. "See! 3 other people think I'm right, too!"

Do they speak harshly of the viperous religious leaders?
Heavens no!
This would be more Christ-like.

They instead, turn on the sinners.

Means nothing. I listen to God.
Even christians can be led astray, especially when they are following the opposite ways they are instructed to be, when they don't pray for love, but have love of ego, etc.

But none of that harms another. Nothing can separate me from God's love. Blow your lungs out, Mr. Wolf.
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Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

I listen to God.
If you did, you would know that He said that in order to just see The Kingdom, you have to first be born-again. You haven't done that yet, and you expect to enter The Kingdom on your merits (so it seems). In order to claim to listen to God (read: do what He says) you have to hear all of His Word, and respond to Him, not call Him a Liar.


New member
You'll have to try much harder than that to blow my house in, Mr. Wolf. Why don't you try coming down the chimney.
We would love to have you for dinner...


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

You'll have to try much harder than that to blow my house in, Mr. Wolf. Why don't you try coming down the chimney.
We would love to have you for dinner...

Are all your posts filled with homosexual overtones?


New member
Originally posted by Sozo

Are all your posts filled with homosexual overtones?

The 3 Little Pigs is "homosexual overtones"?

How's that?

The bible says to beware of wolves that come in sheeps clothing.

Is that a homosexual overtone as well?


Seem a bit obsessed with the subject, dude.


New member
Originally posted by beanieboy

The bible says to beware of wolves that come in sheeps clothing.

It also has something to say about pigs, and I'd say you have perfectly fulfilled the observation...

"A sow, after washing, returns to wallowing in the mire."