Mean TOL members


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Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

The World According to Beanieboy:

Live and let live. To each his own. Do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt your neighbor. Don't correct your neighbor until your life is perfect. Think about trees.

This is not what I said at all.

I said that sometimes, those pointing the finger are making matters worse because they do it to harm rather than help.
The "love" by hating, and call "loving" hatred.

The World According to You is not to listen to anyone except those who agree, to parrot what you have been taught, to mock, to belittle... That's your path. Good luck on it.

As a Buddhist, we encourage one another to point out our weaknesses and faults, so that we may live better lives and make the world a better place. We do with humility, and we do so for the edifucation of one another. It's my preference of treating people.

Can I correct my neighbor? When my house is clean, sure. I must approach with humility. I must point something out to make them grow, not condemn them. If I say I feel love for them, but correct them out of spite, out of self hatred or insecurity, if I secretly enjoy hurting them, I say more about myself than them. But I must be encouraging of positive things they do, and look at them as teacher as well as student. God talks through whomever he chooses, so listen always.

Do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt you or your neighbor? That's a pretty generic way that all religions act.
Wicca says, "Do what thou wilt, and harm no one."
Christianity says, "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Think about trees? :chuckle:
When I walk under trees and watch them blow in the wind, yeah, I think about trees, how they look like they are dancing when the wind blows, with their arms up, reaching toward the sun, reaching toward God.

Yeah. I think about trees.

On Fire

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1. God is the creator of the Universe.

2. The Bible is God's Word.

3. The Bible says homosexuality is an abomination.

4. God's people should not practice or condone homosexuality.

5. Beanie does not believe in God because he loves his sin more than God.


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Originally posted by AtheistsSuck

For you to acknowledge that we will NEVER be without specks or beams.

That's not even what he asked.
He asked if a rebuke is valid not matter how it is presented, and I said that if it was pointed out how to do it correctly, it's because doing it incorrectly can do more damage than good.

But I am saddened by your response. It's sounds like you simply shrug and say, "oh, well, I'll never be perfect, so why try?"

Buddhist visualize perfection of themselves, and what you think, you begin to become. As I have grown, many beams and specks have been removed. I may never reach perfection, but at least I can reach for it.


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Originally posted by !!!!First

Psalm 5:6-7

You know all the verses by heart of the Wrath of God - but how many verses do you know of God sparing His Wrath? - and God allowing us His Mercy to repent? - You call people to a blood lust god - a god of your own image - a god that is molded after Poly - not Christ.
I think the first thing we need to do is clear up your mistake of the wrong that you think I'm doing.
You don't think that I misinterpret the bible, you think that the problem I have is that I only use those verses showing God's wrath and not those where God's spares his wrath.
Now that we've cleared that up, I could easily ask you why do you only use those verses concerning mercy and nothing about judgment? You're doing the very thing that you claim I am doing. This makes you a hypocrite.
You show mercy toward's everybody even the ones who mock and disrespect God. Certain verses fit certain people. Why would I want to show one like beanieboy, for instance, verses on God's mercy? He has been sincerely asked by others here, time and again, to repent but he says he has no need of God and claims that it's not Christ that counts but how good he is. Wouldn't you say that this is pretty much a slap in the face to God and that one who would do this should be exposed? Not only that but ones who encourage an unbeliever to do this by not exposing him should be rebuked.
Sorry for the same tone that you show towards others - I am human - I get angry... but it is difficult to be polite to someone who shows so much of themselves in the god which they claim to be real.
I don't remember ever reading that it's ok to be a hypocrite as long as you apologize for it.

Your god is you.
No, my God is a righteous God who does not tolerate anyone who rejects His son, claiming that they can be good enough to be saved, without His Son. He expects His followers not to tolerate them as well.

If you could see a person - a sinner, crying at Jesus feet - washing His feet with her tears - then somehow claim that this person in the presence of the Lord - would be so moved by a God of the Hell Fire eternal searing flesh burning all sinners except those who agree with the nature of God acording to Poly -
You're making me out to be one that is harsh with people who humble themselves before Christ, just as the woman you mentioned above. I challenge you to find one post on here where I was harsh with this type of person. You've made a false claim, with no proof so this makes you a liar.

Think about it.
Ok, let's see, become like !!!First who is a hypocrite, allowing his love to be hypocritical and also makes false claims about others or be Christ like. I think I'll go with Christ on this one.


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Originally posted by AtheistsSuck


1. God is the creator of the Universe.

2. The Bible is God's Word.

3. The Bible says homosexuality is an abomination.

4. God's people should not practice or condone homosexuality.

5. Beanie does not believe in God because he loves his sin more than God.


Yes, once again, all roads of conversation lead to homosexaulity, no matter what we are talking about.
Last edited:


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Originally posted by Poly

I think the first thing we need to do is clear up your mistake of the wrong that you think I'm doing.
You don't think that I misinterpret the bible, you think that the problem I have is that I only use those verses showing God's wrath and not those where God's spares his wrath.
Now that we've cleared that up, I could easily ask you why do you only use those verses concerning mercy and nothing about judgment? You're doing the very thing that you claim I am doing. This makes you a hypocrite.

But you didn't answer the question.

Why do you condemn others for not showing God's wrath, yet choose not to ever show God's mercy?

You say that someone is doing the same thing, and then call them a hypocrite.
But that's makes you a hypocrite as well, does it not?


New member
You're making me out to be one that is harsh with people who humble themselves before Christ, just as the woman you mentioned above. I challenge you to find one post on here where I was harsh with this type of person. You've made a false claim, with no proof so this makes you a liar.

Thank you for making it so easy - whatever I did - even if I did lie - you say then that I am a liar - you say that someone else has a different sexual orientation than you do - so they are a homo, lesbian - or just amoral.

To be like Jesus - Jesus saw past what a person does, to see that there is a Child of God there - wanting to come out - and by His attitude People were made whole, not just by Words - the attitude was there as well - and we can see this effect of the Lord - in the example I gave of where it is recorded that a sinner - in this case a woman, washed the feet of Jesus with her tears and dried His feet with her hair.

I ask you to consider the person of the Lord - that He does not label people according to their sin - that Jesus sees this person as a liar, this other person as a homosexual, this other person as an adulterer - that this attitude that you have present in your psyche - calling this person this or that - and being offensive, simply does not do any good as far as presenting yourself in any way a follower of the Lord.

Your simply on a rampage - like a mad elephant in a china shop - you are addicted to adrenalin - you get a rush from the way you condemn people and accuse them falsely of wrong motive - you have a serious psychological problem - you are in need of council.

Do not take my word on the matter – ask a pastor that you trust - a real pastor - not a fellow adrenalin addicted addict like 1-Way.



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Originally posted by !!!!First


Thank you for making it so easy - whatever I did - even if I did lie - you say then that I am a liar - you say that someone else has a different sexual orientation than you do - so they are a homo, lesbian - or just amoral.

To be like Jesus - Jesus saw past what a person does, to see that there is a Child of God there - wanting to come out - and by His attitude People were made whole, not just by Words - the attitude was there as well - and we can see this effect of the Lord - in the example I gave of where it is recorded that a sinner - in this case a woman, washed the feet of Jesus with her tears and dried His feet with her hair.

I ask you to consider the person of the Lord - that He does not label people according to their sin - that Jesus sees this person as a liar, this other person as a homosexual, this other person as an adulterer - that this attitude that you have present in your psyche - calling this person this or that - and being offensive, simply does not do any good as far as presenting yourself in any way a follower of the Lord.

Your simply on a rampage - like a mad elephant in a china shop - you are addicted to adrenalin - you get a rush from the way you condemn people and accuse them falsely of wrong motive - you have a serious psychological problem - you are in need of council.

Do not take my word on the matter – ask a pastor that you trust - a real pastor - not a fellow adrenalin addicted addict like 1-Way.

You can be so pathetic sometimes, really.

It boils down to this. If one is repentant, like the woman at the feet of Jesus, there's no need to be harsh.

If one is arrogant like beanie then he should be exposed.

And if one is a liar and a hypocrite like you which I proved to be true with my last post, then this person should be rebuked.


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Within the bible it is indeed found, "God is love". Found at 1 John 4:8.

Originally posted by Dread Helm

That's the same verse as "Judge not, and hate the sin, not the sinner." right? Book: 1 Cliche 1:1


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And if one is a liar and a hypocrite like you which I proved to be true with my last post, then this person should be rebuked.

You proved nothing - except that you are blind, deaf and dumb... sorry I waisted my time with you - you just get worse, not better.



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Originally posted by !!!!First


You proved nothing
Post 904 shows otherwise.
except that you are blind, deaf and dumb... sorry I waisted my time with you - you just get worse, not better.
Why so harsh, !!!First? I thought that wasn't the way to go, according to you, anyway.

:doh: There's that hypocrisy again.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Thats right Poly, !!!!!First tried to terrorize me with an onslaught of indefensible generalizations of personal attacks, and then when I mocked him for doing that by turning his own argumentation against himself, he found fault in me for mimicking ,,, him! :darwinsm:

Trying to make sense with a hypocrite is like trying to make a contradiction make sense :kookoo: , it is not possible because it is nonsense. Same with hypocrisy since it is a living example of a contradiction.

I assume you understand this, but, I doubt that !!!!First does, so I hope !!!!!First will not be offended if we don’t hold our breath for him to stand quickly corrected.


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Originally posted by !!!!First

Do not take my word on the matter – ask a pastor that you trust - a real pastor - not a fellow adrenalin addicted addict like 1-Way.

Yea Poly a real nicer than God pastor:D

...Then Go ask a Bible believing pastor!


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or you could just read the Bible for yourself .... oh yeah you tried that and !!!!First didn't like it!


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Originally posted by deardelmar
Originally posted by !!!!First

Do not take my word on the matter – ask a pastor that you trust - a real pastor - not a fellow adrenalin addicted addict like 1-Way.

Yea Poly a real nicer than God pastor:D

...Then Go ask a Bible believing pastor!


New member
Last night, I was reading that one of the things we do that causes ill intention is divide ourselves.
We put the person on the otherside of the fence.

You are:
a jock
A dropout
a prom queen
a nerd
a basket case

All of the characters from The Breakfast Club labeled each other, and so, felt ill will toward one another, thought some below them.
But they soon learn that when they see that the label doesn't fit the complexity of the individual, when they allow themselves to see the other as people, they have compassion, they start to connect and edify one another, and build each other up.

Seems a lot more productive than name calling.


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Originally posted by beanieboy

Last night, I was reading that one of the things we do that causes ill intention is divide ourselves.
We put the person on the otherside of the fence.

You are:
a jock
A dropout
a prom queen
a nerd
a basket case

All of the characters from The Breakfast Club labeled each other, and so, felt ill will toward one another, thought some below them.
But they soon learn that when they see that the label doesn't fit the complexity of the individual, when they allow themselves to see the other as people, they have compassion, they start to connect and edify one another, and build each other up.

Seems a lot more productive than name calling.
Oh, now there's some brilliant philosophy for ya there! All wrapped up nice and neat in a stupid '80s movie. :doh:


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It's interesting to come hear to many members that profess to love Jesus, yet, seem hellbent on creating disharmony. They are in love with the sword verses, but coil at any mention of gentleness, or kindness.

And it reminds me of when I was in high school.
I went to Ottawa HS. Marquette was a catholic school. We had a "friendly rivalry" which meant spray painting their building with our school colors. We hated them.

And we hated LaSalle Peru, because they were the neighboring town.

The way that Illinois hated Iowa.

The way that the US hated Russia.

It was just division after division, and then you grew to despise them.

And that is what I think division does.

Your path. Your karma.


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Originally posted by Poly

Oh, now there's some brilliant philosophy for ya there! All wrapped up nice and neat in a stupid '80s movie. :doh:

I think several people have asked you to repent for you name calling and visciousness, and you have yet to do it.

Why is that?


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Originally posted by beanieboy

I think several people have asked you to repent for you name calling and visciousness, and you have yet to do it.

Why is that?
You're not seriously asking me this question.
(Oh what am I thinking. Of course you are because you are a fool.)

Maybe because I've been asked this by idiots, who don't know the bible well enough to see that I have nothing to repent of. I'm not repenting to a bunch of babies who got their feelings hurt because that's the biblical idea.

Your turn.

I think several people have asked you to repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ and you have yet to do it. Why is that?