Mean TOL members


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originally posted by lower case

people who have no respect for god's word's are nothing new aimmeal.
You're getting pretty good at diagnosing your own problems.
"what he had promised he was able to perform." rom. 4:21
Does that mean to you that He performs as He wills, even in the lives of unbelievers? Don't you realize that the wicked are reserverd to fire, against the day of judgement?
"behold, all souls are mine," saith the lord. "as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine." ezek. 18:4
This verse doesn't say that all souls will be allowed into heaven, does it?
you think god has no power over things that are his?
He gave man freewill. You don't take that into account. He does. He allows men to choose life or death. Their choices are reflected in the words that they speak. He's The One that placed Himself in this restriction. He is not 'limited,' but He has designed by what rules He will operate. One of them is that He will not 'appear' to men, for they would die, upon seeing Him. This is not a limit that God has, but something that is necessary, in order for men to exist in a 'non-perfect' world, which contains error and chaos (alongside His Design, which works all things together for good, but only to those who are called, according to His Purposes).
"i exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men." 1 tim. 2:1.
So, you're saying that because we're instructed to pray for everyone and give thanks for every man, that this means to you that every single soul will be saved? That's not just a stretch, it's downright fantasy. You're straining at a gnat to swallow a whole herd of camels.
i really don't care what another christian says i watch "queer eye for the straight guy" and i enjoy it.
Not only is that un-natural and anti-Christian, it's your 'sin-nature' and the demon in you that enjoys it. It is the pleasure of sin, and will only last a 'season.' If you're not careful, then, since the devil is already, apparently, in the 'car,' one day he is going to take over the 'wheel.'
i work with gay people often. i do business with them. they are no different than you or i. in fact most of them are much nicer people. much nicer.
I don't doubt that one bit. I never professed to being 'nice.' Satan can masquarade as 'nice,' but Christians don't have that luxury. We have to tell The Truth.
why would i denigrate what is god's?
You've mis-used your verb in that sentence, you should have asked yourself, "Why do I denigrate what is God's?
the souls of the gay people are god's.
Yes, and if He is believed, then He shall save them. If not, then not.
so is the soul of the terrorist.
Personally, I don't believe that murderers will gain eternal life.
have you ever considered that the things we suffer from in this life are raised by god himself because we do not love others or trust god?
As I said, all things do work together for good, but only to those who love The Lord and are called according to His Purposes.
we reap what we sow.
That's true for everyone, whether they be Christian or not.
i have already determined that when i leave here i will leave in love for my neighbors...alllllll of them.
You don't demonstrate that love for the 'mistaken' Christians (such as myself) that believe The Word of God regarding eternal judgement.
i have no desire to enter into heaven with eternal judgment clinging to my heart over someone else's sins and damning others who will come in.
I'm with you. The Lord does not look upon sin the way that we do, though. Every single thing that men speak brings life or death to their soul, and He will require an accounting of those words, for everyone who has not been forgiven, by believing in Jesus, for salvation.
"there is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. he that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 john 4:18
So, you believe that this verse means that no one should fear The Lord, as well? Un-believers need to fear The Lord, because there is certain judgement for their sin. Believers need to fear The Lord, because that is the beginning of their wisdom. If we cast aside all fear, it is foolishness. It is Love, God's Presence, in the heart of a believer, that takes away the fear that we need to seek.
do you want to be made perfect in love? as a believer i do.
I hear you. Have you ever been still in The Presence of The Lord, and been shown not to fear, by Him? It is a sweet thing, The Presence of The Lord. It is really terrifying, the first time it happens, and then, as He said, He casts out all fear. It is wonderful.
then you should run from torment. he who has torment is not perfected in love.
Those who don't have any relationship with Love will be tormented forever.


New member

But then again, I know the difference between an improper judgement, for example calling a person's family member derogatory names instead of addressing them. I also know how and when to use the tools at my disposal, among them is harshness.

So heavy on the harshness with unrepentant homosexuals eh?

Let me ask you this: How do you treat devout Muslims, Hindus, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormons? They have turned their back on God and spit in his face every time they worship their false gods. They are unrepentant sinners as surely as homosexuals are. So I am sure you call Muslim women disgusting putrid infidel ninja women to their faces to bring them to repentance? Particularly if they reject your witness and cling to their own faith, right?

What are the creative and specific vulgarities and slurs you use for members of the other religions/cults I listed to convict them of their sin? If you don't have any, I'm going to have to question your consistency in the way you treat unrepentant sinners.

More to come......
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Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

I asked:
What is the speck, and what is the plank?
You didn't answer.
Do you just not know?
It's like asking, "Have you stopped beating your wife?" The speck is your queerness, and the plank is my self-righteousness. I really don't agree with queer-bashing, but I don't believe that you're gay, because there is nothing happy about being queer. It is misery. You feel condemned, hated and shunned. You feel a failure. If you don't admit to that, then you're in denial, or worse, schizophrenic. I don't feel any 'better,' or think of myself as 'better' or more holy than you, or anyone, for that matter. I feel ashamed of my sin, just like you do. I don't measure up to God's standards. He demands perfection. Jesus is The Only One that ever achieved that. He didn't have to, since He was already Perfect and accepted in Heaven. He came down here, took on the form of flesh, spoke what He wanted to, demonstrated His Love, and surrendered His Life, as payment in full, for our sins, if we but believe in Him.


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Originally posted by beanieboy

But I come here, and it is like a tax collector coming to Jesus and the Disciples, and the Disciples shooing him away and calling him a bag of puke, and when he leaves, saying, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
No, it's more like a homo coming to Jesus and because the homo made it clear that he did not need Jesus nor did he want anything to do with him, because he thought he was good enough already the disciples would then shoo him away and call him a "bag of puke".

And then they would turn to Jesus and say, "How am I doing?" and thing he would give them the thumbs up, pick up a rock and whip it at the guy.
No, when the disciples asked, "How are we doing?", he would "give them the thumbs up" but He would have told them that they should have used some of this.


Well-known member
Of course it is wrong to take a, "I'm-holier-than-you," attitude. There aren't any perfect Christians, and not every person that claims Christianity has an active relationship with The Lord, and some have never met Him. He is alive. He rose from the dead to enable us to have a relationship with The Father, but only through Jesus.

No one will make fun of those in The Lake of Fire. The Lord will cry, profusely, on The Day of Judgement. He feels emotions far more deeply and far more profoundly than we do. We will all be moved to tears upon that day, at the judgement of every single soul. We will not be joking around, and neither are Christians who say, The Lord can save you from eternal judgement, to which all men are appointed, according to The Word of God.


Well-known member
We should be honored by the insults of those who persecute us for righteousness sake, but most of us just assume that it means we don't represent Christianity very well. I don't believe that someone who speaks The Truth of The Gospel will ever be 'accepted' by this world. We will be despised and rejected, and worse, we were warned. We should not be surprised when it happens. We should merely shake the dust off of our feet and allow it to be a witness to them.


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

It's like asking, "Have you stopped beating your wife?"

Judas tapdancing Priest.

I simply asked a question.

I was told to read the passage.
It says to first take out the place from one's eye, so that the speck can be removed from another.

So I asked, what is the plank one should remove from their own eye?
What is the speck of another?

It's a valid question. Jesus said it, and I simply asked what he meant.

Are you suggesting that Jesus was saying, "Stop beating your wife before..."

It was a simple question. The attack and anger from simply asking about something I was told to read suggests guilt.
Work it out.
Just answer the question. It isn't a trap.


New member
Originally posted by Poly

No, it's more like a homo coming to Jesus and because the homo made it clear that he did not need Jesus nor did he want anything to do with him, because he thought he was good enough already the disciples would then shoo him away and call him a "bag of puke".
No, when the disciples asked, "How are we doing?", he would "give them the thumbs up" but He would have told them that they should have used some of this.

Quote it.

Show me where the disciples acted like this, and were commended, and I will believe you.


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel
I don't believe that someone who speaks The Truth of The Gospel will ever be 'accepted' by this world.

Then you will bring no one to God?

You are told you are self righteous.
You thank God that you are persecuted for righteousness sake.

But often, it is by other christians questioning your lack of humility, your cruelty, etc.

It isn't for righteousness that you are getting flack.

One can't reach out to the unsaved as "the enemy."


New member
Wow Poly, you obviously thought long and hard about post #605. It is so profound. You'd better bookmark it so you can come back to it next time you need a putdown to glorify the Lord. I know you get no glory out of bashing others.

It'd also be good to consult next time you need to misrepresent Christ by imposing your own twisted agenda upon Him. Nothing like using humor to make light of the plight and damnation of others.

If I were you, I wouldn't be so eager to explain to God Himself some of the horrible things you have said in His name to unbelievers.


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Judas tapdancing Priest.

I simply asked a question.

I was told to read the passage.
It says to first take out the place from one's eye, so that the speck can be removed from another.

Just answer the question. It isn't a trap.
Holllld on thar, you varmint, I'll do the thinnin' around here.

I did answer your question, rather directly, ding-dong-dangit...

Originally posted by Aimiel

The speck is your queerness, and the plank is my self-righteousness.


New member
Was Jesus prideful for believing the same? He claimed to be God's only begotten Son. That's an even bolder statement than what Christians make when we say we are going to Heaven! So if you are going to call us prideful, you had better call Jesus prideful as well. And yet you claim...

I think you might have Jesus and Buddha mixed up or something. Yes, Jesus detests the wickedly proud, but spreading humility was not Christ's core purpose on earth. Jesus didn't die on the cross so we can be humble, unrepentant sinners.

Jesus was in no way prideful. Although he claimed to be the son of God, he sure didn't act like you'd think a heavanly prince would... He was born to a common woman in a manger. He was a carpenter. He lived a humble life and encouraged others to do the same. He never boasted and he was never self-righteous. To Jesus, humility was a virtue.

Pride is arguably the most dangerous and oldest of all sins.

Perhaps spreading the message of humility was not Jesus' main purpose, however, who can deny the fact that Jeses was one of the most humble people to ever live? Are Christians not supposed to be Christlike? Is humility not a virtue? Do you believe that Christians should be humble?

That would explain your unfamiliarity with Christ.

I am not a practicing Christian now - (thanks to experiences with people who were much like the "truthsmackers" around here...) however, I have read the Bible from cover to cover, and have spent countless hours in Bible study from different persepctives. (ie., bible study as a believer, questioner, unbeliever, etc). I will assume that you say I am "unfamilair" in the sense that I am not a member of your faith, however, if you are suggesting that I am ignorant as to the

Then why do you "truly believe" the meek shall inherit the earth? When does the inheritance take place, before or after the worms begin eating at your rotting flesh. Sad as it sounds, that's all the naturalistic worldview has to offer.

I believe that those who are humble and meek have a better chance of achiving true happiness than those who are prideful and vain. If all of humanity were more humble, the world would be a better place.


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Originally posted by beanieboy

Um, Poly, you buy this?

Psalm 58:10 "The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance; He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked."

When the homos, baby killers, rapists, child molestors, etc, get their vengeance, I'll definitely be rejoicing.


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel
I really don't agree with queer-bashing, but I don't believe that you're gay, because there is nothing happy about being queer. It is misery. You feel condemned, hated and shunned. You feel a failure. If you don't admit to that, then you're in denial, or worse, schizophrenic.

This isn't true.
It's not misery at all.
It's scary being on the other end of people threatening to kill you, but it was the same for Jews in Germany, and Blacks in the US.
But I don't feel like a failure at all. In fact, I grow more and more closer to whatever "god" is. You say that I feel "condemned, hated, and shunned." But people condemned Jesus constantly. Many hated him. Many shunned him because he associated with undesirables, and questioned peoples motives, and hearts. Look what he said to Simon and the prostitute - that he should basically back off, because she shows him more love than Simon does. Food for thought.

Btw, here is the definition of Schizophrenia:
Any of a group of psychotic disorders usually characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, and accompanied in varying degrees by other emotional, behavioral, or intellectual disturbances. Schizophrenia is associated with dopamine imbalances in the brain and defects of the frontal lobe and is caused by genetic, other biological, and psychosocial factors.

I don't withdraw from reality, I don't think I am God, I don't hear voices. I don't have a dopamine imbalance.

It shows:
a) your ignorance of schizophrenia and
b) your callousness of those that live with it.

Something to think about.


New member
Originally posted by Poly

Psalm 58:10 "The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance; He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked."

When the homos, baby killers, rapists, child molestors, etc, get their vengeance, I'll definitely be rejoicing.

So, who's right, aimel?

On Fire

New member
Compare yourself to Jesus all you want. You are in denial. You are in love with yourself and your sin. You can't see the forest for the trees. Maybe one day you will see the truth.


Well-known member
Originally posted by beanieboy

Then you will bring no one to God?
No, I already have, and will many more, The Lord willing, and He is. I meant that this world, which is (generally) lost and without God, will never accept The Truth, and will never believe God.
You are told you are self righteous.
You thank God that you are persecuted for righteousness sake.

But often, it is by other christians questioning your lack of humility, your cruelty, etc.

It isn't for righteousness that you are getting flack.

One can't reach out to the unsaved as "the enemy."
I haven't been told that I'm 'self-righteous,' or acting self-righteously by anyone that I believe to be a Christian, or correct. Not that I haven't, in the past, but not in the last... oh, say year or so, at least on TOL. Yes, by the way, it is because I hold The Truth in my heart and because I endure sound doctrine that people like Smaller (non-believer) attack me. Yes, that is one of the ways that I am persecuted for righteousness' sake. Another is being white and sharing The Gospel on the street, many times being taunted and often confronted physically, when I go to neighborhoods where I'm perceived to be a threat to 'business' (drugs).


Merely Christian
Originally posted by adajos

So heavy on the harshness with unrepentant homosexuals eh?

When necessary. Do you think my witness reflects your view of me? (I already asked you this once...)

Let me ask you this: How do you treat devout Muslims, Hindus, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormons? They have turned their back on God and spit in his face every time they worship their false gods. They are unrepentant sinners as surely as homosexuals are. So I am sure you call Muslim women disgusting putrid infidel ninja women to their faces to bring them to repentance? Particularly if they reject your witness and cling to their own faith, right?

I tend to believe all pagans "spit in the face of God", by their idolitry don't you? I'll ask you a third time, is this what you get from the tone of my posts to beanieboy, or are you just labeling me for expediancy's sake?

What are the creative and specific vulgarities and slurs you use for members of the other religions/cults I listed to convict them of their sin? If you don't have any, I'm going to have to question your consistency in the way you treat unrepentant sinners.

I will wait to see if this is trully how you see my witness. I would like very much for you to post an example of my witness where you feel I was being improper toward beanieboy, thank you.

PS. I asked for an exapmle of yours on how to witness rightly to beanieboy, thank you (again) in advance.
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