McCabe Just Made Life Tough For Comey


New member
Yes, the leaders of the FBI are scumbags and they have been caught red-handed doing their best to undermine the result of the last Presidental election.

And just look at all the liberals actually defending their actions.

It makes me sick to my stomach!

Yeah, I'm sure it's the guy who was busy settling a fraud lawsuit before being sworn in who's telling the truth.



The FBI tasked with protecting American democracy are "scumbags" - while Vladimir Putin, who according to all 17 intelligence agencies attempted to interfere with the 2016 Election, gets a cordial call from the President congratulating him on winning a "fixed" election!

If Comey had pledged his allegiance to this President, dropped the Flynn Investigation and ignored his oath of office to uphold the Constitution, both he and Andrew McCabe would still have their positions in the FBI!

Not quite the right color