Marijuana legalization: LESS government?


I'm sorry to hear that you went through that.

But pot smokers can be violent too.


I met my father at 14 after the loss of my Christian mom at 8 yrs old. I attended a Christian school up until the fourth grade when she died. From there I moved to Oregon and lived in an alcoholic home and my faith was not discipled. By the time a met my dad I was spineless. Especially in terms of a Samoan. My pops claimed to have been seeking the Prime Ministership of Western Samoa in 1976. His grandfather was the king of Samoa. When his attempt to gain the position he desired was blocked by family members he returned to the states to look for my bro and I. Being devested of his titles he was a raging man who blamed the problems of his homeland on white missionaries. There were so many years of emotional turmoil up until I married had a daughter at 30, he died that year. If I knew then what I do now I would have stood up to him on the basis of my being in Christ and left him.

I told Arnold Fruchtenbaum the story and said to him if I told my dad that I'd probably been killed. Frucht's reply?
"You missed out on a martyr's crown" haha.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem


New member
So what you're saying here intojoy is that you can proudly engage in unrighteous behaviors (adultery, homosexuality, recreational drug use, look at pornography, etc.) and still say that you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind?

If repentance of sin (which recreational drug use is) isn't required for salvation, then there are going to be onehelluva lot of fags up in Heaven.


jesus turned water into a recreational drug after the provided drug had run out, meaning people were already drunk. he must not be very christ like.


New member
Don't go there doper, don't go there. Go ahead and push your poison on other people, but don't try to tell me that my Lord and Savior was anything like you.

I didn't say that. The Bible did. See, and note the bold. . .

John 2:1-11

Jesus Changes Water Into Wine
2 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”

4 “Woman,[a] why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”

5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
6 Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.

7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim.
8 Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.”

They did so, 9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside 10 and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”


I didn't say that. The Bible did. See, and note the bold. . .

I'm quite familiar with Jesus turning water into wine. What you're not familiar with is that the Son of God/God in the flesh didn't Himself or encourage others to get drunk.

You're typical Libertarian, your love of your chosen sin supersedes anything else.


New member
I'm quite familiar with Jesus turning water into wine. What you're not familiar with is that the Son of God/God in the flesh didn't Himself or encourage others to get drunk.

You're typical Libertarian, your love of your chosen sin supersedes anything else.

So when people have "had too much to drink," and Jesus provides them 30 gallons more, that isn't encouraging them to keep drinking?

Let me ask you, if I went to a bar and bought a few rounds for a guy that already had too much to drink, you wouldn't consider that encouraging the behavour?

I know one thing, I've never done that like Jesus did. Yet somehow you think I'm the bad guy here.

Typical right-wing Christian, putting your fingers in your ears and saying "la la la," so that you don't have to hear the facts as they are laid out in your Bible


So when people have "had too much to drink," and Jesus provides them 30 gallons more, that isn't encouraging them to keep drinking?

Let me ask you, if I went to a bar and bought a few rounds for a guy that already had too much to drink, you wouldn't consider that encouraging the behavour?

So are you saying that the Son of God/God in the flesh sinned?


New member
Jesus and Wine

Did Jesus turn water into “alcoholic” wine at a party?

Yeah, the head of the wedding said, "Usually at weddings people serve the choice grape juice first, and when people have drank too much grape juice, then they bring the bad grape juice out and the people drink that too."

I mean who hasn't gone to a wedding where people have drank too much grape juice?


Nope. I don't believe in sin.

God believes in it, and that's all that matters.

If Jesus over served people with fermented wine, then He sinned.

You've attempted to blaspheme my Lord and Savior, so light up your vaporizer and let's get this party (discussion) going.


Get used to it.
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Jesus and Wine

Did Jesus turn water into “alcoholic” wine at a party?

:think: Hmmm....Interestingly enough I found this in the article:

Learn The Bible said:
"Nature NEVER forms spirituous liquors. The fruit (grape) may rot and turn sour but it takes ART to convert juice to alcohol."



:think: Hmmm....Interestingly enough I found this in the article:

Originally Posted by Learn The Bible
"Nature NEVER forms spirituous liquors. The fruit (grape) may rot and turn sour but it takes ART to convert juice to alcohol."

I got the feeling that the author of that article believes that it's a sin to imbibe in alcoholic beverages, when in fact it's a sin to intoxicate oneself.

That being said: Do you believe Jesus Christ sinned by over serving others with fermented wine?


You said it.
You're the one that just said he sinned, not me.

Now that our dope fiend has backtracked, let's talk about the pros and cons of dope vaporizers.

"Vaporization is a relatively new method of administration for marijuana. This device delivers inhaled THC while reducing toxic byproducts of smoking marijuana caused by combustion (Abrams, et al., 2007). The vaporizer heats the marijuana to a temperature between 180 and 200°C which releases cannabinoids in a fine mist without producing toxins related to combustion (Earleywine and Barnwell, 2007). “Respiratory symptoms in heavy users are one well-documented negative consequence of cannabis consumption” (Earleywine and Van Dam, p. 248). Although not much research has been conducted on actual individuals using marijuana vaporizers, a few publications do suggest that the vaporizer is the best method of administration for marijuana in limiting respiratory symptoms in users (Earleywine and Van Dam, 2010).

In a study conducted by the University of New York at Albany and the University of Southern California, researchers found that respiratory effects of marijuana and cigarette use decreased when using a vaporizer. “The data reveal that respiratory symptoms like cough, phlegm, and tightness in the chest increase with cigarette use and cannabis use but are less severe among users of vaporizers” (Earleywine and Barnwell, p. 4). According to this study, vaporizer use as a method of administration has both pros and cons. The decrease of respiratory symptoms is a definite pro in comparison to combustion. However, the cost of a vaporizer can be considered a con. The cost for a vaporizer can range as high as hundreds of dollar (Earleywine and Barnwell, 2007).

In a second study conducted by the University of New York at Albany in 2010, researchers found a dramatic improvement in the participants’ respiratory symptoms. Two of the four participants were cigarette smokers and all four were marijuana smokers. The results showed a drop in respiratory symptoms from 25% to 83%. Also, “respiratory symptom changes were higher among the cigarette smokers (dropping 83% and 66%) than in the non-smokers (dropping 50% and 25%)” (Earleywine and Van Dam, p. 246).

Apart from the improvement and changes in respiratory symptoms in the participants of this study, all four participants reported a delay in feeling high when using the vaporizer as compared to smoking the marijuana. Two of the four participants reported using a higher dose of marijuana in order to feel a high faster. All four participants reported they intended to continue using the vaporizer as their method of administration for marijuana. Yet, they also suggested that “a smaller, battery-powered device might prove more appealing to regular users” (Earleywine and Van Dam, p. 247)."

Shag, have you thought about using a smaller, battery-powered device to inhale your dope with? I assume you would have to use less dope with that to get your hiiiiiigh?

Forgive me, I'm new to the doperatarian world, so this is all Greek to me.


Get used to it.
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I got the feeling that the author of that article believes that it's a sin to imbibe in alcoholic beverages, when in fact it's a sin to intoxicate oneself.

I get the feeling the author is more interested in proving his view of things than he is in the truth. :think:

That being said: Do you believe Jesus Christ sinned by over serving others with fermented wine?

:nono: I do not believe OUR LORD Sinned.

Neither do I agree with your characterization of the event...But...I am enjoying watching you trying to extricate yourself from the situation that you have gotten yourself into.
