

New member
Let's look at the verses that say that:

So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance (body, soma) of Christ. (Colossians 2:16-17)​

The word "is" was added by translators.

The "body" of Christ observes NT teachings.

The Sabbaths lay out God's plan for humanity.


This has blessed me and brought better understanding

16 Therefore let NO MAN JUDGE YOUin eating and drinking or in respect of a festival or of an observance of the new moon or of a sabbath; 17 for those things are a shadow of the things to come, BUT THE BODY OF CHRIST

God's Truth

New member
Bitterness comes from having to be forced into doing anything...we are to WANT TO

Gratitude is our motivation to obey...

Hebrews were being cautioned not to force but be peaceful... Gentiles were being told they HAD to do certain things that they actually didn't...that creates bitterness...

If you don't want ain't grateful I guess...but it is a Law 1 of the 10 nevertheless

You are not speaking the truth. The writer of Hebrews calls you a bitter root because you do not understand that Jesus is the Sabbath.


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Hall of Fame
I see, people are still squawking about this topic. Has not all that can be said, already been said?


New member
Shadows are on the ground when a light shines in a dark place.

The Bible says the special days and old law was a teaching tool about what was coming.

When Jesus comes the shadows disappear.

2 Peter 1:19 We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

Jesus came and walked and claimed He was the light but kept Sabbath anyway...fought for it...stole it back from others who would keep it for themselves what they had made for it...

He asserted His lordship with it "lord of the Sabbath" not "lord of the do not kill" or "lord of the do not steal" etc...but "lord of the Sabbath" why would He want to destroy the very thing He derived His authority do understand how Lord of London or Lord of the Rings works yes? The city and rings bring power and authority to their respective lord...

As for teaching tools...tell me something textbooks and tutors also teach yes? And when the teacher enters the classroom are those tools suddenly wrong? Thrown out? Does the teacher teach contrary to what the tools and tutor does?

When the teacher leaves...what remains...when we graduate are we able to go contrary to what we were taught?

Does the teacher allow for 2+2=5 or teach the law of addition is no more?

When the LIGHT comes into our lives we do NOT stand and stare but we use it to better see our work...ourselves and each become lights to others...TO ESTABLISH LAW

Which LAW determines the LOVE YOU LOVE WITH...HIS?

He NEVER said HE IS THE SABBATH DAY...then there is that...

God's Truth

New member
Jesus came and walked and claimed He was the light but kept Sabbath anyway...fought for it...stole it back from others who would keep it for themselves what they had made for it...

He asserted His lordship with it "lord of the Sabbath" not "lord of the do not kill" or "lord of the do not steal" etc...but "lord of the Sabbath" why would He want to destroy the very thing He derived His authority do understand how Lord of London or Lord of the Rings works yes? The city and rings bring power and authority to their respective lord...

As for teaching tools...tell me something textbooks and tutors also teach yes? And when the teacher enters the classroom are those tools suddenly wrong? Thrown out? Does the teacher teach contrary to what the tools and tutor does?

When the teacher leaves...what remains...when we graduate are we able to go contrary to what we were taught?

Does the teacher allow for 2+2=5 or teach the law of addition is no more?

When the LIGHT comes into our lives we do NOT stand and stare but we use it to better see our work...ourselves and each become lights to others...TO ESTABLISH LAW

Which LAW determines the LOVE YOU LOVE WITH...HIS?

He NEVER said HE IS THE SABBATH DAY...then there is that...

The law to observe special days, even the Sabbath, they are SHADOWS.

We do not observe shadows anymore.

The Teacher has come and in him are no shadows.

Jesus gives you things to obey to enter his Covenant and things to do to stay in his Covenant.


New member
We are saved by Jesus Christ, not by a day.

Here is the real kicker...had we not sinned we would be keeping the SABBATH...

It was established like marriage before sin entered the once this detour of grace is over we will return to what we were supposed to be doing all along...

His will on earth as it is in heaven...He kept Sabbath and rested and was refreshed...even before sin...

Sabbath was made for man...before he sinned...


New member
The law to observe special days, even the Sabbath, they are SHADOWS.

We do not observe shadows anymore.

The Teacher has come and in him are no shadows.

Jesus gives you things to obey to enter his Covenant and things to do to stay in his Covenant.

Yup to enter and stay...means a Sabbath keeping remains...

His covenants...from the Edenic one which its first full day was a sabbath and He kept the New Covenant when again the first full day was a Sabbath and again He kept did His followers...

God's Truth

New member
Here is the real kicker...had we not sinned we would be keeping the SABBATH...

Had we not sinned we would have REMAINED IN THE SABBATH, Jesus Christ, who is God over all.

It was established like marriage before sin entered the once this detour of grace is over we will return to what we were supposed to be doing all along...

We were cast out of God, who is Jesus Christ, and Jesus came to put us back in him.

His will on earth as it is in heaven...He rested and was refreshed...even before sin...

Jesus says that he and the Father are always working.

John 5:16 Now because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jews began to persecute Him. 17 But Jesus answered them, “To this very day My Father is at His work, and I too am working.” 18 Because of this, the Jews tried all the harder to kill Him. Not only was He breaking the Sabbath, but He was even calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God.


New member
Had we not sinned we would have REMAINED IN THE SABBATH, Jesus Christ, who is God over all.
Jesus was NOT CHRIST at that time...CHRIST was only necessary after sin...oh my

Remained at rest? There was a garden to tend to HELLO lots to learn...Adam was to name everything created...was co creator in a sense...

SABBATH would even corrupt our created purpose than to accept a gift

We were cast out of God, who is Jesus Christ, and Jesus came to put us back in him.

Jesus says that he and the Father are always working.

John 5:16 Now because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jews began to persecute Him. 17 But Jesus answered them, “To this very day My Father is at His work, and I too am working.” 18 Because of this, the Jews tried all the harder to kill Him. Not only was He breaking the Sabbath, but He was even calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God.

Because of Jews you think like if agreed He broke His Father's law...

As if He agreed He sinned...

There goes your salvation as your savior is not worthy...

Jews got you to kill Him...again

Clap clap clap...

God's Truth

New member
Jesus was NOT CHRIST at that time...CHRIST was only necessary after sin...oh my

Are you kidding? God made the plan of salvation to be through Jesus’ body BEFORE He created anything, and then He made everything through Jesus, for Jesus, and by Jesus.
Remained at rest? There was a garden to tend to HELLO lots to learn...Adam was to name everything created...was co creator in a sense... would even corrupt our purpose then to accept a gift

We rest in God and we were cast out from God. Jesus came and puts us in him so that he can put us in God. That is reconciliation.

Because of Jews you think like if agreed He broke His Father's law...

As if He agreed He sinned...

There goes your salvation as your savior is not worthy...

Jews got you to kill him...

Clap clap clap...

What in the world are you saying now?


New member
Are you kidding? God made the plan of salvation to be through Jesus’ body BEFORE He created anything, and then He made everything through Jesus, for Jesus, and by Jesus.
not talking about Jesus but His anointing as do realize that is not His last name yes?

It's not His real first name either...but Christians have much to unlearn...obviously

Ok so for what purpose is He anointed? To SAVE...ok so what purpose is there to SAVE if there was NO FALL?

You do realize the office was not needed until it was...but guess what!! Sabbath was established before the rest from the purpose to which we were originally work and learn

And of course since the fall the grace and sacrement of SABBATH is even more obvious...having to work to eat from the sweat of our brow the cursed soil...are you kidding? TGIF is for a real reason...even pagans celebrate...

We rest in God and we were cast out from God. Jesus came and puts us in him so that he can put us in God. That is reconciliation.
ok but again there was reconciliation even before the worked the garden and God would come to see "what's up?"

What in the world are you saying now?

The origin of your thought...Yahushua sinned...this is not of Holy Spirit origination I assure you...

Go back and read the edit...

God's Truth

New member
So now you are perverting your own words, I guess to stay in practice for perverting the Scriptures.

Here are your EXACT words and as anyone can see you make no mention of obeying for salvation at all:

What is wrong with you. I just said I said that.

I know I say Madist do wrong by saying we do not have to obey.

I preach we have to OBEY to get saved.

Madists say we do not have to.

Pay better attention when you want to make yourself a teacher and a debater.