ECT Madist explain please how the 7 I AM's OF Jesus in John does not apply to the BOC


New member
Of course the Gospel had been corrupted. The Judaizers were trying to get everyone under the law instead of grace.

In Contrast To Grace, which is Unmerited; the Law's blessings were Conditional.

And in your ignorance of this Dispensational Distinction and or Change from one Distinction within one one That Differs within a Different have just called the Lord...a Judaizer and are not even aware you did...

For you ignorantly hold that MML&J is the Body's "instruction in righteousness" but the following is actually a Conditional Blessing under...the Law.

Mark 10:17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. 10:19 Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother. 10:20 And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. 10:21 Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.


New member
Yep, a Marine is a Navy size fits all...aye; artful dodger.

On reflection, please accept my apology for the above should it have offendef you.

I was merely trying to make a point about the importance of distinctions between...things that differ.

Again, my apology.
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Hi Clete and 1 Cor 12:3 destrorys when and how Paul was Baptized or sent me a PM and I will explain !!

Paul was never WATER BAPRIZED when he , Paul was SAVED in Acts 9:6 !!

Remember when I have asked , explain how Paul was saved and they RAN AWAY , they did not know how Paul was saved !!

dan p

They will always run away or find a reason not to respond.

They aren't interested in following what the bible actually says, they are interested in following what they've been taught to believe. It's a religious belief. They'll say that their religious belief is what the bible actually says but they aren't at all interested in confirming that claim which would require an honest investigation into opposing claims.

It is a religious belief on the paradigm level and it only has to make sense from within itself and often times it doesn't even have to make that much sense. Acts 9 Dispensationalism asks people to abandon what they been raised to believe is the truth and to accept a quite different biblical paradigm. Only the rarest of people are even capable of doing such a thing.

This is the reason dodge's stupidity doesn't penetrate and will never move any Acts 9 Dispensationalists one inch and it is the reason why he cannot figure out why he hasn't won a single debate. He is literally incapable of seeing that he isn't even addressing the issue and he thinks that people like me have somehow changed the subject on him, which, of course, we haven't done. He can't see it and he never will see it because he doesn't want to see it. If he reads this, he'll think I'm just insulting him or lying or some other such thing - whatever it takes to shield his mind from considering the idea that he's missed something important or that those silly MADists maybe aren't as silly as he thought.

When you find someone who isn't interested in being convinced of anything, no matter what is said, how it is said or how obviously plain the truth of it is made, don't waste time casting seed onto concrete. Or, if you do, don't expect any result other than that you get some practice making the argument.

Resting in Him,

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
They will always run away or find a reason not to respond.

They aren't interested in following what the bible actually says, they are interested in following what they've been taught to believe. It's a religious belief. They'll say that their religious belief is what the bible actually says but they aren't at all interested in confirming that claim which would require an honest investigation into opposing claims.

It is a religious belief on the paradigm level and it only has to make sense from within itself and often times it doesn't even have to make that much sense. Acts 9 Dispensationalism asks people to abandon what they been raised to believe is the truth and to accept a quite different biblical paradigm. Only the rarest of people are even capable of doing such a thing.

This is the reason dodge's stupidity doesn't penetrate and will never move any Acts 9 Dispensationalists one inch and it is the reason why he cannot figure out why he hasn't won a single debate. He is literally incapable of seeing that he isn't even addressing the issue and he thinks that people like me have somehow changed the subject on him, which, of course, we haven't done. He can't see it and he never will see it because he doesn't want to see it. If he reads this, he'll think I'm just insulting him or lying or some other such thing - whatever it takes to shield his mind from considering the idea that he's missed something important or that those silly MADists maybe aren't as silly as he thought.

When you find someone who isn't interested in being convinced of anything, no matter what is said, how it is said or how obviously plain the truth of it is made, don't waste time casting seed onto concrete. Or, if you do, don't expect any result other than that you get some practice making the argument.

Resting in Him,

Another excellent post.


Well-known member
In Contrast To Grace, which is Unmerited; the Law's blessings were Conditional.

And in your ignorance of this Dispensational Distinction and or Change from one Distinction within one one That Differs within a Different have just called the Lord...a Judaizer and are not even aware you did...

For you ignorantly hold that MML&J is the Body's "instruction in righteousness" but the following is actually a Conditional Blessing under...the Law.

Mark 10:17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. 10:19 Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother. 10:20 And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. 10:21 Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.

Just so you know, the Gospel always calls us to do the one thing we 'lack', ie, the one thing we are trying to save or protect. You've missed the whole point in your literalism. The point is that revolutionary grace was being blocked by this guy or trapped or chained.

Literalism can never generate good theology.


Well-known member
You're saying that the Holy Spirit was UNABLE to keep the Gospel uncorrupted, ultimately?

The historic record is that the Judaizers sought to corrupt it. Obviously God has preserved it. What MAD presents about early Acts is phantom because there would have been no friction with Judaism. It needs to figure out what friction was there that put people's lives at risk.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Just so you know, the Gospel always calls us to do the one thing we 'lack', ie, the one thing we are trying to save or protect. You've missed the whole point in your literalism. The point is that revolutionary grace was being blocked by this guy or trapped or chained.

Literalism can never generate good theology.

I usually can comprehend what others are trying to convey, however, I have difficulty with understanding your attempt to be logical?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
The historic record is that the Judaizers sought to corrupt it. Obviously God has preserved it. What MAD presents about early Acts is phantom because there would have been no friction with Judaism. It needs to figure out what friction was there that put people's lives at risk.

The thing with friction is that it can be fractional, thus we must weigh the friction/fraction ratio against the NHNE event and then divide by the gospel event to compute the risk with which each action is to be compared.


Well-known member
The thing with friction is that it can be fractional, thus we must weigh the friction/fraction ratio against the NHNE event and then divide by the gospel event to compute the risk with which each action is to be compared.

Each fraction of friction may be overcome by proportionally applied portions of anti-friction substances such as PTFE, white-lithium, moly EP, etc,. In the absence of the technologies which have produced such substances, ancient Judaism eliminated the friction factor by applying copious amounts of olive oil. How they varied the viscosity of this lubricant in its various applications is unknown.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Each fraction of friction may be overcome by proportionally applied portions of anti-friction substances such as PTFE, white-lithium, moly EP, etc,. In the absence of the technologies which have produced such substances, ancient Judaism eliminated the friction factor by applying copious amounts of olive oil. How they varied the viscosity of this lubricant in its various applications is unknown.

Could not have explained it better myself.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Obviously, Interplanetary must be a genius? After all, no one, except for the "Albert Einstein of TOL", Danoh has the innate ability to decipher Interplanetary's posts.

Being slow to jump to conclusions about IP, Danoh utilizes Holfordian patience in meticulously recording patterns in IP's writing and is able to draw conclusions after much time and introspection.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Last post to you !

IF and when you start acting like a Christian ( without the childish and UN-Christian name calling ) then maybe we can actually have a debate, but not until then.
Let me guess; you think Jesus never called names... or anyone else who was a man or woman of God.

My interest is why and how Madist IGNORE what is right in front of them in the Gospel of John.

ALL of the "7 I AMS" taught by Jesus was specifically to the BOC.

The hypocrisy is making statements as fact when they are actually lies.

As far as looking for something to prove MAD is a man made lie was not look difficult the proof MAD is a lie is documented in all 4 of the Gospels.
Then show Jesus, or anyone else other than Paul, using the phrase "Body of Christ" within the Bible. We've already shown you that Jesus stated He only came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

The passage was not specifically to a group that did not yet exist, regardless of the fact that is applicable to them after the fact.


New member
Being slow to jump to conclusions about IP, Danoh utilizes Holfordian patience in meticulously recording patterns in IP's writing and is able to draw conclusions after much time and introspection.

Any MAD worth his salt should be able to pick up on where others are coming by their recurrent patterns witn ease.

It is one of the very first things another MAD pointed out to me many years ago. I knew right then and there he was right; and have known it ever since.

Just as I've witnessed this very ability in many a MAD over the years.

Recurrent patterns is the very basis of the reemergence of MAD.

It is why so many fools do not get MAD.

It is the very basis of further refinements in one's understandings within MAD.

It is the basis of where you and I differ in some of our understandings, say, of Romans 2, STP.

One aspect has to do with being slow to draw a conclusion about...any...thing.

It really is no big deal. It is in fact, automatic.

In fact, I've noticed I am not the only MAD on here able to do that.

Now watch the usual villiage idiots right off conclude the above observation was this poster's tooting of his own horn.

It is why such remain obtuse.

To them I say, try being slow to jump to conclusions.

No. I don't mean you, STP.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Just so you know, the Gospel always calls us to do the one thing we 'lack', ie, the one thing we are trying to save or protect. You've missed the whole point in your literalism. The point is that revolutionary grace was being blocked by this guy or trapped or chained.

Literalism can never generate good theology.

If the bible isn't literally true, who gets to decide what it means?