Love is not JUST LOVE!!


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All you so called christians who know nothing, cry LOVE, LOVE, LOVE knowing not what Love is!! – Can there be Love and not Hatred!! – Can there be Hatred and not Love!! – Is not the Love of God manifested in His Anger and Vengeance!! – If everyone gave in Love and spoke kindly to all, how could you know the difference, since there would be no difference!! – Can there only be God without Satan, or can there be light without darkness!! – OOHHH the fool might say, YEA! – “In God there is no darkness but only Light”, YEA! – But without the darkness, -- there is no need of the light; and how can there be no need of God, the Light!! – For there is darkness, and God is!!

If you only love the Good, where do you leave the evil. The Love of God IS TO HATE THE EVIL, or do you only lift up your SWORD against the Good!! -- It appears to me that there’s much more evil to hate than there is good to Love!! – If you only LOVE, where’s the Love of GOD IN YOU!!!

I look around in this darkness, and find no love, - but hatred abounds with every word spoken by any, and hatred abounds toward every word spoken by any; – Yet you LOVINGLY speak of LOVE and condemn HATRED; but this is also HATEFULNESS to be HATED!! – God is LOVE, but God is also HATE, for saith He, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay”!! – Yet the Vengeance of God makes manifest His LOVE toward His Children. – But your love is only with your mouths, - but from the Heart comes forth the Love of God!!
When God says, “I’ll pour out my wrath upon the wicked”, does that mean God hates the Just, or is He speaking of His Love for the Just!! ------- Zechariah 8:17 KJV – “Let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and LOVE NO FALSE OATH: for all these are things THAT I HATE, saith the LORD”. -----
OOOHHH FOOLISH FOOLS, when there is no Light, but only darkness, there’s no need for the Light, but only the manifestation of God’s own DARKNESS!!

Is not God’s Grace, God’s expression of Love!! – Is not Faith, your expression of your Love for God!! - If you receive God’s Grace, because of your Faith in God, then the Church is the Love of God’s Grace, and the redemption, or the Sanctification from the Hatred, or damnation of God!! --- Faith, Grace, and Sanctification cannot bring about Love, God is the Love of Faith, Grace, and Sanctification, thus we are created in His IMAGE!! – There is no darkness in that!! HOWEVER, the hatred of Satan, is also faith, his grace, and his lying promises, and brings about more hatred, and there is no Light in that!! --- Even though the Light shineth in that darkness, the darkness can only give the grace of death!! - Where darkness is; there is no Love of God, and where there is no Love of God, there is only death!!

Paul – 031512