LOST - discussion about the TV series LOST. ** SPOILER ALERT **

The Graphite

New member
Also, I wonder how much Eloise knows in the alternative timeline. She seemed to know exactly what was going on. Perhaps she didn't want Desmond finding Penny because then it would go away. She doesn't want it to go away because in the alternate time line...she still has her son.

And another thing. Do you think they could have made it any more obvious in the alternate time-line that the painting of the scale on Widmore's wall was the same in Jacob's cave?
Indeed, up until Season 6, they have been able to give extremely subtle and shady clues, but now that we're nearing the end, they will have to satisfy all of the Average Joe viewers out there and make sure everyone gets the major mystery answers. Of course, they'll still leave a lot of nuances and special details for the really dedicated viewers who love to solve the intricate mysteries.


Well-known member
Okay, any speculation on why Desmond was wearing his wedding ring in LA_X (when he was sitting next to Jack)? It obviously wasn't there in this episode.

I suppose it could be a mistake, but I doubt it.

Maybe that LA_X Jack/airplane scene was actually a different sequence than the one we saw in Happily Ever After? ...Where Desmond had already started acting on the memory triggered in last night's episode?

The Graphite

New member
Okay, any speculation on why Desmond was wearing his wedding ring in LA_X (when he was sitting next to Jack)? It obviously wasn't there in this episode.

I suppose it could be a mistake, but I doubt it.

Maybe that LA_X Jack/airplane scene was actually a different sequence than the one we saw in Happily Ever After? ...Where Desmond had already started acting on the memory triggered in last night's episode?
Good catch. I've been considering that, too.

It's either one of two things. Either 1) Desmond on the plane is from later on in the series, after he marries Penny in the ALT, and he went back to change things, or 2) it's Desmond from the Island!

Notice in this week's episode that the writers had Minkowski specifically point out that Desmond did not (this time) have a ring on his finger. They drew attention to it, even as Desmond is leaving the very airport, itself! This is clearly relevant. I don't buy that it's a continuity error. Therefore it is meaningful. Which means... that Desmond on the plane was married (likely to Penny!!!) and Desmond this week was not.


Well-known member
Good catch. I've been considering that, too.

It's either one of two things. Either 1) Desmond on the plane is from later on in the series, after he marries Penny in the ALT, and he went back to change things, or 2) it's Desmond from the Island!

And in either case, it's as if that scene on the plane in the premiere was actually taking place after last night's episode. A glimpse at Desmond stepping back into the sideways.

Notice in this week's episode that the writers had Minkowski specifically point out that Desmond did not (this time) have a ring on his finger. They drew attention to it. This is clearly relevant. I don't buy that it's a continuity error.

I agree.

Therefore it is meaningful. Which means... that Desmond on the plane was married (likely to Penny!!!) and Desmond this week was not.

These are the hints/clues I enjoy the most on LOST.

The Graphite

New member
You know what else doesn't make sense, and makes the ALT appear "fake?"

The two timelines appear to be bleeding into each other. However, we're looking at two very different points in time in these two timelines -- 2004 and 2007! If these are just ordinary, split-apart timelines, then they are not concurrent.

However, if the ALT timeline is artificial and/or imaginary in some sense (like the "imaginary numbers" referenced in ALT Daniel's newly dreamed-up journal), then they could be concurrent! The fact that one is 2004 while the other is 2007 but they are affecting each other, to me, proves that the one is artificially created by people in the other, somehow.

The Graphite

New member
Oh, and it's no coincidence that ALT Desmond's final and biggest epiphany happens when he is put in a confined space, given a button to push and then irradiated with electromagnetic energy.

Hello! Ding ding ding! :patrol:


Well-known member
You know what else doesn't make sense, and makes the ALT appear "fake?"

The two timelines appear to be bleeding into each other. However, we're looking at two very different points in time in these two timelines -- 2004 and 2007! If these are just ordinary, split-apart timelines, then they are not concurrent.

However, if the ALT timeline is artificial and/or imaginary in some sense (like the "imaginary numbers" referenced in ALT Daniel's newly dreamed-up journal), then they could be concurrent! The fact that one is 2004 while the other is 2007 but they are affecting each other, to me, proves that the one is artificially created by people in the other, somehow.

I just don't know. Sometimes I think they are concurrent, but it's also possible that the island's time is so whacked out that even if they aren't concurrent it still works in part as if they are. Way back I'd mentioned I was looking forward to seeing how actions in each timeline would influence the other, and especially how the "future" (island scenarios) would effect the "past" (LA_X scenarios). Like what's going to happen when someone dies (in either timeline)? That's something we haven't seen yet (except sort of Sayid, but not really). I think that'll be one of the next biggies.

Related, I think Eloise's new brooch was some sort of representation of the timelines. She used to wear that loop brooch. Now she has a parallel lines brooch, with little explosion-like stars on each line, kind of offset. Probably nothing very meaningful, but I do think it was intentional.

The Graphite

New member
I just looked.

Desmond does NOT have a wedding ring in the island/main timeline! Hmmmmm!

Here's another problem. Many are conjecturing that the events in the ALT timeline will lead to what we have known as the main/original timeline. But there's a big problem with that.

Daniel told Desmond (in 2004, mind you) that he already set off a nuclear bomb. How could that be if the events in the ALT lead up to the main timeline? It has to be the other way around

The ALT timeline has to have been created/split off either at or sometime after Jughead went off. Some event(s) in the main timeline caused the ALT timeline, not vice versa. Otherwise, Daniel in the ALT couldn't say that he already set off the bomb.


Well-known member
I just looked.

Desmond does NOT have a wedding ring in the island/main timeline! Hmmmmm!

I think the last time we saw him with a wedding ring was when Eloise Hawking got them all together (at the looking glass) to go back to the island and he said no. He had a ring then. EDIT: No, I think it was when Ben shot him.

Widmore (or Zoe?) asked Desmond if he had any metal before they zapped him. He said no.

Here's another problem. Many are conjecturing that the events in the ALT timeline will lead to what we have known as the main/original timeline. But there's a big problem with that.

Daniel told Desmond (in 2004, mind you) that he already set off a nuclear bomb. How could that be if the events in the ALT lead up to the main timeline? It has to be the other way around

I definitely think it's the other way around. Original timeline created the sideways timeline.

However, the sideways could sure loop around in some way (and remember that crazy island can move through space and time).

Like say, the island gets sunk at the end, and there's some kind of time shift, and the two timelines fully merge into the LA_X timeline... So they both wind up existing, but together. And the island timeline becomes part of our LA_X' characters past (or whoever's still standing), even though it originally had happened in the future. :plain: The "future/2007" island shenanigans become part of the past in their 2004 lives. The characters wind up having experienced both worlds, and are likely able to bring the some of the original (island) memory to the LA_X characters?

And the island we saw at the ocean bottom as our heroes flew over it in 2004, was actually sunk in 2007, by our heroes.


Not that that'll happen... Just meaning I can imagine ways that it could come back around.

My head hurts. In the present timeframe.


Well-known member
Desmond seemed to go too willingly with Sayid. Which makes me wonder what Desmond really knows. He seems to fear nothing now.

I agree, I think he's fearless.

I think both Desmonds are on a mission to preach the gospel (as revealed to him by Charlie) to both groups of 815ers.

Yeah, he'll be working it from both sides. Will be cool to watch. I hope he makes it out alive.

His willingness to go along with Widmore may have been insincere.

I don't know... I think he might be so resolved that he just isn't phased by whatever course comes up... Man with a mission, and he just wants to get down to business. Whether with Widmore, or with Sayid or whatever.

Not that I watch this stupid show or anything.

Of course not. None of us here do. Except maybe Knight.

Nathon Detroit

Ok, the following is part theory, part truth, and 100% just for fun.

Our little LOST group started watching LOST for the first time last October. Now we are on our second "go-round" and are HUGE fans of the show. (possibly even obsessed) ;)

Early on when we were watching it for the first time we became hyper-sensitive to people accidentally giving us "spoilers". So we were very careful to even let people know we were watching the show because the very mention of it brings about responses such as "Ooo.. I loved it when they started time traveling." :doh:

We started to joke amongst ourselves about our hyper sensitivity towards spoilers. We would pretend to accidentally spill out a spoiler just to get a cheap laugh. Our favorite phony spoiler was…

"Did you know that Locke is a Polar Bear?" Doh!

We figured the dumber the spoiler, the better.

Now flash forward to season 5. People (mainly online and on Twitter) began referring to Locke as Flocke. When I read it I wasn't exactly sure why so many people were using the term. So I typed "Flocke" into Google and hit search.

As you can see (if you try it yourself) the results of my search gave me my own "LOST moment".


Ladies and gentlemen…. Locke is a Polar Bear. ;)


Well-known member
Ok, the following is part theory, part truth, and 100% just for fun.

Our little LOST group started watching LOST for the first time last October. Now we are on our second "go-round" and are HUGE fans of the show. (possibly even obsessed) ;)

Early on when we were watching it for the first time we became hyper-sensitive to people accidentally giving us "spoilers". So we were very careful to even let people know we were watching the show because the very mention of it brings about responses such as "Ooo.. I loved it when they started time traveling." :doh:

We started to joke amongst ourselves about our hyper sensitivity towards spoilers. We would pretend to accidentally spill out a spoiler just to get a cheap laugh. Our favorite phony spoiler was…

"Did you know that Locke is a Polar Bear?" Doh!

We figured the dumber the spoiler, the better.

Now flash forward to season 5. People (mainly online and on Twitter) began referring to Locke as Flocke. When I read it I wasn't exactly sure why so many people were using the term. So I typed "Flocke" into Google and hit search.

As you can see (if you try it yourself) the results of my search gave me my own "LOST moment".


Ladies and gentlemen…. Locke is a Polar Bear. ;)


The Graphite

New member
Ok, the following is part theory, part truth, and 100% just for fun.

Our little LOST group started watching LOST for the first time last October. Now we are on our second "go-round" and are HUGE fans of the show. (possibly even obsessed) ;)

Early on when we were watching it for the first time we became hyper-sensitive to people accidentally giving us "spoilers". So we were very careful to even let people know we were watching the show because the very mention of it brings about responses such as "Ooo.. I loved it when they started time traveling." :doh:

We started to joke amongst ourselves about our hyper sensitivity towards spoilers. We would pretend to accidentally spill out a spoiler just to get a cheap laugh. Our favorite phony spoiler was…

"Did you know that Locke is a Polar Bear?" Doh!

We figured the dumber the spoiler, the better.

Now flash forward to season 5. People (mainly online and on Twitter) began referring to Locke as Flocke. When I read it I wasn't exactly sure why so many people were using the term. So I typed "Flocke" into Google and hit search.

As you can see (if you try it yourself) the results of my search gave me my own "LOST moment".


Ladies and gentlemen…. Locke is a Polar Bear. ;)

Ok, that's.... that is... erhhh.... That's just...

Alright, I'm not sure what that is. :dizzy:


Well-known member
Given this Desmond episode, depending on how the timelines merge, I suppose most everyone could die and also wind up alive. Until we know what happens when someone dies in LA_X. But if the worlds merge into the LA_X timeline rather than the island timeline, seems everyone could die (on the island) and live on in LA_X.


Well-known member
Given this Desmond episode, depending on how the timelines merge, I suppose most everyone could die and also wind up alive. Until we know what happens when someone dies in LA_X. But if the worlds merge into the LA_X timeline rather than the island timeline, seems everyone could die (on the island) and live on in LA_X.

Hm, except the kids could pose a problem... Aaron & Ji Yeon. Maybe it doesn't work. Like, if Sun and Jin survive, and the worlds merged, how would Ji Yeon fit in... And the the now pregnant LA_X Sun? Similarly, how would Aaron fit in with LA_X unborn Aaron?

The Graphite

New member
Remember the funny and sweet Google Search Video commercial? Through nothing but Google searches, it told the story of a young fella who falls in love with a French girl, woos her, gets married, and it ends with him searching for how to ... well, if you haven't seen it, I won't spoil the cute ending. I think it was during the Super Bowl. Well, Google now lets you create your own, with a special engine at their site. From what I can tell, the vast majority of ones people create there are stupid, insipid, boring and/or altogether a waste of time.

But, in the hopes of changing that... I have created my own, showing the path taken by some of our favorite Losties! Hope you like them. Each is only 35 seconds long. Enjoy, cupcake!

Jack Shepherd :sherlock:

Kate Austen :shadowmd:

Hugo "Hurley" Reyes :TomO:

James "Sawyer" Ford :BillyBob:

Sayid Jarrah :Grizzly:

Desmond Hume :geek:

Richard Alpert :noway:

Benjamin Linus :readthis: