Lisa is a fruitcake!

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Formerly Shimei!
Video Fruitcake is one of the first products that I bought from BEL. :up:


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YouTube posts a daily page of most-watched videos. If the video doesn't get onto this page, it gets buried. Then almost nobody will see it. Word will not get out.

So -- just in case you skipped the video please click the link. Also, please forward the video to three friends.

If this video makes YouTube's page of most-watched videos, it could quickly spread around the country like wild-fire!


New member
NO I'M NOT IN DENIAL! I'M NOT IN DENIAL! I was laughing so hard. And when she finally admitted something was wrong, Bob waved his hands and said, "Stop the presses." But Lisa probably didn't hear 85% of what Bob said in her talking over him and in her stubborness. When he pinned her down, she wouldn't admit to even the most basic of stuff because Bob had already told her she was contradicting herself. It kind of reminded me of debating Universalists and Atheists on TOL.............


New member
I loved it when he tricked her with his name fredrick.
Poor thing she didn't know which end was up?:chuckle:

The funniest part of that is that Bob Enyart Live was plastered on the screen the entire time she was talking to him. She called HIS show, and she didn't know his name? Public schools at work..... :ha:
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