"Let there be Good, and it was very Bad":


New member
I just do not understand how Knight feels about some of this people; - ( Me included ). - But these, who one can SEE, don’t do Anything but Look for, and Cause trouble; ( Never ) Answering Anything, JUST spouting Off in the Most hateful manner one can find ( Anywhere on earth ). - There is No other Group of people in Any type of Subject that is ~ Near as HATEFUL As this type of people Who (( Call themselves “Christians” )). - There is more Love among a street Gang than there is in the so called "?christian" group. - There is No consistent agreement even between any two of these so called “?christians”. --- Hasn’t anybody here at ALL, heard of, or Ever Read: >> 1 Corinthians 1:10 KJV – 10- “Now I beseech you, ((( “Brethren” ))), ( By the name ) of our “Lord Jesus Christ”, that ( Ye all speak the same thing ), and 9- That ( There be no divisions among you ); but ( that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment ). ---///--- “Disputing”, which is “Arguing”, - there is nothing wrong with that; it’s the way, and the HATE involved in your -- (( “DEBATING” ))!!! --- Romans 1:29-32 KJV – 29- “( Being filled with ALL unrighteousness ), “fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder”, (((( “DEBATE” )))) , “deceit, malignity; whisperers”, ---///--- “Debate” is the ( “Arguing” with GOD )!!! Not Disputing / Arguing with your ( Own People )!!! – (( That’s what God Said ))!!! - There is NO Argument against the Word of God; but you may “Debate” something with God, but I recommend that you Don’t!!!!

IF You have Christ, the Truth; - that Word of God ( IN )You, who Christ IS, then You are Saved!!! – There’s not a bunch of people and Things in the Christian!!!! – There is ( Only ) ( One ) ( Thing ) In the Christian, and that is the Word of God, ( Nothing Else at ALL )!!!! And that Same Word of God IS, - The Light, the Truth, the “WAY”, the Good, God, Jesus, Christ, Jesus Christ, the Comforter, the Spirit of God, the Body of Christ, the Holy Ghost, the Savior, the Creation, the Heavens, the Kingdom, the Knowledge, the Understanding, the Wisdom, the Love, the Wife, the Brethren. And many others, - and They Are ALL the ( Same ONE ), that is In the Christian, and THEY Are All ( One ) and there IS Nothing else, but that World made New By Christ ( Who is All ) That He made of, and for Himself, and No other, just for who He IS!!!

This Place, ( “TOL” ), created by Knight, could not have been Wanted to be as it is Now!! – Dreams of men do not start this “WAY”. -- This is as all other stuff; - once it gets corrupted so far; - the Laws of Christ just Say ( “Let There Be” -- No More ), and it will be “Very Good”, - again without the Rot / Corruption adding Leaven / Adulteration to the “GOOD”!! – However, what has ended up with Knight’s Dream?? – Knight! – Is it fair to say, you now have a Knight-Mare??

Either, one is a Christian, Or he is Not a Christian, it’s just that simple and existent. Being Christian comes in a moment, in the twinkling of “AN EYE”, he is snatched away in a Flash. You don’t believe that?? That’s just another “WAY” of saying it!! --- Ephesians 2:6 KJV ---///--- That was completed / Fulfilled in AD70 approx.. – And there IS NO Argument!!

Paul – 051213