ECT "Law of the Flesh" or not?

Cross Reference

New member
"For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I." Romans 7:14-15 (KJV)


Well-known member
The law of the flesh is probably best assigned to that tendency there, not the ethics of the Torah. Law (nomos) can sometimes mean 'way of functioning/operating' 'principle.'


New member
The law of the flesh is probably best assigned to that tendency there, not the ethics of the Torah. Law (nomos) can sometimes mean 'way of functioning/operating' 'principle.'


Though you missed that in use in my thread on the Twelve and their converts having remained under the Law.

Thus your stated need on that thread that I might have quoted passages that use the "under the law" phrase.

Which only shewed your ignorance of the actual principle I was basing my assertions on.

On operating principle based passages like those described by Isaiah in Isaiah 8.


New member
The law of sin is not the law of God. All men are first born under the law of sin and death, it is much like the law of gravity, all mankind are firstborn under the principles of it.

Many use Romans 7 as a crutch to support ongoing sin, saying you cannot be set free from this condition , but that is not what Paul is saying. Paul in Romans 6 and 8 speaks of being set free from this law of sin and death that works in our members, by the law of the Spirit of Life.