Labeling Millions of People


like marbles on glass
Amnesty Don's rabid supporters have been saying from the beginning, "He's saying what we're thinking." And what has he been saying? Only the most bigoted, xenophobic and racist things.

Hillary was indeed wrong in labelling half of them as deplorable. The truth is, it's more than half. Well more.

Her "basket of deplorables" is inspired. It's driving the alt right crazy out there. :chuckle:


like marbles on glass
Hillary Clinton said that half of Trump's supporters are deplorable and that they're racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. She had no right to say that. She judged and labeled people who she knows nothing about. She went too far. She should be ashamed of herself for saying such awful things about millions of people. I would not stoop so low as to judge and label people who I don't even know. I'm a Trump supporter but I won't label Hillary's supporters.

I won't label Hillary's supporters because I know nothing about them and I don't have the right to judge them. I know nothing about Hillary's supporters but I do know about Hillary. She is prejudice. I wish that labeling and judging those people was the only incident of her bigotry but there have been others. I have a message for Hillary: "Before you judge any other innocent people, you should take a good look at yourself but you'll probably puke when you do".



New member
Wow! The dialogue between Hillary and Trump is sounding more and more like a Christian Internet forum each day! Not just talking about here, either!

What is it with Christians these days? Can we at least be civil and show respect?

As for me - I voted for Harper,, and I am standing against Trudeau with a vehemence. His father started our debt, destroyed our legal system which brought in the worst possible changes possible (the latest - the right to kill yourself at someone else's hand!)

Trudeau 2.0 will boost our debt to more to more than double, and the deficit to triple.

Oh! Wrong thread for the last part! Sorry about that rant!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison


New member
I think her comments were pretty fair. It seems like all the most deplorable people in the country are Trumpers. But, it may not amount to half of his support. There are also a bunch of people who are easily manipulated enough to buy into race-baiting and misogyny. That seems like the bulk of it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I think her comments were pretty fair........

Of course you do.

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like marbles on glass

"I think her bodyguards should drop all weapons. They should disarm immediately. Take their guns away, let's see what happens to her"

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

‘Washington Post’ Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement

story link
"New analysis from the Washington Post removes any doubt that the anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her Democrat supporters....."


New member
Hall of Fame
Hillary Clinton said that half of Trump's supporters are deplorable and that they're racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. She had no right to say that. She judged and labeled people who she knows nothing about. She went too far. She should be ashamed of herself for saying such awful things about millions of people. I would not stoop so low as to judge and label people who I don't even know. I'm a Trump supporter but I won't label Hillary's supporters.

I won't label Hillary's supporters because I know nothing about them and I don't have the right to judge them. I know nothing about Hillary's supporters but I do know about Hillary. She is prejudice. I wish that labeling and judging those people was the only incident of her bigotry but there have been others. I have a message for Hillary: "Before you judge any other innocent people, you should take a good look at yourself but you'll probably puke when you do".

A bad moment that will probably stay with Clinton for the rest of the campaign. :doh:

These Presidential candidates are deplorable. (how many times has that been said already? :eek:)


New member
The only person I can think of that's as deplorable as crooked Hilliary Clinton is Obama, our illegal foreign born Muslim commander in chief.