Komen Pulls Planned Parenthood Funding


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Komen Pulls Planned Parenthood Funding

This is the show from Wednesday, February 1st 2012.

There are studies all over the world and these are by major universities and these universities are pro-choice and they’re documenting the link between legalized abortion and increases in breast cancer. And this is happening around the world.
I sent this abortion/breast cancer link information weeks ago to Brad Lopez, the producer of the Dan Caplis Show. And he sent me a link to the Wikipedia propaganda page. So I said, “Brad, N.C.I.’s lead researcher reversed her position. Do you think she doesn’t know about Wikipedia? So they’ll say things like, “Well, in Japan they have abortion but they have a much lower breast cancer rate. So see? It doesn’t affect breast cancer.” And Dr. Joe Brind points out yeah, they have a much lower cancer rate generally but the women who have had abortions are far more likely to get breast cancer in Japan than the women who haven’t. Far more likely. So it’s playing games. It’s lying with statistics. And Brad is responsible as a human being and a producer. He’s been censoring this kind of information from the host of his show.


* Breast Cancer Link Suspected: The Susan G Komen for the Cure foundation says the reason they are pulling their funding of Planned Parenthood is because of their new policy of not funding groups under investigation. Planned Parenthood say that Komen pulled funding because of pressure from pro-life advocates. But, American Right to Life in a  press release and Jo Scott on her web site suspect that the true reason is because the National Cancer Institute's lead researcher on the abortion/cancer link, Louise Brinton, has reversed her previous position and now says that abortion is a significant risk factor for breast cancer.  Bob discusses this positive development with Leslie Hanks (vice president of Colorado Right to Life) and Jo Scott.

* Ron Paul Supporters Pro-Choice: The Ron Paul campaign held an event in a Denver hotel which happens to be directly across the street from Planned Parenthood's main Colorado killing center. Jo Scott and other pro-lifers were there, as they are five days a week saving babies, and hoped to meet Paul supporters sympathetic to the unborn child. Jo explains that she and the other pro-life sidewalk councilors were not only disappointed but were sworn at by Paul supporters who got even more vulgar and angry when the pro-lifers tried to explain that Ron Paul isn't pro-life.

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