Knight's pick 12-21-2010

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Nathon Detroit

So maybe this is self-serving but it's still my Post of the Day! :D Thanks Nori!
Knight's not angry. :chuckle: I can usually read it in his posts when he is. And, I usually cringe because it takes a lot to anger him (Come on. He has six kids.). While he and I do not agree one hundred percent theologically, we agree on most points. And, when I see someone being either extremely stupid or extremely stubborn on TOL, I wonder how long it will take him to say or do something.

As to Nang, as far as I can see, this whole thing started when she first attacked ghost. I said something about that and it made me one of her targets until I shut up whenever I saw her post. All I was doing was standing up for a friend that I dearly love. She got banned for disrespecting Knight, this time.

Knight has always spoken out on what he believes to be the stupidity/wrongness of Calvinism. And, while I'm not one hundred percent in the OT camp, I agree with him about Calvinism. The beliefs that I had before my husband passed away almost made me turn completely from God when he did pass away. It was because of Knight (and others) talking to me about the nature of man and choices we make as opposed to being directed all the time by God.
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