Kids & Dogs, Guns & Feet, Pop, Austrians and...


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Kids & Dogs, Guns & Feet, Pop, Austrians and...

This is the show from Monday March 11th, 2013


* Bob reports the news like only BEL can do: including:
- fewer kids, more pets (as we've observed for decades)
- most Austrians believe neo-NAZIs would win elections (as we've warned for decades)
- transgendered councilman scoops pop in purse (as we've warned for decades)
- Carol McGraw abuses boy as little girl (as we've warned for decades)
- 76% of gun deaths from suicide (like we've warned about death from hands and feet)
- judge gets it right on big drinks (like we've said about broken clocks for decades)
- that a homosexual activist is the Queen of Denial (as we've warned for decades)

Post-show Update: BEL is sad to report that Joseph Conte, former Arvada city councilman passed away on January 27th.

Today's Resource: Please consider getting this best-selling short book on raising children, To Train Up a Child, which comes with a message from Bob Enyart titled Tyrant Dad! Also, have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? It includes the resources that Bob mentioned on today's program including The Harsh Truth about Public Schools book, God's Criminal Justice System audio seminar (downloadble or on MP3 CD), and The Trouble with Lawyers DVD!

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Frayed Knot

New member
How many children have died as a result of their parents reading that book? And how many more have suffered needlessly?

The first question I know the answer to. The second I'm afraid to know.


How many children have died as a result of their parents reading that book? And how many more have suffered needlessly?

The first question I know the answer to. The second I'm afraid to know.

If you're referring to this book:

To Train Up A Child/Tyrant Dad Book/MP3 Combo

Best-selling book by Michael and Debi Pearl bundled with Bob Enyart's CD, Tyrant Dad. This book is not about discipline, nor problem children. The emphasis is on the training of a child before the need to discipline arises. It is apparent that, though they expect obedience, most parents never attempt to train their children to obey. They wait until his behavior becomes unbearable and then explode. With proper training, discipline can be reduced to 5% of what many now practice. As you come to understand the difference between training and discipline, you will have a renewed vision for your family - no more raised voices, no contention, no bad attitudes, fewer spankings, a cheerful atmosphere in the home, and total obedience from your children.

A more appropriate question would be "How many haven't?"


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh no, those evangelicals aren't "queer" are they? Must be, 'cause there is surely no other reason for those actions.

In the interest of staying on topic: I'm extremely leery of anyone who goes to any lengths to glorify corporal discipline. Doesn't speak to a very healthy mind.


Oh no, those evangelicals in Granite's post aren't "queer" are they? Must be, 'cause there is surely no other reason for those actions.

Thanks for making my point Jukia:

There's enough problems in society without allowing proud and unrepentant moral degenerates openly into institutions such as the Church.


like marbles on glass

From your link:
At Sovereign Grace, abuse culture was literally a part of the teachings. The allegations against CLC co-founder Larry Tomczak bring to mind his bizarrely titled 1982 book God, the Rod, and Your Child’s Bod, a parenting guide that was in heavy use at SGM before his departure. In it, he advises parents to keep multiple instruments for beatings in handy locations so they can “apply loving correction immediately.”

Writing about “disciplining” children who disobey multiple times in a day, Tomczak winkingly describes beatings as “posterior protoplasmic stimulation,” assuring parents that any resulting marks or redness are “nothing to get upset about.” He also recounts giving his 18-month-old son “a series of repeated spankings (with explanation and abundant display of affection between each one)” in a motel parking lot, until the boy “realized that Daddy always wins and wins decisively!” [emphasis his] Tomczak denies physically abusing anyone, but his defense that the current lawsuit’s allegations concern a “disciplinary parental issue” over a “troubled family member” only raises more concerns.
SGM’s teachings on corporal punishment are virtually unchanged since Tomczak’ days as pastor. They continue to promote evangelical parenting manuals like Ted Tripp’s controversial⁠ Shepherding a Child’s Heart, which has sparked controversy over its endorsement of spankings for babies as young as eight months old. Application of this teaching can lead to kids being spanked multiple times a day (far more often than I was, as the daughter of very strict immigrant parents, or many other children who grow up in families where corporal punishment is used).

The ultimate goal of discipline, corporal or otherwise, is to instill in children the importance of immediate, complete, and cheerful obedience to authority. Discipline in this context becomes a systematic ritual of physical assault and emotional manipulation. Children are expected to willingly lean over the parent’s knees or a bed, stay still during beatings with a “sturdy but flexible instrument,” not to scream, and not to criticize or express anger towards parents. Parents are to conclude beatings by holding children until they stop crying and apologize, then showing them “lavish affection.” Children must reciprocate this affection and be “peaceful” in order for the ritual to conclude.

What twisted parenting abuse. It makes me sick. Eighteen months old...a toddler. It boggles the mind.


New member
Hall of Fame
Indeed--this goes beyond the grotesque. For all the evangelical squawking about shariah and the dangers of Islam, submission is a concept many evangelicals seem to understand quite well.


like marbles on glass
John Piper: Does a women submit to abuse?

"Now that’s one kind of situation. Just a word on the other kind.
If it’s not requiring her to sin, but simply hurting her,
then I think she endures verbal abuse for a season, she endures perhaps being smacked one night
and then she seeks help from the church."

I found the video by following links from the same article.
There's something pathologically wrong with this kind of 'authority,' no matter the church - or no church at all.


New member
Indeed--this goes beyond the grotesque. For all the evangelical squawking about shariah and the dangers of Islam, submission is a concept many evangelicals seem to understand quite well.

Appears to me that a child who grows up in that environment has been trained to be either an abuser or abusee. all in the name of Jesus.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
The boy 'Coy' isn't even old enough to think about sexual matters. What is being done to him is abuse. He is going to be a messed up person when he grows up.


New member
Hall of Fame
The boy 'Coy' isn't even old enough to think about sexual matters. What is being done to him is abuse. He is going to be a messed up person when he grows up.

Coy's being homeschooled, is a member of a big family, and appears to have loving parents. This also has nothing whatsoever to do with sexual behavior but is based in gender identity.

Maybe it's the kid's fault for being wired this way.

Frayed Knot

New member


We know of three: Sean Paddock, Lydia Schatz, and Hana Grace-Rose Williams.

Plus who-knows-how-many abused kids who haven't died. This book has sold several hundred thousand copies, so the number of kids who were abused as a result of this book has to be very large.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Bzzzzt.We know of three: Sean Paddock, Lydia Schatz, and Hana Grace-Rose Williams.

Well, then. You'll be able to show us in the book where it recommends wrapping kids in blankets so that they suffocate, beating them for hours on end or leaving them outside naked so that they die of the cold.

Blaming the book is stupid.

Have you even read it?


New member
Hall of Fame

We know of three: Sean Paddock, Lydia Schatz, and Hana Grace-Rose Williams.

Plus who-knows-how-many abused kids who haven't died. This book has sold several hundred thousand copies, so the number of kids who were abused as a result of this book has to be very large.

Eh, collateral damage. Plus any beaten (sorry, spanked) child is just asking for it, so...