Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I started a discussion about this subject on the politics forum and it just died. Perhaps there will be more interest on this forum.

The evidence that the shot which killed Kennedy came from the front is overwhelming. The best evidence of this comes from the folks who first saw the head wound at Dallas' Parkland Hospital:

These eyewitnesses saw a big wound in the back of the head which indicate an exit would, meaning the shot came from the front. By the time photos were made later back in the D.C. area all we see is a tiny entry wound in the back of the head:

Clint Hill, the Secret Service Agent who was in the back seat with Kennedy on the way to Parkland also described a large wound in the back of the head. In his written statement he said this:

"As I lay over the top of the back seat I noticed a portion of the President’s head on the right rear side was missing and he was bleeding profusely. Part of his brain was gone. I saw a part of his skull with hair on it lying on the seat”
[18H742]. (30 November 1963, Warren Commission Exhibit CE 1024).​

He testified this before the Warren Commission:

"The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the middle of the car. His brain was exposed"
[2H141] (March 9,1964).​

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lifeguard at the cement pond
New Theories Suggest Kennedy Wasn't Shot

DALLAS—A controversial new book about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy has raised questions not about the role of a lone gunman or a conspiracy of shooters, but about whether the late president was even even shot at all.

While the book, Outside the Crosshairs, does not dispute the fact that a massive portion of Kennedy's skull was separated from his head during the 1963 Dallas visit, it maintains that the president suffered fatal explosive- cranial trauma through means completely unrelated to gunshots.

"Certainly extreme force was involved in this tragic death," said Dr. Horace Musashi, the book's author and a professor of computer science at Mount Union College in Alliance, OH. "However, none of the available photographs or recorded footage provides even a shred of evidence that an actual bullet did anything to Kennedy's body. As scientists, therefore, we must consider all other possibilities, no matter how much they challenge the status quo."

Musashi himself favors an explanation known as the single-massive-spike-in-blood-pressure theory.

After 11 years of painstaking research, Musashi uncovered testimony from anonymous eyewitnesses who claimed that unopened packets of duck sauce and soy sauce were hastily removed from Air Force One after the assassination. According to the book's findings, the extremely high levels of monosodium glutamate combined with the stress of mediating an intense international ballistic-missile crisis caused Kennedy's systolic pressure to mount to the point where the right rear quarter of his cranium "shot clean off."

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