Kabul Fell Yesterday, Where Is The President

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If they can figure out where President Potato wandered off to, looks like we've got a live news conference coming up


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If they can figure out where President Potato wandered off to, looks like we've got a live news conference coming up

Looks like they finally pried him away from Matlock.

Here's the man himself, the leader of our nation, the commander-in-chief of the most powerful military that has ever existed.
President Potato, Joe the Rapist, The Delaware Kiddie Sniffer, Mr. "I Got Hairy Legs!" himself!

what do you want to bet that he's gonna use this time to announce an unconditional surrender to the Taliban?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"Ladies and gentlemen - they gave me a list here - the first person I'm supposed to call is ..."

The feeble old fool isn't even pretending that he's not a puppet. What a joke.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
A new day, a new opportunity for Joe to completely foul things up.

I may just pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
"Ladies and gentlemen - they gave me a list here - the first person I'm supposed to call is ..."

The feeble old fool isn't even pretending that he's not a puppet. What a joke.
I had actually caught myself feeling sorry for him.

:unsure: I can imagine they told him it wouldn't be like this. He knew that a lot of "himself" was gone, that he wasn't up to it any more, but they promised. They promised all he had to do was "be presidential" and they would handle the rest. Wasn't the media on their side? They covered for FDR and Kennedy...Surely they would....They hate Trump too, they have to keep it up.
Jill couldn't deny him....They were going to handle everything and Joe would finally fulfill his lifelong ambition and secure the families security at the same time. How could she deny him this?
They promised...But it wasn't supposed to be like this...Not like this. :confused:


:unsure: Then I remind myself that he is complicit in turning over this country, and all our futures to feckless and duplicitous children who hate the very womb they were dragged from...

And I find myself hoping this presidency hangs like an albatross from his neck. 😑

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I could consider feeling sorry for him in that context if his career of service had been as honorable as it has been long. But it hasn't. As others have noted, Joe has been on the wrong side of major issues all of his life. The only thing Joe has been successful at is promoting Joe.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I could consider feeling sorry for him in that context if his career of service had been as honorable as it has been long. But it hasn't. As others have noted, Joe has been on the wrong side of major issues all of his life. The only thing Joe has been successful at is promoting Joe.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The reporting today is that there was a single terrorist bomb/suicide bomber yesterday and that the death toll is currently at 95.


Gary K

New member
"Ladies and gentlemen - they gave me a list here - the first person I'm supposed to call is ..."

The feeble old fool isn't even pretending that he's not a puppet. What a joke.
Joe has always been as dishonest as the day is long. Remember when he had to pull out of an election because of plagerizing an opponent of Margaret Thatcher's? His excuse? I wouldn't have done it so blatantly if I had meant something bad by it.

He's never had a clue about anything to do with ethics. It just isn't in him to understand ethics and right and wrong.


Well-known member
"... our adversaries not fearing us and our friends not trusting us ..."

With unsaved narcissists in charge of American foreign policy other nations would be wise to understand that America cannot be trusted to stand with them for freedom. America is degenerating into bondage to the devil as it moves away from God. Our elected leaders are a clear sign that truth and righteousness are no longer American attributes or priorities.