Judaism as nationality?

Gary K

New member
You're totally avoiding their finding that despite the lapses, there was no improper motive and the investigation met the guidelines for authorization.

Now could you take this to a related thread? This thread is about Judaism as nationality.

So repeatedly lying is just a lapse? Once again you show your lack of integrity. That the highest law enforcement agency in the nation is deceiving the court and the public is nothing to you whatsoever is very apparent. That says a whole lot about you. In your view a political advantage is well worth defending even though the lying went on for more than three years as this lying on the part of the FBI started back in 2015. That the entire narrative you've pushed here on this website is based upon nothing but lies is to you irrelevant as your narrative is all that matters to you.

You'll just keep on pushing the same lies and supporting an impeachment that has just had the legs cut out from under it. Many of us have known about this lying for years. The evidence that Horowitz put in his report has been published on many sites many times. It's been documented again and again. And as far as you're concerned any one who has understood this is a "conspiracy theorist" who walks around wearing a tin foil hat.

Seems to me you're the one wearing the tin foil hat. I guess it helps keep out anything you don't want to know as you're extremely fact resistant.

As to the question of the Jews being a nation the evidence I provided from the Torah and from Josephus is conclusive as to whether the Jews are a nation from the Jewish point of view. They have thought of themselves that way for millenia because they were a kingdom ruled by kings for more than a thousand years. Or do you deny that too?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Take it to a different thread, Jerry.

Why do you not go to the threads that speak of the illegal spying of Obama's FBI on the Trump campaign.

You have been defending those dirty cops so why don't you go on those threads?

All you prove is that you couldn't care less that the Obama administration was illegally spying on the Trump campaign. You care nothing about the laws of the USA and that is why you are a proud member of the party of lawlessness, the Democrat Party.


like marbles on glass
Why do you not go to the threads that speak of the illegal spying of Obama's FBI on the Trump campaign.

I go on the threads I choose to go on.

All you prove is that you couldn't care less that the Obama administration was illegally spying on the Trump campaign. You care nothing about the laws of the USA and that is why you are a proud member of the party of lawlessness, the Democrat Party.

I'm not a member of the Democratic Party. Now take your rants to the appropriate thread, please.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
And that would be wrong. Judaism is a religion not a nationality. Once you define it legally as a nationality you are half-way to being able to insist that Jews must wear particular clothing, *yellow stars*;

Why will defining Judaism as a nationality lead to making the Jews wear particular clothing?

When the Jews living in different parts of the world came to Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost shortly after the Lord Jesus ascended into heaven Peter addressed them as "ye men of Judea" (Acts 2:14). Was Peter wrong to identify these Jews by their nationality?