Join Us Tonight for Focus on the Strategy II!

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Join Us Tonight for Focus on the Strategy II!

This is the show from Wednesday March 14th, 2007.


* Will Duffy says, "Get the BEL Televised Classics!" We hope you enjoyed the clips from the old Bob Enyart Live TV show. Aren't they fun? Look for more great classic clips tomorrow!

* Focus on the Strategy II: If you're in Colorado, you can come to Bob's seminar, Focus on the Strategy II, tonight at the beautiful Brown Palace Hotel in downtown Denver (any couple who could afford it might spend the night in one of their beautiful sweets, and enjoy dinner at their Ship's Tavern or the even more exclusive Ellyngton's!). Registration for Focus on the Strategy II is $30 and $50 for a couple! If you can't make it, consider getting Bob Enyart's AWESOME Focus on the Strategy DVD!

* Facing the Giants: Bob and his family highly recommend Facing the Giants! And Bob is promoting a local showing of this movie on Friday March 16th at 7 p.m. in Arvada Colorado at Maranatha Christian Center (they only seat 800, so arrive early)!

Today's Resource: U.S. postal carriers across America are now delivering the BEL Televised Classics on DVD to families who get to watch Bob's hilarious, and tremendously educational TV show with a parade of extraordinarily absurd liberal callers. If you subscribe, we believe that you will absolutely LOVE watching the BEL Televised Classics!
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