John McCain....absolutely disgusting


The treatment of aboriginals in the Western Hemisphere by Europeans with their so-called "Judeo-Christian culture" was hardly an glowing example of Christian charity.

The reason that Europeans resorted to importing slaves from Africa was that the vast majority of American aboriginals died from disease and many of those that remained were worked to death by their Christian "masters."

Warning! Barbarianism at it's finest.

"What kind of life did the African live in his native land, before he was brought to America and introduced to Western civilization? That slavery was widely practiced in Africa before the coming of the white man is beyond dispute. But what sort of indigenous civilization did the African enjoy?

In A Slaver’s Log Book, which chronicles the author’s experiences in Africa during the 1820s and 1830s, Captain Theophilus Conneau (or Canot) describes a tribal victory celebration in a town he visited after an attack by a neighboring tribe:

On invading the town, some of the warriors had found in the Chief’s house several jars of rum, and now the bottle went round with astonishing rapidity. The ferocious and savage dance was then suggested. The war bells and horns had sounded the arrival of the female warriors, who on the storming of a town generally make their entry in time to participate in the division of the human flesh; and as the dead and wounded were ready for the knife, in they came like furies and in the obscene perfect state of nakedness, performed the victorious dance which for its cruelties and barbarities has no parallel.

Some twenty-five in number made their appearance with their faces and naked bodies besmeared with chalk and red paint. Each one bore a trophy of their cannibal nature. The matron or leader … bore an infant babe newly torn from its mother’s womb and which she tossed high in the air, receiving it on the point of her knife. Other Medeas followed, all bearing some mutilated member of the human frame.

Rum, powder, and blood, a mixture drunk with avidity by these Bacchantes, had rendered them drunk, and the brutal dance had intoxicated them to madness. Each was armed also with some tormenting instrument, and not content with the butchering outside of the town of the fugitive women, they now surrounded the pile of the wounded prisoners, long kept in suspense for the coup de grâce. A ring was formed by the two-legged tigresses, and accompanied by hideous yells and encouraging cry of the men, the round dance began. The velocity of the whirling soon broke the hideous circle, when each one fell on his victims and the massacre began. Men and women fell to dispatching the groaning wounded with the most disgusting cruelties.

I have seen the tiger pounce on the inoffensive gazelle and in its natural propensity of love of blood, strangle its victim, satiate its thirst, and often abandon the dead animal. But not so with these female cannibals. The living and dying had to endure a tormenting and barbarous mutilation, the women showing more cannibal nature in the dissection of the dead than the stronger sex. The coup de grâce was given by the men, but in one instance the victim survived a few minutes when one of those female furies tormented the agony of the dying man by prostrating herself on his body and there acting the beast of double backs.

The matron, commander of these anthrophagies, with her fifty years and corpulous body, led the cruelties on by her example. The unborn babe had been put aside for a bonne bouche, and now adorned with a string of men’s genital parts, she was collecting into a gourd the brains of the decapitated bodies. While the disgusting operating went on, the men carved the solid flesh from the limbs of the dead, throwing the entrails aside.

About noon the butchering was at an end, and a general barbecuing took place. The smell of human flesh, so disgusting to civilized man, was to them the pleasing odor so peculiarly agreeable to a gastronomer …"


Whats the difference in buying recourses from a foreign country or letting one mine our recourses on american land and then sell it back to us? (hint both wrong and shouldnt be happening)

I agree; how about letting Americans do the mining and drilling on American soil and not be dependent on foreign countries?


New member
Hall of Fame
I agree; how about letting Americans do the mining and drilling on American soil and not be dependent on foreign countries?

Fine by me, provided they aren't stealing the land they do it on. Does it bother you even a little that they cant even own their own land? (american indians)


Fine by me, provided they aren't stealing the land they do it on. Does it bother you even a little that they cant even own their own land?

American Indians never owned any land to begin with, they were for the most part nomadic. The land we're talking about I believe was given to them through a treaty.

Again, I would like to see the whole reservation system and Bureau of Indian Affairs demolished and encourage our brown brothers and sisters to assimilate into a Judeo-Christianized America.


New member
Hall of Fame
American Indians never owned any land to begin with, they were for the most part nomadic. The land we're talking about I believe was given to them through a treaty.

Again, I would like to see the whole reservation system and Bureau of Indian Affairs demolished and encourage our brown brothers and sisters to assimilate into a Judeo-Christianized America.

Which is what was happening before they were forced onto reservations and denied human rights.

They still do not own the land even on reservations and the us government and state governments still keep going back on deals and stealing even more of the little they have been given to use, it still doesnt belong to them. They are not allowed to own land, did you know that? Even land where they have casinos doesnt belong to them, its always land bought by others in trust for them.


For "aCultureWarrior" to itemize the cruel treatment that one African tribe inflicted on another misses the point.

True Christians would never have created a market for slaves, designated certain groups as inferior based on the color of their skin or profited from their misery.


Which is what was happening before they were forced onto reservations

Big government at work.

and denied human rights.

I'm not sure what you mean by "denied human rights". As shown in earlier posts, many of the American Indian tribes were barbarians.

They still do not own the land even on reservations and the us government and state governments still keep going back on deals and stealing even more of the little they have been given to use, it still doesnt belong to them. They are not allowed to own land, did you know that? Even land where they have casinos doesnt belong to them, its always land bought by others in trust for them.

According to these articles it's "fractionated ownership".

So is the US government holding that land in some kind of trust?


For "aCultureWarrior" to itemize the cruel treatment that one African tribe inflicted on another misses the point.

The point was made by aCultureWarrior when the white guilt ridden liberal pagan jgarden crinnnnnged while reading the article.

True Christians would never have created a market for slaves, designated certain groups as inferior based on the color of their skin or profited from their misery.

This coming from someone who just loves keeping people enslaved to sin.


yes, and takes more of it back all the time. That ok with you and tell me why you would develop and farm land that could be take back from you at any time on any government whim?

All the more reason to demolish the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the reservation system.


New member
You might find the history of the American Indians "two spirits" fascinating Art.

Pre-Colonial Homosexuality: Native American Gender Roles

Let me get this straight aCW. . .

Some Natives had limited cannibalistic practices hundreds of years ago. They were also involved in Old Testament like tribal warfare many years ago. Therefore we should sell the land of current non-cannibalistic or warring native people to foreign companies who donate to McCain's campaign?

That is the thinnest argument I've ever heard.


How about we put things in real perspective and you admit that you couldn't care less about the American Indian's take on this, and that you're yet another granola crunching-tree hugging liberal that hates any kind of drilling or mining on American soil and would rather see the resources that we get from the earth here in America being imported from foreign countries?
I think the family dynamics you must have grown up in were truly alarming.

...and if you are in love or married, I shudder to think how you and your partner solve conflict problems.

The name-calling, labeling, generalizing and the underlying hatred for others is astonishing to me.


I think the family dynamics you must have grown up in were truly alarming.

...and if you are in love or married, I shudder to think how you and your partner solve conflict problems.

The name-calling, labeling, generalizing and the underlying hatred for others is astonishing to me.

Thanks for taking time away from defending abortion, homosexuality and Islam to take interest in my personal life.

I grew up next to an Indian Reservation where I personally saw all of the pain and misery that comes with the pagan lifestyle that you defend: rampant alcoholism, early death due to liver disease, etc., houses that made a cardboard box look like a castle (with numerous broken down cars in the front yard).


Obviously you white guilt ridden liberals haven't done anything good for the American Indian, how about we tell them to ignore you white racist liberals that have brought nothing but harm to them and give Christianity a try?

(And for the record, John McLame is disgusting in pretty much everything he does).
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New member
aCW, please answer ths:

Do foreign McCain funding buinesses have more claim to that land than the Natives that live there?


aCW, please answer ths:

Do foreign McCain funding buinesses have more claim to that land than the Natives that live there?

Does a once nomadic population that was placed on reservations and decade after decade given government handouts by white guilt ridden liberals such as yourself which amongst other things caused excessive alcoholism, broken families and kept them enslaved to big government have claim to that land?

You're speaking from a moral perspective, not legal, because obviously there were some legal technicalities that said otherwise.

When it comes to morality though, you and the author of this thread have little to none.


New member
Does a once nomadic population that was placed on reservations and decade after decade given government handouts by white guilt ridden liberals such as yourself which amongst other things caused excessive alcoholism, broken families and kept them enslaved to big government have claim to that land?

You're speaking from a moral perspective, not legal, because obviously there were some legal technicalities that said otherwise.

When it comes to morality though, you and the author of this thread have little to none.

So you find it "moral" to keep going back on treaties simply for profit?