John 6:45



Today is Chamishi, Ziv 8, day, where I live, the United States of America. It is Chamishi (the fifth day of the week), with days beginning and ending with sundown or sunset, evening and morning each day of the first six days of the week. Ziv is the second month on the Jewish or Biblical calendar, before Judah the southern kingdom was taken captive to Babylon, and another calendar, right (or wrong) was adopted.

I am of Israel. I am a Jew. I am Jewish. I am a proselyte and convert of Israel and Judaism. I read, study, and observe Torah. There are 613 Commandments in Torah.

The new covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It is God's law written on minds and hearts.

Jeremiah 31:31-34​

It came in Yeshua HaMashiach, Yeshua Messiah, Jesus the Christ.

John 6:45​

See also

Mark 14:24
Luke 22:20​


Matthew 5:17-20
Matthew 10:6
Matthew 15:24
Matthew 28:16-20​

I am still a citizen of the United States of America, by birth (though I do not know that I was born a Jew), and I am living in Lakewood, Washington.




New member
You were born a gentile, but you felt that you were a Jew, in a gentile body?

Now where have I heard something similar...


You were born a gentile, but you felt that you were a Jew, in a gentile body?

Now where have I heard something similar...


I do not know where you are getting this or why you are saying it about me, nor where you have heard something like what you are thinking and have posted, before.

Did you read my opening post (in full, in its entirety?)?

I do not know where you have heard something like what you have posted here, nor why you have chosen to communicate this way.

I may have Jewish blood, I do not know. I have a last name for someone I am descended from I believe, but since my parents told me I am not Jewish and was not born Jewish I had to be a convert.




New member
So my comment about you being a gentile is correct...Yes?

My comment on you feeling that you wanted to be a Jew is correct...Yes?

So it is not an unusual description to suggest that you were born a gentile and that you felt like a Jew?


So my comment about you being a gentile is correct...Yes?

My comment on you feeling that you wanted to be a Jew is correct...Yes?

So it is not an unusual description to suggest that you were born a gentile and that you felt like a Jew?

I am not a Gentile. I am a Jew. I am a convert to Judaism and from Christianity. I wanted to obey all of God's commands, seeing no obstacle to so doing. I have accepted upon myself the covenant God made with the nation of Israel at Mount Sinai, so I am of Israel now. I am a Jew.

My last name may not have been a Jewish last name, but I am a convert and proselyte none the less.




Shalom. Unless Mertens is a Jewish last name I could only be a Jew another way, by birth, such as through a grandmother, or through my Mom, my Dad saying that my parents are not Jewish. Unless I could be a proselyte or a convert. Otherwise, yes, I used to be a Gentile and am now a proselyte or convert.

