Jefferson's pick 4/19/03

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Originally posted by BillyBob
Lord Vader
Also, if you don't like to be associated with the likes of Pat Robertson, why assume that liberals and independents should be associated with leftist blow hards?

Because they repeat the leftist talking points like a mantra that, if repeated often enough, will somehow become reality. OK, let me try it;

Oooooooooommmmmmmmmmmm.....Buuuusssshhh issss aannn emmmppeeerriiiaaallliisst. Alllll heee waaaannnttssss isssss ooiiiillll. Ffreeeeeddommmmm isss baaaaaaddddd. Giiiiiivve tthhhe govvvvernnment alll of yourr mmmonneeey. Taaaaxxessss arrre gooooodddd.

Hey, it worked!!! I am now a bonifide: left-wing commie, anti-American, Bush hating, tree-loving, Save the whales, anti-capitalist, global warming, sky is falling, baby-killing, nipple piercing, cats are people too, despise the wealthy, give me welfare, pass the crackpipe, it takes a village, pro slavery restitution, give the land back to the Indians, flag burning, bisexual, Cheney has too much money, Cuba is nice in the Spring, Elian Gonzales should be removed from the US and reunited with Castro, tie dyed tee shirt wearing Democrat.

Whewwww, I feel so much better about myself now! Totally...dude.
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