Jack Cashill on Obama's Terrorist Ghost

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Jack Cashill on Obama's Terrorist Ghost

This is the show from Monday March 7th, 2011.


* Writer: That is, Jack Cashill exposed Obama's terrorist ghost writer, Bill Ayers, in Cashill's great new book, Deconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of the First Postmodern President. Actual domestic terrorist Ayers wrote Barack's autobiography, Dreams of My Father.

* Who is Jack Cashill? His article Impressive Media Malpractice and his YouTube video, Media Malpractice at the March for Life, are among the many important resources produced by Mr. Cashill:

* MarchForLifeFinder.com: Remember for January 2012, bookmark this nationwide clearinghouse of local March for Life events, at MarchForLifeFinder.com!

Today’s Resource: Do you know the Bible as well as you would like to? Do you have compelling Bible Study materials that cause you to LOVE studying? If not, check this out! You can learn the Scriptures with our verse-by-verse and topical BEL Bible Study albums! You can get these MP3 CDs in the mail, or listen immediately by downloading Bob Enyart's studies! If you've never listened to Pastor Bob's seminar giving an overview of the whole Bible, you owe it to yourself to download and listen to The Plot study right now! Then follow up with The Tree, and you'll be on your way to a renewed love affair with God's Word!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Actually, not even Anderson guesstimates that Ayers "wrote" the book, but speculates that "Thanks to help from the veteran writer Ayers, Barack would be able to submit a manuscript to his editors at Times Books." Which isn't nearly as sexy, I suppose.

This sort of thing only points out why the President doesn't and shouldn't entertain the hard right's entreaty in regard to their birther nonsense or any other manufactured point they might advance in their self evident compulsion to demonize and negate him in every way imaginable...emphasis on the imaginative part. :plain:
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