Islamic website shows beheading of American


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by CryTears

would it be possible that it is not 'terrorists' at all?

Cry, what is your definition of a terrorist?


Originally posted by ebenz47037

Cry, when the guy speaks with an Arabic accent and claims to be one of the leaders of Al Queda (I heard the tape on the radio. None of the news stations have said anything yet on television), are you just supposed to assume that it's a setup? I would think that anyone, no matter what his or her nationality that tries to terrorize any country by killing its people is a terrorist.

Who said anything about him being there to start up a business? Did you read the article I posted the link to? He went out there to help set the country back up on its feet.

From the above article:

That was from his mother.

Who cares if Iraq bombed the US? I don't anymore. When this first started, I thought it was unfair that we had invaded them. But, since finding out what Sadam Hussein did to his own people, I have changed my mind.

oh I thought it was common knowledge he went there to start a business, no I didnt read the article, I guess they changed their minds to the reason he was there. Last night his family said it was to start a business and to make some money.
Anyone can speak in arabic accent or have it taped etc. With all that clothing on I was just wondering how anyone knew who the killers were.
We bombed Iraq first remember though because they had WMD.
which they didn't have. So I guess maybe the mothers of the children who were maimed and killed probably don't believe us that we are only wanting to help.


Originally posted by Knight

I am guessing you think they are Jews in disguise? :rolleyes:

If they would take the masks off I would let you know. How can you tell who people are when they are all wrapped up like that?


Originally posted by ebenz47037

Cry, what is your definition of a terrorist?

Not my definition, it doesn't matter really.
but when people say terrorist groups and iraq they are assuming alquida or arabs.


the old definition of terrorist was regarding Russians who opposed the government or groups opposing the government,
todays definition of terrorist is arabs.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by CryTears

Not my definition, it doesn't matter really.
but when people say terrorist groups and iraq they are assuming alquida or arabs.

Cry, according to, the defintion of terrorist is:

ter·ror·ist ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trr-st)

One that engages in acts or an act of terrorism.


Of or relating to terrorism.

terror·istic adj.

\Ter"ror*ist\, n. [F. terroriste.] One who governs by terrorism or intimidation; specifically, an agent or partisan of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror in France. --Burke.

adj : characteristic of someone who employs terrorism (especially as a political weapon); "terrorist activity" n : a radical who employs terror as a political weapon

I didn't see anything in there about Al Queda or Arabs. Sorry, my definition of a terrorist is anyone (no matter where they're from) who uses terrorism or intimidation to control others. I have called our own government terrorists before. The word has nothing to do with their race or beliefs.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by CryTears

the old definition of terrorist was regarding Russians who opposed the government or groups opposing the government,
todays definition of terrorist is arabs.

I didn't ask for the old definition or today's definition. I asked for your definition.

What, in your opinion, makes someone a terrorist?

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by CryTears

If they would take the masks off I would let you know. How can you tell who people are when they are all wrapped up like that?
Most people are smart enough to figure these things out.


oh you have to be smart to see through the masks and clothing, oh okay, didn't know that. Thanks. So I guess they should hire smart people to do the scans at the airport and get rid of all those machines?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by CryTears

I don't have a definition of a terrorist. To me a criminal is a criminal.

That's a joke.

You are not equal opportunity in lambasting Jews you consider terrorists as compared to Muslims who strap bombs to kids. To you one of them is far, far worse.


Originally posted by ebenz47037

Cry, according to, the defintion of terrorist is:

I didn't see anything in there about Al Queda or Arabs. Sorry, my definition of a terrorist is anyone (no matter where they're from) who uses terrorism or intimidation to control others. I have called our own government terrorists before. The word has nothing to do with their race or beliefs.

I agree with that ebenz but if you were to go out in the streets and ask joe publik what is the first word that comes to mind when they hear the word 'terrorist' it would be Islam or Arab or Muslim, that was my point.


Originally posted by granite1010

That's a joke.

You are not equal opportunity in lambasting Jews you consider terrorists as compared to Muslims who strap bombs to kids. To you one of them is far, far worse.

what? and same to you, but this thread is not about Jews, sorry.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by CryTears

what? and same to you, but this thread is not about Jews, sorry.

I noticed. It's about Islamic barbarians showing the fruits of their religion. Ain't it grand...


Originally posted by granite1010

I noticed. It's about Islamic barbarians showing the fruits of their religion. Ain't it grand...

I rest my case. See the word Islam?
Now I guess when I get smarter I can see through clothing and condemn an entire religion.
I assume granite you know for a fact they were Islam behind all that clothing?


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by CryTears

I don't have a definition of a terrorist. To me a criminal is a criminal.

Cry, you're ridiculous! You cite crimes and make a big deal that the perps were Jewish. But, when someone cites crimes done by terrorists, you shout foul because you think we're being racist against Muslims (which isn't even a race. It's a religion!). You're the one who said, "Today's definition of a terrorist is an Arab."

Well, Tim McVeigh wasn't Arab and he was a terrorist.