Islamic Deception: Al-Takeyya or Al-Taqiyya


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A response:

The Apostle Paul actually went and did the Nazarite Vow in Acts 21 to convince the Law believing new Jewish believers that he was walking orderly and obedient to the Law, as instructed by James. This is the sort of taqiyya the media accuses Muslims of. Not one person has ever answered this.
Have you read my thread called "Allah Islam Muslim" Link:


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Muslim Allegiance
The difference between Christians and Muslims is, for us, killing those who do not believe is murder. For the Muslim, they are told to kill the unbelievers, that it is their duty. That is what makes them an enemy of the state. Deception is a way of life for them.


Well-known member
Have you read my thread called "Allah Islam Muslim" Link:

Re Wednesday A's comment:
Paul's context was the practices of a sect within a federal government that allowed the sect to exist in limited ways.

Al taqia has to do with Islamic strategies to take other nations. You can even deny that you are Muslim. Paul would not have been able to deny that he was Jewish or that he was upholding the Law in 1st century Judaism. In Rom 3:31 he showed that he was upholding the Law, but not by the practice of it, rather by the need for it to show how the Gospel was needed.

Al taqia today would be when Muslims claim to be pluralist in a representative republic, but in fact disdain pluralism, representation and constitutions.


New member
Re Wednesday A's comment:
Paul's context was the practices of a sect within a federal government that allowed the sect to exist in limited ways.

Al taqia has to do with Islamic strategies to take other nations. You can even deny that you are Muslim. Paul would not have been able to deny that he was Jewish or that he was upholding the Law in 1st century Judaism. In Rom 3:31 he showed that he was upholding the Law, but not by the practice of it, rather by the need for it to show how the Gospel was needed.

Al taqia today would be when Muslims claim to be pluralist in a representative republic, but in fact disdain pluralism, representation and constitutions.

Correct: They do not really hold an allegiance to the EU or US values.


Well-known member
When you read about unrest in French suburbs, it is because the youths are taught exclusive theocracy at every meeting. Shari'a. Halal. They find themselves exasperated when they step out in public and there are French women who are 'uncovered' in the halal sense.


New member
The religion of Islam should be outlawed for being to vile for a civil society. All of the good things preached from the Quran, has to do with how Muslims should treat each other, not other people. Muslims are of a very low moral grade. Their pretense of being peaceful is so they go unhindered.


New member
Your figures are bunk, and constitute a huge libel. Isn't that against the Ten Commandments?

The Qur'an states that it is okay to lie, cheat, torture and murder in order to convert the infidel to Islam. And that is not libel.


New member
The Qur'an states that it is okay to lie, cheat, torture and murder in order to convert the infidel to Islam. And that is not libel.

To blame muslims for this million Christian deaths over a decade referred to in that report, when Christians killed over 90% of that million, that is a plain lie.


New member
To blame muslims for this million Christian deaths over a decade referred to in that report, when Christians killed over 90% of that million, that is a plain lie.

You are speaking of one nation, and I am speaking of an overview in the world.


New member
You are speaking of one nation, and I am speaking of an overview in the world.

No, I am speaking of the regularly repeated claim that 100 000 christians are killed for their faith every year worldwide. (= 1 every 5 minutes)

Here is an analysis of the claim,, which finds the figure a gross exaggeration.

If you disagree that the figure is a lie, please provide a citation or reference for the figure you are claiming.