Is Trump the only one?

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes that unlike Trump, Obama actually knows the words to the national anthem.

Was it in a stadium on a PA system with echoes? Pretty pathetic barbie. BTW, nobody cares.

Maybe so, but Wouldn’t you love to see the American people, when they see how Trump disrespects our flag, say, ‘Get that (expletive deleted) off the field right now. Out! He’s fired. He’s fired!’”

patrick jane

Barbarian observes that unlike Trump, Obama actually knows the words to the national anthem.

Maybe so, but Wouldn’t you love to see the American people, when they see how Trump disrespects our flag, say, ‘Get that (expletive deleted) off the field right now. Out! He’s fired. He’s fired!’”
Great thread idea. :thumb:


Hall of Fame
Barbarian observes that unlike Trump, Obama actually knows the words to the national anthem.

Maybe so, but Wouldn’t you love to see the American people, when they see how Trump disrespects our flag, say, ‘Get that (expletive deleted) off the field right now. Out! He’s fired. He’s fired!’”

Yes ... yes I would ... as would more than half the US population (who didn't vote for Trump). :)

Gary K

New member
Yes ... yes I would ... as would more than half the US population (who didn't vote for Trump). :)

Sorry, Rusha, but that just isn't true. In 2016 there were 231 million elegible voters in the US. A total of 130 million people voted in the presidential race. That's the number who voted for Clinton and Trump combined. In other words, it was about 1/5 of the total US population of 330+ million that voted for Hillary. That's far less than half the population of the US.

The Barbarian

Trump not only got less than half of the votes, one other candidate got three million more votes than he did.

He had a plurality of support at one time, but he frittered it away with his boorish and increasingly confused behavior. Apparently, even the WH staff realizes he's in over his head.

A former ghostwriter for President Donald Trump claimed White House staffers are worried about the billionaire Republican’s mental state and said Americans need to understand Trump is “losing his grip” on reality.

Tony Schwartz, who helped Trump pen The Art of the Deal, told MSNBC Wednesday that he learned of the staff’s concerns from someone he did not name.

Gary K

New member
Yes it is ...


Nope .. this is just another "Trump Lie" which he and state sponsored news (Faux News) has promoted to soothe his childish, overactive ego.

Oh, so all records relating to the US population and voting elegibility that existed before Trump was even elected were compromised by Trump. LOL. That you claim this is a conspiracy by Fox News and Trump is hilarious. The fact that you think they are powerful enough to destroy and rebuild all public records relating to this stretches my credulity to the breaking point. I don't believe you actually believe what you're saying.

I expected better of you, Rusha. I really did. I'm saddened by what you've done here.

Here's a link that tells us the population of the US in 2016. The US Census Bureau also has a page with a population clock that you can reset to any point in time.

Now here's another link that says how many registered voters there were in 2016. The number of registered voters is always lower than the number of elegilbe voters as not everyone who can registers to vote.


Hall of Fame
Oh, so all records relating to the US population and voting elegibility that existed before Trump was even elected were compromised by Trump.

Trump lies 80 percent of the time. As a native Californian for more than half of my life, I know enough to know that California would never sink so low as to endorse such a creature for president. Fake news ... by state run media known as Faux News. He needs to just accept thet FACT that more than half of the nation will always consider his *victory* tainted via his collusion with Russia. He is and always will be an illegitimate president. The sooner he fails and is out of office, the sooner our country will be out of immediate danger.