Is it un-Christian to watch Fox News?

I used to watch Fox News, but i no longer trust them. As any 12 year old can see, they are pushing their own preferred candidate on us. At first FNC didn't go with Trump, but something happened. Maybe he paid them a huge sum of money to cover him incessantly? Hmmm... you never know with those rich people who never suffered deprivation in their lives. And you never know about such "news" businesses like FNC. But one thing we do know: people like $$ and $$ talks

In any case, is it un-Christian to watch FNC?

Well, if you believe that it's OK to pollute your mind with lies, maybe your brand of Christianity says its OK

but Jesus Himself said "If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and cast it from you"

This is what Fox does:

when they are to show both Cruz and T, they always show T first.

When names are listed, it is always T first, Cruz 2nd or later

When they show a clip of Cruz, it is always a very short one. You'd never know he has a pretty good ground campaign going on if all u do is watch that (lying) channel

They show more of T and R than anyone else, even though Cruz won Iowa and has been doing well elsewhere

I have never seen Cruz on some of their shows, which is why I stopped watching those shows and will probably stop watching ALL of them

"If your foot causes you to stumble, [Jesus said] cut it off and cast it from you"

Another good scripture to remember: Garbage in, garbage out.

Oh, that's not in the Bible.. LOL. Well, there are plenty of scriptures that pretty much say the same thing "Have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, rather: reprove them"

then there is that psg that says not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers


patrick jane

This is what Fox does:

when they are to show both Cruz and T, they always show T first.

When names are listed, it is always T first, Cruz 2nd or later

When they show a clip of Cruz, it is always a very short one. You'd never know he has a pretty good ground campaign going on if all u do is watch that (lying) channel

They show more of T and R than anyone else, even though Cruz won Iowa and has been doing well elsewhere

I have never seen Cruz on some of their shows, which is why I stopped watching those shows and will probably stop watching ALL of them

"If your foot causes you to stumble, [Jesus said] cut it off and cast it from you"

Another good scripture to remember: Garbage in, garbage out.

Oh, that's not in the Bible.. LOL. Well, there are plenty of scriptures that pretty much say the same thing "Have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, rather: reprove them"

then there is that psg that says not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers


Go with CNN


New member
I can't believe this is a serious thread. Watch Fox News or don't - it has nothing to do with being a Christian.


Well-known member
Fox News is owned and operated by a man who became very wealthy selling entertaining lies in grocery store tabloids. He created and sold a product that looked like a newspaper, with headlines and photos and stories, but that was 'made up' for the sake of "entertainment": stories about Elvis being abducted by space aliens - that sort of thing.

And the news media as a whole has since picked up on the fact that turning elections into kind of championship "cage match" between cartoon character politicians with absurdly simplistic 'back-stories' keeps a lot of stupid people tuning in for more. The same kind of stupid people that used to buy the grocery store tabloids, and watch championship wrestling, thinking these were "real".

I don't think it's particularly unChristian to participate in these sorts of phony news stories, I just think it's stupid. Especially if one is too weak-minded to recognize that its all made up just to sell the advertising. Because that's all these media outlets are really doing: they are selling advertising time/space for money. And they'll use whatever sensationalist lies and exaggerations that they think will keep the viewers watching, to do it.

Seriously, look at Donald Trump and tell me he is not the quintessential W.W.F. (World Wrestling Federation) version of a presidential candidate! What's really freaky is that this make-believe cartoon reality that Fox, and Rush Limbaugh, and the other tabloid "news media outlets" have been using to sell advertising has now become a part of the real world. Apparently, there are so many stupid people who believe in this nonsense that a cartoon character like Donald Trump can actually exist in the real world, now. And even run for president.

This is how absurdly stupid these people have become, and how sick we have now become as a nation - as we are no longer able to differentiate between reality and this make-believe tabloid reality created to sell advertising.

The problem (IMO) for Christians, in particular, is that they are already in the habit of accepting make-believe as reality, because religious Christianity has been selling make-believe as "faith" for 2,000 years. So Christians are especially vulnerable to believing whatever the tabloid news outlets tell them to believe, so long as it fits with their pre-conceived biases. They do so almost automatically as a part of their religion. And these media outlets know this, so they play to it.

And so does the republican party, by the way. It's not just Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, etc., generating and spreading all this make-believe nonsense, it's also Carl Rove and the Koch brothers. And they all have an agenda: to make money, yes, but also to create a kind of 'slave economy' in which they become the ruling elite.


Is it un-Christian to watch Fox News?

i do but sometimes they are less than honest as well, and they promote T as well b/c he can be counted on to go back on his "I'm [now] pro-life" lie once elected
I think it is unChristian to support an organization that is against Christians. They have plenty of coverage of Cruz coming up tonight, but until now, there wasn't much, and again, a lot of the coverage is negative. They probably think it is subtly negative but they are wrong
it is not conservative (unless it decided to become so an hour ago? ha ha)

they rarely cover pro life protests, even on the anniversary of Roe v W.

And they treated that woman in KY who didn't want to give out gay marriage licenses very shabbily, some of the commentators..


New member
Hall of Fame
I used to watch Fox News, but i no longer trust them. As any 12 year old can see, they are pushing their own preferred candidate on us. At first FNC didn't go with Trump, but something happened. Maybe he paid them a huge sum of money to cover him incessantly? Hmmm... you never know with those rich people who never suffered deprivation in their lives. And you never know about such "news" businesses like FNC. But one thing we do know: people like $$ and $$ talks

In any case, is it un-Christian to watch FNC?

Well, if you believe that it's OK to pollute your mind with lies, maybe your brand of Christianity says its OK

but Jesus Himself said "If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and cast it from you"


Isnt it the same case with any of the major news networks?