I've seen this before, years ago.
Destabilization. Putin's been successful beyond his wildest dreams. But not via the left. Via the right, via Trump and the complicit GOP.
Why? Because they're currently the ones who "serve Putin's purposes." Try looking at this another way and it may become clear to you. The ex-KGB Putin will use whoever serves him best. He doesn't care if they're right or left. He cares if he can destabilize us. Someday the truth will out and we'll find out he has kompromat on Trump, and Trumpers (well actually, that's optimistic - maybe some of them) will realize they were looking for the enemy in the wrong direction.
From the interview:
"Aim higher. This was my instruction-try to get into large circulation established conservative media. Reach movie makers, intellectuals, so called academic circles, cynical egocentric people who can look into your eyes with angelic expression and tell you a lie. This are the most recruit-able people, people who lack moral principles, who are either too greedy or suffer from self-importance. They feel that they matter a lot. These are the people KGB wanted very much to recruit.
I see Putin as an adversary.
... this is a new cold war.
You just described the entire political left. Hollywood? Leftist/Marxist. Intellectuals, or at least those who think they are? Leftist/Marxist. They say conservatives just aren't smart enough to understand marxism. Academia? Dominated by leftists/marxists for many decades. They controlled the educational system as far back as the 1930s. People who lack moral principle? Leftists once again. Marxism was created by, and filled with, people who despise morality and honesty. People who suffer from greed and self-importance? Once again you're describing marxists/leftists. The billionaires are mostly leftists: Koch brothers have come out of the closet and support leftists ideas. They always have they just pretended to be conservatives. The surviving brother is now a supporter of the Poynter Institute, a very left wing organization. Zuckerberg? Leftist. Bloomberg? Leftist. Bezos? Leftist. Gates? Leftist. Soros? Leftist. Omidyar? Leftist. Brin? Leftist. The Rothschild family? Leftists. The Morgan family? Leftists. The Rockefellers? Leftists. I can keep right on going down the line as the vast majority of the extremely wealthy are leftists. And self-important? They think they have the right to tell people exactly how they should live and enforce their ideas through law. Like Bloomberg. He says taxes on the poor are very good because they make the poor even poorer so that they can't afford anything Bloomberg doesn't think they should have. All you leftists are a bunch of totalitarians.
I also have to laugh at your conclusions. ....
You don't see that ex-KGB Putin is working to destabilize the U.S. by weaponizing the right wing in this country via - yes - propaganda.
I think they do see it. They just don't mind. In fact, they agree with it, enjoy it, and want more of it...
I think they do see it. They just don't mind. In fact, they agree with it, enjoy it, and want more of it...
amazing how blind she is
or how deliberately deceptive
do you think that's what we're seeing with anna - a choice between self-delusion and deliberate deception?
this is a new cold war.
because you've been told to think that way by your masters
Interesting how you coach ffreeloader. He can speak for himself just fine, yet you're always there, perched on his shoulder.
... you're always there ...
Interesting how you coach ffreeloader. He can speak for himself just fine, yet you're always there, perched on his shoulder.
amazing how blind she is
or how deliberately deceptive
do you think that's what we're seeing with anna - a choice between self-delusion and deliberate deception?