Impending demographic death of the UK and Europe, explained in simple terms


Well-known member
The figures are the figures. They brought this upon themselves.

This was almost two years ago, keep that in mind.

His strongest point, imo, starts 7-8 minutes in where he describes British authorities' responses to prior Mohammedan attacks. He says that by the time they do decide to call Islam what it is (assuming they ever do, which is doubtful), it may demographically be too late as population and politics will have shifted too far in favor of Mohammedan that not only will no politician be able to call it what it is and remain in office, even if they did call it what it is, there'd no longer be the power to do anything about it. I suspect Weston HAS to believe it has already reached this point thanks to Europe's infection of leftist rot.

Stay tuned for the story about the father toward the end.
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
We won't be far behind. When it comes to societal degradation and devolution, Western Europe is often about 10 or 15 years ahead of us.


Well-known member
Very possibly, except we're armed as well as informed. The damage the Left has done has been considerable but too many people now recognize it for what it is. That will make some difference.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Very possibly, except we're armed as well as informed. The damage the Left has done has been considerable but too many people now recognize it for what it is. That will make some difference.

Would that that were true, but unfortunately the change is generational. Its the young who embrace the evils the most. Once we are dead, and todays teenagers are in their 40's, all will be lost. There may be a few who still hold on to good values but they will be persecuted.


Well-known member
All of the younger generation have not been brainwashed. Some, maybe many, have been. But many also see where the boomer's hypocrisy and profligacy has left them. Some have connected the dots backward to see why it happened. They're wiser than the fools who came of age in the '60s. That does not automatically make them conservative per se but it does give them a nose to sniff out liberal BS and they ain't buying it.

The Barbarian


Even in the highest scenario, it seems excessively hysterical to imagine the sky will fall if one in seven Europeans is Muslim. The numbers may be inflated somewhat, because it assumes that all Muslims will remain Muslims. This is particularly true since Muslims have been converting to Christianity in Europe.

Christianity is making a comeback in Europe – and it’s mostly thanks to Muslims, say experts in Islam and faith leaders.

A soaring number of Muslims, many of them refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, are converting to Christianity, breathing new life into Europe’s once floundering Christian churches. The Muslims are flocking to various Christian denominations, experts said, including becoming Protestants, evangelical or Catholic.

As many parts of Europe are becoming more secular and houses of worship are seeing congregants leave in droves, it is Muslim converts who are reviving struggling Christian churches.

Part of the diffusion of Christian churches into the rest of the world:

In his book The Clash of Civilizations, Samuel Huntington predicts that demographics will decide the clash between Christianity and Islam. And, as he puts it, "in the long run, Muhammad wins out."

In this instance, Huntington is wrong. For the foreseeable future there will be many more Christians than Muslims in the world.

As Penn State professor Philip Jenkins writes in The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity, predictions like Huntingtons betray an ignorance of the explosive growth of Christianity outside of the West.

For instance, in 1900, there were approximately 10 million Christians in Africa. By 2000, there were 360 million. By 2025, conservative estimates see that number rising to 633 million. Those same estimates put the number of Christians in Latin America in 2025 at 640 million and in Asia at 460 million.

According to Jenkins, the percentage of the worlds population that is, at least by name, Christian will be roughly the same in 2050 as it was in 1900. By the middle of this century, there will be three billion Christians in the world -- one and a half times the number of Muslims. In fact, by 2050 there will be nearly as many Pentecostal Christians in the world as there are Muslims today.

But at that point, only one-fifth of the worlds Christians will be non-Hispanic whites. The typical Christian will be a woman living in a Nigerian village or in a Brazilian shantytown.




Impending demographic death of the UK and Europe, explained in simple terms

I've been to the UK recently and they don't share "musterion's" concerns - what they do find troubling is a nation that allows access to semi-automatic assault rifles whereby just one mentally "disturbed" individual is provided the means to kill 58 and wound over 500 innocent men women and children!

What's even more shocking is a President and an elected Congress that does the NRA's bidding by refusing to take even "baby steps" to protect its own citizens and pretend that Amerocans should accept this as "business as usual!
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