For anyone with even a slight attachment to reality, it comes down to evidence.
No surprise, we both disagree. There is a genuine distaste in bringing charges on any president. Both sides are noticeable during attempted impeachment. Anyone with an education and a strong ability to self-reflect will see that it is as bad (literally) to side with one group as the other because it simply pits two parties. I don't like being duped and I don't like doing something 'we did last year in a different party." Patterns are hard to break from, but it is why I'm not democrat or republican at present. I don't want to be a dupe, a cog in a wheel.
I don't know of any humans who are. Still, evidence is required.
There is plenty of evidence for things. It doesn't always mean indictments.
I'm just using the same yardstick for all of them. Actual cases of presidential appointees, indicted, convicted, or pardoned for crimes in the course of their duties. If you think that's too hard on republicans, then the problem is not with me showing it to you.
:nono: I'm just saying it is both sides.
I'd be happy to show you the same measurement for Trump, using the same rules. You want me to show you?
Impeachments are difficult. We've not managed to do it often in history.
I'm skeptical. George H.W. Bush ran a relatively clean administration, as did Gerald Ford.
Yes, but Nixon...etc. I've left room. The goal is to get us all thinking about what does and does not apply to both sides because as the years roll by, there is a noticeable pattern.
I notice that Ford, Carter, and George W. Bush are generally well-liked today, even if they weren't very good presidents.
You don't think Ford did well? He just wasn't elected but I think he was a good president.
We should simply ignore the stuff that lacks evidence. And yes, we should compare presidents against their fellow presidents, not angels.
Agree. Maybe you are more partisan than other Democrats. I do think I'm a hypocrite, to a degree. I didn't defend Obama or Clinton. I voted for, but was sorry, about George W.
Considering Trump was one of his pals, and there is considerable evidence that Trump was complicit in some of Epstein's activities, and considering who had control of the federal prison system at the time, I'm a little skeptical. Who had the motive and the opportunity? Yep.
It's a talking point rather than an investigation. While I don't think a public investigation serves us well, I'd like to see some of these carried out in private, where we the people get rather just a verdict and perhaps declassification after they've passed on. There are probably better ideas out there, I'm old-school. I liked my news a bit more censored, it is just that no news source does well with that any more. It used to be 'scrupples' but now it is about staying alive in a competitive business so I empathize, just wish a few news sources went back to Old-school. I guess the 700 Club, but some would balk at that and I'm not charismatic.....
I'm just showing you how the records compare. Apples to apples.
Sure, its an 'what if' thread so it coaxes the speculation and comparisons.