I will not vote for trump

Feral Phoenician

New member
Hmm. That does seem like an odd fit in the Libertarian party. Why would GJ like him?
My guess? Gary Johnson is no fool. He knows the Libertarian voter base is small (maybe 300,000 registered Libertarians). He knows with just Libertarian voters, he'll go nowhere.

Bill Weld is the former governor of Massachusetts (Republican). He's more "mainstream" than other Libertarians, which means Johnson can attract considerably more voters. Johnson is likely banking that more "mainstream" Republicans will be attracted to his ticket.

Weld has stated he's "converted" to being a Libertarian, and he no longer holds "all of his past views", but many Libertarians, and myself, aren't quite buying it.

Years past, the Libertarian Party was similar to the Green Party in that they were "nuisances" to the Dems and GOP. This year, they are much more than that. Dr. Jill Stein is even gaining momentum.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
-When incidents like these occur, there’s a big chunk of our fellow citizens that feels as if because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same—and that hurts
-This is not just a black issue.
-These fatal shootings are not isolated incidents
-In his earlier statement, Obama noted that he and the first lady share the “anger, frustration, and grief that so many Americans are feeling
(can you imagine what might happen if we didn't hear the president's comments?)

patrick jane

I doubt either the Libertarians nor Greens are going to come out on top. I do, though, think they are going to influence the election.

What's going to make major differences is where Bernie's supporters wind up. "Never Hillary" is a very popular rallying cry amongst them.
I hope Trump gets the Bernie Sanders voters -


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
-today is a bad day
-obama should keep his mouth shut when a black man gets killed by a white police officer
-when a terrorist kills someone obama always waits for the facts
-here is the bad news
-there is a chance we will replace a black racist with a white racist
-it is what happens when you let idiots vote