like marbles on glass
Isn't it amazing seeing a new baby on the ultrasound?
It's amazing... someone in my family has one of her baby sucking his thumb.
Isn't it amazing seeing a new baby on the ultrasound?
I think it's important to send the DNC a message, that their disingenuous pretense of being 'for the people' is no longer acceptable. They need to either be for the people, or the people will reject them.
It's the only option that I can see.
Hmm. Well, I tried that option in 2012. The GOP didn't seem to notice.
It's not the only option for me this time around. I'm voting against Trump.
Because they have bought into the 2 party myth.
Unfortunately it isn't really a myth. Our electoral system leads to a 2-party system. We need to change that before 3rd parties will have significant influence.
I have voted 3rd party in presidential elections and may do the same this year. But it's hard for me to really criticize people who refuse to that even if they'd prefer the candidate.
Yes, if enough people were willing to break free we could start to exert more influence now, winner-take-all is always going to push people toward 2 choices.
Exposed: Khizr Khan & Loretta Lynch were both employed by Hogan & Lovell a Law Firm w/ ties to Clinton Foundation
It further shows that Hitlery is a lying scam artist -So? What if that is true?
So? What if that is true?
Exposed: Khizr Khan & Loretta Lynch were both employed by Hogan & Lovell a Law Firm w/ ties to Clinton Foundation
It further shows that Hitlery is a lying scam artist -
What lie?
LOL! What lie? More like, what's NOT a lie.
It further shows that Hitlery is a lying scam artist -
Representative Richard Hanna of New York became the first Republican in Congress to endorse Democratic nominee Hillary, although several other Republicans in Congress have said they will not support Trump.
U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump ratcheted up tensions in his party on Tuesday by denying two leading figures, House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator John McCain, support in their re-election bids.
Ryan's campaign office quickly responded that "neither Speaker Ryan nor anyone on his team has ever asked for Donald Trump's endorsement."