I Love Jesus and I Accept Evolution

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As you've been told, Darwin's four points are irrelevant nonsense and creationist organizations explicitly deny evolution.

You want everything to be Darwinism, so you pretend that what we are arguing against is concepts like "change."

Nope. Evolution is just a theory. When you're willing to concede that it is just a theory, you are allowed a seat at the table of scientific discourse. Until then, you're just a troll. :troll'

A "theory" in science is already something that Barbarian understands. He's pointed it out often enough as have several others already where it comes to the actual understanding of the term in context.

The Barbarian

Think about what you said...."a gene gets copied with an error".[.quote]

Yep. Most of them don't do much of anything. You and I have dozens that weren't present in either parent. Some are harmful, and tend to be removed from the gene pool. And a few are useful, and tend to be preserved and to spread through the population.

That alone confirms the theory.

unless you can offer how DNA gets copied in error.

Same way that organic syntheses produce some unwanted isomers. It's a matter of probabilities. How much do you know about kinetic theory of chemical reactions?

Amoeba becomes a monkey

No. Amoebae are too evolved to become animals.

and monkey becomes man.

No. Monkeys are too evolved in their own direction to become hominids. These are some of the weird misconceptions that we see among creationists. When they think they hate evolution, it's mostly their own imaginations that scare them.

It's sick for sure.

It's really more of a problem of not knowing things. As Everette Dirkson remarked, "people are usually down on things they aren't up on."

I wonder how with all that sickness we even exist as a higher form based on evolution.

Evolution isn't about "higher" and "lower." Another misconception.

Sickness (error)is a precursor to extinction in any environment.

Turns out, that's demonstrably wrong. As you see, error can even prevent sickness, such as the Milano mutation discussed above. When there are very few mutations in a population genome, the population is in danger of extinction. Cheetahs have so few mutations that you can usually do viable tissue grafts between them. And they are almost certainly on the way to extinction.

Though being able to receive an organ donation from any individual in your species might sound appealing, being so excessively inbred can lead to an increase in the expression of deleterious recessive alleles. This can lead to a decrease in fitness in the entire population, a phenomenon known as inbreeding depression. A potential example of this inbreeding depression is that cheetahs have little success with reproducing, likely due to the fact that cheetahs have a high proportion of malformed sperm. The scientists responsible for the new research suggested that this is related to the accumulation of excessive deleterious mutations in genes tied to reproduction. Being inbred also means that the lineage is less likely to evolve in response to new environmental conditions or pathogens. For natural selection to work, it requires genetic variation to act on. So if variation is absent, the species simply cannot adapt. It may only take a novel virus or a changed climate to wipe out the cheetah for good.

The Barbarian

And to someone as simple as you....

Well, you know how simple barbarians are...

this means that molecules can turn into a molecular biologist....

No, that's just a story creationists tell each other. Evolutionary theory isn't about the origin of life. A lot of creationists think so, mainly because their leaders invent silly ideas to distract them from learning the real theory. Funny stuff.

One tiny error that disrupts the existing design and that in some very minor way is slightly advantageous in a specific instance is your idea of confirming molecules to man?

No, that's just a fairy tale your creationist leaders made up, and insist real scientists have to believe it.

And, in the process, you ignore the VASTLY more numerous deleterious mutations that stop the process in its tracks.

Nope. You were lied to about that. Population geneticists are always looking at the ratio of neutral mutations (the great majority) to harmful mutations (a few) to useful mutations (a very few). Without natural selection, all animal populations would be quickly doomed. Humans, for example, have dozens of mutations per individual. If it was the way your leaders tell you, we'd be extinct in a few generations.

Your knowledge of science is sorely lacking.

Several universities thought otherwise, enough so to approve degrees in science for me. As you see, a lot of things you believed were part of science, are actually "just so" creationist stories.

The Barbarian

A "theory" in science is already something that Barbarian understands. He's pointed it out often enough as have several others already where it comes to the actual understanding of the term in context.

When someone says "it's just a theory", it tells you that he has no idea what science is about. Theories are as certain as it gets in science.

The Barbarian

Indeed it is.

We might remind those "error"folks that God declared His finished creation very good and NOT a work in progress.

9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good.

No fish, no birds, no mammals, no humans. So yes, a work in progress. One does not rule out the other, as God shows you in Genesis.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
That alone confirms the theory.


As you learned, theories are never confirmed. They are only ever falsified. The best you can do is have one that has not yet been falsified.

If you could get this right, we could move on to how badly you construe what evolution actually is.

Evolution isn't about "higher" and "lower."

Another misconception. Evolution postulates that all living things are descended from a universal common ancestor, a proposed "simplest life form" that hypothetically sprang from rocks, water and electricity.

That is said to have produced people, the highest form of life by every sensible measure.

Turns out, you're demonstrably wrong.

Cheetahs have so few mutations that you can usually do viable tissue grafts between them. And they are almost certainly on the way to extinction.

Exposing the lie that variation is a good thing. Cheetahs are split from the cat kind, individuals of which had greater genetic integrity. By your own admission — not to mention physical necessity — the ancestors of cheetahs produced them, but they can never produce the equivalent of their ancestors.

Ie, devolution. That's all that ever happens.

Turns out, you confirm the criticisms of your theory on a regular basis. :chuckle:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
When someone says "it's just a theory", it tells you that he has no idea what science is about. Theories are as certain as it gets in science.
Nope. When someone says "it's just a theory," that is in response to yet another Darwinist asserting the primacy of their religion.

Darwinist: Evolution is a fact.
YEC: Nope. It's just a theory.
Darwinist: A theory is :blabla:.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

As you learned, theories are never confirmed. They are only ever falsified.

barbie knows this, but lies about it

artie doesn't understand it at all

Nope. When someone says "it's just a theory," that use in response to another Darwinist asserting the primacy of their religion.

Darwinist: Evolution is a fact.
YEC: Nope. It's just a theory.
Darwinist: A theory is :blabla:.

exactly :thumb:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
A work in progress.

Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.
Genesis 2:1-2 NKJV

Turns out, Barbarian has been caught again picking out a few words that he thinks help his cause while ignoring the story.