I love gay people..


New member
I can imagine what is like to be gay, i have encountered a gaggle of fags. sex is all they think about, gay men anyway. i do not need to "be gay" or "ex-gay" to understand the lifestlye. it's gay.

I don't want to know what you imagine what it is like to be black

The Barbarian

The Catholics want homosexuals in their churches now

Yeah, the Church is for sinners who want to do better. You guys without sin probably wouldn't be comfortable with us.

and they want their priests to be allowed to be open homos.

Nope. They don't ordain homosexuals.


Yes, I love them... don 't LIKE them, but love them.

of course, this is not saying much b/c I don't like anyone (except Ted Cruz, Rand Paul... other R candidates.. and some of the people at FOX)

so anyway, yeh, i love gay people, honestly.

I love them enough to invite them into the Church Christ founded, where they will find forgiveness and absolution for their sins, where they can find eternal life in Heaven.

I hate their sin... but I love them


Do you love them enough to allow them to take up collections or work in the office of your church or are you going to tell them to sit on the pew and don't move.
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New member
I'm not sure if conditional love has any real value. Why do you think it does? Just curious.
Yes, I love them... don 't LIKE them, but love them.

of course, this is not saying much b/c I don't like anyone (except Ted Cruz, Rand Paul... other R candidates.. and some of the people at FOX)

so anyway, yeh, i love gay people, honestly.

I love them enough to invite them into the Church Christ founded, where they will find forgiveness and absolution for their sins, where they can find eternal life in Heaven.

I hate their sin... but I love them

So you hate atheists, agnostics, Democrats, all non-Republican politicians not on TV, all heterosexuals, all people foreign-born, etc. That's a lot of hate for one person.


New member
They don't need your love, they just want to be left alone after they tell you "thanks but no thanks" to your invitation. Do you leave them alone, whether personally or through government interference, after they tell you "no"?

no, I pray for them. And if I meet any, I tell them what they are doing is very wrong and against God.

no wonder Jesus said You will be hated by all

people do not want to give up their sin

sin is addicting



New member
Somehow I doubt you would be thrilled if the same love was offered to you


If some gay person said, "I love you and will continue to love you no matter what until the day you die just b/c you are a human being "

Why... that would be far more than most so called Christians have ever offered to me..

but (sigh).. I doubt that will ever happen.. Humans don't have a clue about real love, whether gay or straight


The Barbarian


If some gay person said, "I love you and will continue to love you no matter what until the day you die just b/c you are a human being "

Why... that would be far more than most so called Christians have ever offered to me..

but (sigh).. I doubt that will ever happen.. Humans don't have a clue about real love, whether gay or straight, ++

Old married people have this. After four or five decades, you know every flaw in your spouse and love every one of them, because your love has become completely unconditional.

A few people here have lived long enough to get this. I wish I knew it when I was younger.


I don't want to know what you imagine what it is like to be black

