I am JesusSavedMe & I'm new to TOL

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John Mortimer

New member
Yes. I didn't think about it until u mentioned the subconscious,but yes I do put up barriers. I feel so insignificant in the scheme of things. But now I'm remembering coming out of my dark days of addiction; Jesus thought enough of me then to save me (it was Not my doing, it was Jesus), so why would He not count me worthy now? He was always there.
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Jesus in Matthew 28:20)

I just lost the spiritual connection that I had back then.
It is SO easy to lose the awareness of that connection for all sorts of reasons but in reality the connection is never lost...
"All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away."
John 6:37

I notice Nang has given you some great thoughts about what you might like to study in the Bible - if I might share my own recommendations, I would say the same books, (the gospels of Matthew and John and then the epistles of John and Romans).

God bless


New member
Hello everyone. My name is Josh; I'm a Roman Catholic; and Jesus did save me from a life of despair. That was roughly 3 years ago. My goal (mission) now is to develop a very personal relationship with Jesus. I go to Mass; I listen; I pray. But my relationship with Jesus, along with my concept OF Him, is very generic. I want to put that generic concept of Jesus- the one that I grew up with- out of my mind in order to get closer to Him.
I'm having trouble and thought that maybe someone could point me in the right direction on my journey to truly know Jesus. Maybe somebody has been in my situation.
Thank u & God bless!

Welcome! You will get a lot of advice here, some of it conflicting. Nang's recommendation is sound - you have to seek for yourself.

However, here is my two cents:

Augustine describes an encounter in his Confessions (perhaps as metaphor or from a vision) with Lady Continence. The insight that he attributes to her is a profound understanding of what it means to be a child of God. He recorder her saying, "Why are you relying on yourself, only to find yourself unreliable? Cast yourself upon him, do not be afraid. He will not withdraw himself so that you fall. Make the leap without anxiety; he will catch you and heal you." Augustine may have assumed that he would fall and perish if he did not cling to the cliff face of the old life, arduously climbing his way to the Savior. However, he discovered through the revelation of this "dignified and chaste" Lady, that it the way to Christ was not in the climb, but in the fall.

Perhaps add 1 John to your initial readings, when you get the time.


New member
Bitter? Do you have reading comprehension skill? If I was bitter, I would let you go straight to hell.

And since you couldn't say that Jesus died for your sin and was raised for your justification, then my guess is you don't believe. Is that the case? If that is the case, you don't have a relationship with him.

:ha: Nick,
Obviously since I said that "I am a Catholic", that means that I'm a Christian; hence the fact that it goes without saying that I've acknowledged, in my heart & soul, that Jesus died for my sins! It's a given. I didn't know that we all had to say it to YOU in order to keep from going to Hell! You are a nutjob! Get a life. And for the LAST time, LEAVE me alone! I didn't join this site to encounter hostility. So keep your insanity to yourself! I'll just ignore you if you don't stop.


New member
Thank you, everyone, for the advice. I have much to take in; much to study; and a lot of praying to do. Thanks!

P.S. What's with all of the negativity from some?


New member
Who has been negative? :idunno:

I wasn't really speaking of this thread; in other categories; other threads. I try to stay out of the political section, but find myself tempted sometimes. I think that is one of my problems. I used to listen to political Talk Radio all day at work. It stressed me out and, I must confess, it has been the breeding ground for some hatred that I held/hold in my heart; hatred towards certain people in politics. I've been listening to music instead, & I've been working on letting go of this hatred.

I have two kids (a 2 year old daughter & a 4 month old son), and I need to lead by example. I don't want to pass hatred & negativity on to them; only love, peace, & respect for all people. Thanks for listening.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I have two kids (a 2 year old daughter & a 4 month old son), and I need to lead by example. I don't want to pass hatred & negativity on to them; only love, peace, & respect for all people. Thanks for listening.

Well, this certainly isn't a place where toddlers should be left unattended. :chuckle:

What do you do if your daughter is rude?


Well-known member
Other than Psalms for worship and Proverbs for nuggets of wisdom I would stick with the New Testament until you get thoroughly grounded in the basics, which btw are listed in Heb. 6:1. The Gospels are central. After getting well grounded in faith and love then dig into the Old Testament as it will aid your understanding. We as Christians live in the New Covenant and the words of that covenant are in the New Testament. I particularly like James.

Also when you read a passage before you quit ask yourself how you can apply what you read to your life and then do it. As you do you will find God coming to your aid in many meaningful and inspirational ways. As a part of being a "doer of the Word, and not a hearer only," (Jms. 1:23) when you are convicted that you are not measuring up to God's standard just take those things to God in confession and ask for his help to change you from the inside out. As you do this you will be AMAZED at what God will do.

And finally, share your faith with others. If you do it in an environment where you might be ridiculed or persecuted you will enjoy an even greater measure of God's love, as long as the ridicule or persecution isn't because of the carnal way in which you shared your faith.

John Mortimer

New member
And finally, share your faith with others.

I have always found this difficult.

I don't know anyone who is remotely interested in my faith, (in my non-internet life that is), for a start, so sharing verbally is just impossible.

The way I conceive of it right now, I turn this into a challenge in regard to my manner of life i.e. my manner of life ought to be the way to "share" my faith with others. Not sure what else I can do on that front.


New member
Well, this certainly isn't a place where toddlers should be left unattended. :chuckle:

What do you do if your daughter is rude?

Huh? Why do u ask what I do if my daughter is rude?
And who said that she was rude?

Is there a reason for your question??
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