How to Preserve Biblical Male-Female Unions by Daniel George, B. Th., Masters College


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ECHAD BASAR (ekh•äd baw•sawr)
- It's time for the followers of Christ to reject the man made INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE
By Daniel George, B. Th., 1994

"The primary goal of all institutions and subcultures is self-preservation. Preserving the faith is central to God's plan for human history; preserving particular religious institutions is not. Do not expect those who run the institutions to be sensitive to the difference. God needs no particular person, church, denomination, creed, or organization to accomplish His purpose. He will make use of those, in all their diversity, who are ready to be used, but will leave to themselves those who labor for their own ends."
​Daniel Taylor - from The Myth of Certainty-The Reflective Christian and the Risk of Commitment

"The Christian is to resist the spirit of the world. But when we say this, we must understand that the world-spirit does not always take the same form. So the Christian must resist the spirit of the world in the form it takes in his own generation. If he does not do this, he is not resisting the spirit of the world at all."
​Francis A. Schaeffer - from The God Who Is There

The two quotes above have been with me since my days at The Master's college back in 1994. Today I fully understand their meaning and their application.

It's time to separate the wheat from the chaff. It's time to draw the line in the sand. It's time for the followers of Christ to be set apart (that's "be holy" for those who speak in Christianese).

The U.S. Supreme Court has redefined the government controlled and church approved Institution of Marriage. I have read just about every article published on the decision, from Franklin Graham to John MacArthur and John Piper and the recurring question they are trying to answer is "Where do Christians go from here?". Everyone offered great spiritual answers, encouraging us to pray and live lives worthy of our calling as followers of Christ, but I couldn't find one practical solution to the new reality we are facing. All acknowledged that persecution will follow and many told us to prepare for God's judgement on America, and a group of black pastors promised civil disobedience. We, the followers of Christ must not be silent. If we still live in a free country, the solution is to free ourselves from the control of man made government and go back to the original decree that God gave in Genesis.

The family is the smallest unit of 'government' established by God (Eph 3:15) and the male-female vow question is to be resolved there, not by the most distant government level (federal or global). The US Constitution has always favored the closest resolution of an issue to those to whom it matters.

Any communication otherwise from our media, educators, government is toward massive, centralized, even global government. The most recent that I know of is the elimination of genders from 'marriage' documents.

What I propose is that we, the followers of Christ, liberate ourselves from the government controlled institution of marriage by replacing our MARRIAGE LICENSE with an ECHAD BASAR PLEDGE (that's Old Testament Hebrew for ONE FLESH) thus recognizing the original, first mention biblical command given by God in Genesis 2:24 and acknowledged by Jesus in the New Testament, in Mark 10:6-8 and Matthew 19:3-6.

"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall be ONE FLESH".
One man, one woman, that was the original design. It's not confusing, it's not open to interpretation because biologically, naturally, physically the parts fit. It is not a metaphor for any "loving relationship", it is literal all the way through, forwards and backwards with the ultimate possible conclusion of new life being created when two are ONE FLESH.

There was no priest, pastor or rabbi necessary. Physical union equaled life long commitment.
Marriage is civil. ECHAD BASAR is Divine. Let's face it, the word marriage has lost all meaning anyway. Prenups, no fault divorce, conscious uncoupling all have redefined the institution of marriage long ago.
If words have meanings and if the meaning of words matter then we can no longer use the word marriage to describe the original union God created. Maybe the problem began when we took the word marriage from the French back in the 1200's.
So let them have the government institution and the parades, we will go back to the original design and be One Flesh. It will solve all the civil and legal problems with bakers, florists, photographers, caterers, county clerks and so on, because the ones that are followers of Christ can simply say we don't do any marriages, we only do ECHAD BASAR PLEDGE ceremonies. Same for pastors and priests who want to honor God's original design. No more asking permission from the government by applying for a license.
I created a Pledge for me and my wife to replace our government issued marriage certificate and anyone of the same mind is more than welcome to print out the template or create your own personal one. Just think about it, next time someone asks you and your wife if you're married you can reply, "no, we are ECHAD BASAR". Sounds much more mysterious and exotic. I guarantee conversation will ensue, Genesis will come up, Jesus will be quoted and seeds will be planted.
So let the rest of the world "marry" their partner, or partners, their pets and their computer, we will be what God designed, what He commanded and what he blesses and what all the counterfeits can never be: ECHAD BASAR - ONE FLESH.
Finally, once again God's people will he holy (that's set apart, for all those who don't speak Christianese). word for one.htm


New member
I actually agree with wht you are saying. We need more people to use their brains like you have done!

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From what I have heard, Daniel has found evangelical pastors unwilling to address the subject.

In my correspondence with him, there was a forceful pre-marital corollary: people who think that 'pre-marital sex' doesn't matter are totally stuck by what this is saying: the sexual consummation is the marriage seal. This bears on the usual debate about why the 10 commands addressed adultery but not other sexual misconduct; they did not need to. It was a sin against a marriage seal.

I'm reminded of the truth of one of those classic church jokes you hear now and then. At the end of a wedding ceremony, the overworked pastor meant to segue to the gathering in the other part of the church and announced:

"Well, thank you all for coming today to witness the vows of Bob and Cheryl; the conception will take place immediately afterwards in the fellowship hall!"


Well-known member
Who's trying to get rid of marriage? :AMR:

The point Stripe, is that if male and female unions are dissolved linguistically you have 'gotten rid of Biblical marriage'.

Likewise, if you have a massive government agency regulate and operate reproduction and childrearing (see the 2012 movie REMEMBER), you have also obliterated that smallest unit of government established by God and moved toward dictatorship.