How the Federal Government Took Control of Public Education

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! We heard that for more than two years and no one was able to produce any evidence that Trump conspired with Russia.
But you continue with the same nonsense because you are a zombie programmed by the Democrat Party.

The real enemy to fear is China, not Russia (whose economy is about the same size as Texas). You know the Chinese Communist Party, who fronted Hunter Biden with over ONE BILLION DOLLARS. You know, FOUR THOUSAND MILLION DOLLARS!

Of course you see nothing improper about that because you have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Oh, zerohedge, well that's just gotta be true then...


"TDS" only applies to those so duped as to not see how much much of an inept embarrassment he is.


like marbles on glass
Oh, zerohedge, well that's just gotta be true then...


"TDS" only applies to those so duped as to not see how much much of an inept embarrassment he is.

One of zerohedge's "Tyler Durden" contributors admitted a few years ago:

"The gig had a certain formula:

'Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry= dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft.'”


like marbles on glass
Interesting how the current fight has its roots in the old fight:

Reading in the book (UNHOLY) about white supremacist ("anti-racist is a code-word for anti-white") and political organizer Robert Whitaker when he worked with conservative Christian parents in the early 70s in Kenawha County WV, as they protested the inclusion of Black authors in textbooks. The protests, according an NEA report, "posed a 'threat to rights that have been newly won: the right of racial and ethnic minority groups to be included in the textbooks,' as well as the right of all students to learn, among other things, that 'the history of the United States is not one long, unblemished record of Christian benevolence and virtue.'"

One of the anti-textbook protestors' objections: "the illustration on the cover of an elementary reading book that featured a white girl holding a bouquet of flowers, presenting them to a black boy so he could smell them. This image of interracial friendship, according to Nell Wood, who had chaired the school board's textbook selection committee, rankled textbook opponents as symbolic of integration, a process that had already taken place in Kanawha County in response to Brown..."

"Throughout the early fall of 1974, after the school board approved the textbooks, the phrase "get the [N word] books out" was heard and seen on graffiti and placards around Charleston. The John Birch Society showed up, as did the Klan, with a cross burning; Nazi insignia were found in vandalized schools..."

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Says the guy who venerates zerohedge as a legitimate "news" source...

Just because you say that it is not a legitimate news source means absolutely nothing. The illegimate news sources are are found in the mainstream press, who lied to the public for two years with their false story that President Trump conspired with Russia.

You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you right between the eyes.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Interesting how the current fight has its roots in the old fight:

Reading in the book (UNHOLY) about white supremacist ("anti-racist is a code-word for anti-white") and political organizer Robert Whitaker when he worked with conservative Christian parents in the early 70s in Kenawha County WV, as they protested the inclusion of Black authors in textbooks.

Does your book say that the very worse racists following the Civil War and for the next hundred years were the southern Democrats?

Or perhaps they conveniently left out those facts?


like marbles on glass
Does your book say that the very worse racists following the Civil War and for the next hundred years were the southern Democrats?

Jerry, it's common knowledge that the southern dems of then have morphed into the GOP of now.

It's also common knowledge that the KKK were Protestant Christians.


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Jerry, it's common knowledge that the southern dems of then have morphed into the GOP of now.

That is not true.

It is the Democrats who are doing everything in their power to deprive the black children in the cities from receiving a decent education. The Dems don't care as witnessed by the efforts to deprive those children of being able to attend charter schools.

President Trump got the First Step Act passed, which made it the first major reduction to federal drug sentences, which helped many blacks who were suffering under the harsh sentences imposed earlier by the Democrats.

He also set up Opportunity Zones, which are in majority black and brown neighborhoods, and provides significant long-term tax benefits for investors who put capital gains into Qualified Opportunity Funds, investment vehicles set up to deploy funds into eligible property and businesses in designated Opportunity Zones.

President Trump also signed a bipartisan bill that will permanently provide more than $250 million a year to the nation’s historically black colleges and universities, along with dozens of other institutions that serve large shares of minority students.

President Trump did more to help the blacks in three years than Obama and Biden did in eight years. Saying that the party of Lincoln is racist is just another lie being spread by the Democrats and it is evident that you are gullible enough to believe those lies, annabenedetti..

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Just because you say that it is not a legitimate news source means absolutely nothing. The illegimate news sources are are found in the mainstream press, who lied to the public for two years with their false story that President Trump conspired with Russia.

You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you right between the eyes.

It isn't, so if you take it seriously then you're in no position to talk about truth or knowing it.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
It isn't, so if you take it seriously then you're in no position to talk about truth or knowing it.

You are the one whom proved to be a fool for believing the reporting of the mainstream press when, for two years, they lied that President Trump conspired with Russia. Who can take you seriously?


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Yeah I guess you didn't read my prior post where I said I went to a Christian high school. I went to Christian schools (Prot and Catholic) for all but about 2 1/2 years of my entire education up to high school graduation.

What (if any) point do you imagine you're making in saying this? Are you saying that you were born with the mindset you exhibit on TOL?