How God Works Today


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Theology Thursday: How God Works Today

This is the show from Thursday May 28th, 2015


Rightly Dividing: Bob explains how God works differently with His people today than He did in the Bible.


Today's Resource: Nicer than God

Enjoy this fast-paced critique of religion where Bob Enyart presents questions such as: When should a Christian lie? Should he ever mock? How about name-calling? Does sarcasm belong in the Christian’s repertoire? How about ridicule? Learn why nice is not in the Bible and how to identify a Nicer-Than-God Christian. If Christians are not supposed to judge, then why does Jesus command us to judge rightly? And if only God will judge, then why does Paul say that we believers will judge the angels, and judge the world? If Jesus logged onto a website forum under a pseudonym, would we recognize Him, or condemn Him? This album communicates well Bob Enyart’s unique style. But, warning, warning, warning, Will Robertson, it is not for the faint of heart.

Available on MP3-CD or MP3 Download
